Now, take this with a grain of salt as I am taking the names of the 13 Senators who did NOT sign the letter of support from the Senate (that 87 Senators DID sign) for the Israelis in the recent flotilla incident from a forum post over at Hannity - I simply cannot find anything anywhere that lists the names of the 13 Senators via a news media source. The letter, which I have excerpted below, was sent to President Barack Hussein Obama after the ridiculous way in which the Obama administration sat on its hands as the U.N. called for an investigation of the incident. This was the Senate's way of telling Barack Hussein Obama he better change his attitude about Israel and quick ... well, at least it is for the vast majority of the Senators but NOT THESE.
1. Chris Dodd (D) - Connecticut
2. Dan Akaka (D) - Hawaii
3. Tom Harkin (D) - Iowa
4. John Kerry (D) - Massachusetts
5. Jeff Bingaman (D) - New Mexico
6. Tom Udall (D) - New Mexico
7. Jeff Merkley (D) - Oregon
8. Patrick Leahy (D) - Vermont
9. Jim Webb (D) - Virginia
10. Jim Bunning (R) - Kentucky
11. Judd Gregg (R) - New Hampshire
12. Richard Burr (R) - North Carolina
13. Bernie Sanders (I) - Vermont
So there you have the 13 names for the Anti-Semite Hall of Shame. It appears that Vermont and New Mexico share the Anti-Israel State Award as all of their Senators refused to stand with Israel.
If you find your Senator on this list, feel free to contact him and tell him that you are appalled that he would side with Islamic terrorists instead of the closest ally America has in Israel.
What a disgusting collection of embarrassments to this Country.
Here's the copy of the letter sent to President Barack Hussein Obama (from The Hill):
1. Chris Dodd (D) - Connecticut
2. Dan Akaka (D) - Hawaii
3. Tom Harkin (D) - Iowa
4. John Kerry (D) - Massachusetts
5. Jeff Bingaman (D) - New Mexico
6. Tom Udall (D) - New Mexico
7. Jeff Merkley (D) - Oregon
8. Patrick Leahy (D) - Vermont
9. Jim Webb (D) - Virginia
10. Jim Bunning (R) - Kentucky
11. Judd Gregg (R) - New Hampshire
12. Richard Burr (R) - North Carolina
13. Bernie Sanders (I) - Vermont
So there you have the 13 names for the Anti-Semite Hall of Shame. It appears that Vermont and New Mexico share the Anti-Israel State Award as all of their Senators refused to stand with Israel.
If you find your Senator on this list, feel free to contact him and tell him that you are appalled that he would side with Islamic terrorists instead of the closest ally America has in Israel.
What a disgusting collection of embarrassments to this Country.
Here's the copy of the letter sent to President Barack Hussein Obama (from The Hill):
Dear Mr. President:
We write to affirm our support for our strategic partnership with Israel, and encourage you to continue to do so before international organizations such as the United Nations. The United States has traditionally stood with Israel because it is in our national security interest and must continue to do so.
Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East and a vibrant democracy. Israel is also a partner to the United States on military and intelligence issues in this critical region. That is why it is our national interest to support Israel at a moment when Israel faces multiple threats from Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the current regime in Iran. Israel’s opponents have developed clever diplomatic and tactical ploys to challenge its international standing, whether the effort to isolate Israel at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference or the recent effort to breach the naval blockade around Gaza.
We fully support Israel’s right to self-defense. In response to thousands of rocket attacks on Israel from Hamas terrorists in Gaza, Israel took steps to prevent items which could be used to support these attacks from reaching Gaza. Israel’s naval blockade, which is legal under international law, allows Israel to keep dangerous goods from entering Gaza by sea. The intent of the measures is to protect Israel, while allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza.
Late last month when Israel learned that groups operating in Turkey wanted to challenge its blockade of Gaza, Israel made every effort to ensure that the humanitarian aid reached Gaza without needlessly precipitating a confrontation. Israeli forces were able to safely divert five of the six ships challenging the blockade. However, video footage shows that the Israeli commandos who arrived on the sixth ship, which was owned by the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (the IHH), were brutally attacked with iron rods, knives, and broken glass. They were forced to respond to that attack and we regret the loss of life that resulted.
We are deeply concerned about the IHH’s role in this incident and have additional questions about Turkey and any connections to Hamas. The IHH is a member of a group of Muslim charities, the Union of Good, which was designated by the US Treasury Department as a terrorist organization. The Union of Good was created by, and strongly supports Hamas, which has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the US State Department. We recommend that your administration consider whether the IHH should be put on the list of foreign terrorist organizations, after an examination by the intelligence community, the State Department, and the Treasury Department.
We commend the action you took to prevent the adoption of an unfair United Nations Security Council resolution, which would have represented a rush to judgment by the international community. We also deplore the actions of the United Nations Human Rights Council which, once again, singled out Israel. Israel has announced its intention to promptly carry out a thorough investigation of this incident and has the right to determine how its investigation is conducted. In the meantime, we ask you to stand firm in the future at the United Nations Security Council and to use your veto power, if necessary, to prevent any similar biased or one-sided resolutions from passing.
Finally, we believe that this incident should not derail the current proximity talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. We hope that these talks will move quickly to direct negotiations and ultimately, to a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Holger, Dan Akaka is Hawaii not Alaska.
Thanks so much for the connection - the list as I found it didn't specify state so I was rushing to get a state assigned to each.
I appreciate your catching my mistake.
:Holger Danske
although i agree it is disturbing when 13 senators don't sign a letter to the president, we should keep in mind that there may be extenuating circumstances as to why their names aren't on the letter...perhaps they weren't contacted, weren't present when the letter was 'going around'...i'd like to see the reasons WHY the 13 senators didn't sign...maybe some of them were unable to be reached??? just a thought for a media source that calls people traitors and doesn't know for sure if there is a reason they couldn't get their names on the list before it was sent...
Judd Gregg is from New Hampshire, not CT
Mr Fagan, I am a Lutheran. I do not support the Israelis because they are Jewish, I support the Israelis because they are *right*. The evidence overwhelmingly favors the Israeli commandos in this instance, much as it tends to in other instances of the Israelis clashing with Palestinians and their sympathizers. I wouldn't care if they worshiped a seventh-century moon god or the flying spaghetti monster, when someone is the repeated subject of constant unjust abuse they're entirely within their rights to take necessary steps to defend themselves.
Personally, I think the Israelis were being too nice. I would have sank the flotilla and machinegunned the survivors. You have to wonder at the alarming frequency which the Israelis totally fail to produce significant civilian casualties. Their enemies have yet to manifest such a trait.
Thanks for catching Sen. Gregg's state - man, that's two i booted!
Much appreciated - text was amended as well.
:Holger Danske
Anonymous #2,
I see your point but the fact of the matter is - days after the letter was sent, there is NOTHING out there in the media as to who the 13 were that didn't sign it - hell, i had to grab it off a forum comment from someone that saw it at DU - it's my guess that by the time someone in the real media finds out why these 13 didn't sign it, we'll probably have a new President.
So, I've got it out there - it's my guess that a letter leaving the Senate going directly to the President is important enough for every Senator to be aware of it, so if a certain Senator agreed with the letter and didn't get it signed, then perhaps that just shows how ineffective a stateman they are.
:Holger Danske
Wow. Interesting blog. I just stumbled across it because of TF Odin content. A friend of mine from old military flying days is currently in Afghan-land with this unit (now mission-revamped...).
However... I scanned down on the blog and see the "I support Israel" thing... and my first thought is: "Why?"
Just a thought. I highly doubt there is an answer that Holger will give which would satisfy me.
Well, "To each his own."
Then I saw this entry on the "13 senators" or "anti-semites". Yeah...
Scanned a few comments and came across a gem that I had to respond to:
"Schnepp" said:
"when someone is the repeated subject of constant unjust abuse they're entirely within their rights to take necessary steps to defend themselves."
Hmmm. That's...um...
Schnepp, Look up "Deir Yassin". Think about the land before 1947. And the Palestinians' lives there. And look where they've been pushed to now: the Gaza "strip", and what remains of the shrinking "West Bank". I wonder if Schnepp actually drools like a moron because his blindness to what seems to be obvious hypocrisy is mindblowing. The Irgun, the Stern Gang... All Jewish terrorists. But blessed by Schnepp's "God"? Uh-huh...
Sound harsh? Nah. Because the last bit of Schnepp's comment really proved his stupidity (I'm assuming he's not only "Lutheran" but American as well...):
He wrote:
"Personally, I think the Israelis were being too nice. I would have sank the flotilla and machinegunned the survivors."
Schnepp, you're about 43 years too late. The Israelis already did that to a ship off the coast of Palestine. Look up the "USS Liberty". And if you still have a shred of a brain left, perhaps after reading the story of the Liberty you'll understand what veterans like myself think of twats like you. "Peace"
BTW, Holger, seeing Sen. Dodd on your list of "anti-semites" is particularly funny. If you can't figure out why... LOL
Tommy J,
Quite a post there.
I get a kick out of you types - you come on a blog that supports Israel and then roll out all of those lame, well-worn talking points ..."oh, the poor palis had their land stolen from them"..."oh, the Israelis hate America cuz they hit the Liberty"...it's laughable dude.
My support of Israel is simple - it's based on the Holy Bible and and my Faith.
As for your feeble attack on Schnepp, I'll leave it to him to put you in your place, if he feels like it.
I'm assuming you're an islamic terrorist appeaser and would rather see a banner on my site that says "I support Hamas" - well, you won't find that here and I'm wondering if your buddy in Afghanistan appreciates your siding with the guys looking to end his life.
Maybe next time, when you want to talk about the "Palis" - you'll open up some history books instead of reading your talking points at Huffington Post and Stormfront.
:Holger Danske
I must hit on this first:
I've never heard the term "pali" before. Just haven't. It's not a terribly bad word, not like "nigger" for example. Yet, it's odd...a pejorative term like that coming from the mouth of a (I assume) a Christian? Do correct me if I have your religion misidentified. In fact, aren't some "palis" Christian? Oh well...
Holger, I'll respond to "Schnepp" if and when he wishes to respond to my comments. As I said earlier, I didn't think you'd be able to give me an answer regarding your support of the Israelis that would satisfy me (or any true patriotic American). But you have given one I've heard before...
I had thought honestly that you might respond with something more tangible...for why you support that state, but before I get into that let me first address your insinuation that I hope my friend gets "shot down", shall we say, while over there:
No, I'd like him to come back alive. And if the situation is "kill or be killed" to accomplish that, I hope he is quicker than his adversary. Enough said?
But neither he nor the other Americans should be there or in Iraq. We can go into that more if you wish, but I need to address your "reason" for supporting Israel.
As you say, you do it "based on the Holy Bible and [your] Faith."
I see.
And how do you personally feel about raping little girls and killing women and babies? The women being "non-combatants" (...and the babies being...well, babies.)
(I'm against that sort of thing.)
If you can't figure out why I asked that question, then I predict you'll often find yourself rather outgunned in future discourse when you play the "Bible" card.
I notice you did not address what I said about Dodd being accused (by you) of "anti-semitism". I understand that you might see it differently, but more likely it means you don't know Dodd's family "history"... But a quick google and you'll cover this next time, eh?
I see you casually referred to the Liberty attack as a "hit".
Yes. Quite.
No, I don't think the Israelis "hit" the Liberty because they "hate America". If anything, they probably "love" America. The way a farmer "loves" the cows that he milks (and slaughters from time to time.)
Your casual dismissal of the Liberty attack -the killing of 34 Americans- basically shows who YOU side with regarding the lives of US soldiers versus "the guys trying to kill them."
You did touch on it...so I'll follow it up: Yeah, the Palestinians did have their land taken from them by people from somewhere else. The United States began supporting the invading thieves and thus today the original inhabitants are pissed at the invaders and those who give the invaders weapons and support. That aint too hard to figure out, eh?
"Huffington Post and Stormfront", ha ha. That's funny. You know you'd have to toss a coin to figure out which of those two would be more insulted at being mentioned in the same breath with the other.
Take it easy, "dude"
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