This article is up over at Family Security Matters, written by Melanie Phillips which details the hypocrisy of British government officials calling for Israel to end its blockade of Gaza. First off, I want to prepare everyone that I won't be surprised to see the Obama administration move more closely to this same position and secondly, I'd like to ask the question, "So what happens if Israel WAS to end the blockade?"
Now, I'm not going to go into the threat of weaponry flooding into Israel if a blockade is lifted - even these British clowns know that will happen, they just don't care. What I want to point out is that these are islamists that we are dealing with in Gaza. In regards to Israel, the Gazans' list of transgressions by the Israelis is endless. So, this is what would happen if the Israelis lift the blockade:
1. The next issue that would be splashed across the world media would be the fact that Israel has closed numerous border crossings in the area and that this has caused the people of Gaza heartache from not reaching relatives and more humanitarian aid - thus, within days of the blockade opening up, you would see the same strategy used on border points that expose Israel to the threats of suicide bombings and other infiltrations by terrorists.
2. Then, we would be witness to a media blast about the vast number of palestinians being held in Israeli prisons. Instead of Hamas leading the charge for the release of thousands of palestinians held in Israeli prisons and jails, we would see news reports from Reuters and AFP about the horrible treatment of the "poor" palestinians held for no reason than just being a palestinian. We would then see clowns like these British islamist-appeasers calling for Israel to reform its incarceration program and demand that Israel release what would be deadly terrorists back into the battlefield.
You get my point. It's never enough for the islamists bordering Israel - you give them an inch, they demand a mile and your throat. So, for a British politician to offer up some sort of Middle East solution by this call for an end to the blockade just shows how much their lily white asses are scared of their own islamist problem in their own backyard.
Now, I'm not going to go into the threat of weaponry flooding into Israel if a blockade is lifted - even these British clowns know that will happen, they just don't care. What I want to point out is that these are islamists that we are dealing with in Gaza. In regards to Israel, the Gazans' list of transgressions by the Israelis is endless. So, this is what would happen if the Israelis lift the blockade:
1. The next issue that would be splashed across the world media would be the fact that Israel has closed numerous border crossings in the area and that this has caused the people of Gaza heartache from not reaching relatives and more humanitarian aid - thus, within days of the blockade opening up, you would see the same strategy used on border points that expose Israel to the threats of suicide bombings and other infiltrations by terrorists.
2. Then, we would be witness to a media blast about the vast number of palestinians being held in Israeli prisons. Instead of Hamas leading the charge for the release of thousands of palestinians held in Israeli prisons and jails, we would see news reports from Reuters and AFP about the horrible treatment of the "poor" palestinians held for no reason than just being a palestinian. We would then see clowns like these British islamist-appeasers calling for Israel to reform its incarceration program and demand that Israel release what would be deadly terrorists back into the battlefield.
You get my point. It's never enough for the islamists bordering Israel - you give them an inch, they demand a mile and your throat. So, for a British politician to offer up some sort of Middle East solution by this call for an end to the blockade just shows how much their lily white asses are scared of their own islamist problem in their own backyard.
The Odious Hypocrisy of British Government Israel-bashers
I have just heard LibDem* deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg (pictured) on the Today programme parroting the line that is now British government policy – that the flotilla episode demonstrates the need for Israel to lift the blockade of Gaza and relieve the humanitarian crisis there. As I said at the end of my post below, David Cameron said much the same thing yesterday.
Let me reiterate points which need to be put, urgently and forcibly, to Cameron and Clegg.
1) There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The markets are full. There are fancy restaurants. An Olympic-size swimming pool was recently opened there. What hardship there is has resulted from the actions taken by the tyrannical Hamas regime which rules Gaza, which recently burned down an UNRWA summer camp for children, for example, and blew up one of Gaza’s restaurants.
2) It is astonishing to call upon Israel to lift its ‘blockade’ of Gaza, since every week Israel allows into Gaza tens of thousands of tons of humanitarian aid. Cameron and Clegg should be asked specifically why they have not called upon Egypt to lift its blockade of Gaza, which had been imposed more rigidly than Israel’s restrictions -- until yesterday, when Egypt temporarily opened its border to fend off attacks from the Arab world during the current hysteria.
3) The only reason for Israel’s ‘blockade’ is to prevent weapons and missiles from being transported into Gaza. Lifting the ‘blockade’ would therefore allow those weapons through. Cameron and Clegg are therefore recommending that Israel take action which would jeopardise its security and lead directly to the deaths of many more Israelis.
4) It is therefore beyond nauseating to hear Clegg intone piously that this would be in Israel’s interests, which he claimed to have at heart. Let us hear no more from Cameron or Clegg about how of course they support Israel’s right to defend itself. That is precisely what they are attempting to remove. In the last two days, the new British government has shown itself hostile to Israel – and thus giving encouragement and strength to the enemies not just of Israel but of Britain itself and the free world. Cameron and Clegg should now be held publicly to account for this most alarming and despicable betrayal of Britain’s moral duty and the national interest.
*LibDem = Liberal Democrats, the left-leaning minority party that has joined the Conservatives in a Coalition government.
The UK is Muslim so what can we expect my friend...
Sigh....guess i'm not ready to throw the towel in yet, WHT.
:Holger Danske
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