Monday, May 3, 2010

Video: LMFAO!!! The Academy Award For Biggest Libtard Nutjob of the Year Goes To....


Rides A Pale Horse said...

Didn't this dumbfuck ever hear of waterproof mascara?? Oh...sorry maybe it's made with OIL.

Worst part is, this imbecile isn't the only one out there.

I couldn't make it past 1/4 of this crap before I started feeling my IQ dropping like a rock.

Boquisucio said...

Someone needs to drill her farther and deeper.

Henry Bowman said...

Boquisucio said...
Someone needs to drill her farther and deeper.

May 3, 2010 1:46 PM


I just PIMP.........

God Save Us

Holger Awakens said...

LOL RAPH - sorry to do that to you IQ but I'm still laughing over this one!

Boq! A CLASSIC my man, as Henry has noticed - that's going up on the wall.

:Holger Danske

Rose said...

Shouldn't cry when you have mascara on - but it does strike me funny that she gets that the oceans play a big role, but has no understanding of its role in - gasp - "global warming!!!' errr, "climate change." Guaranteed.

Sharku said...

"They are killing the planet"..... OMG. A very very long time ago this old earth was completely covered in ice miles thick, it survived that. Then there were massive lava flows that killed 99 percent of all life on earth (the Permian Extinction), but the old earth survived that. Three times the Yosemite Caldera went off, the old earth survived that. Then there was the rock that took out the dinosaurs, the old earth survived that too. This oil spill while massive.... ain't shit to old mother earth. Someday something will happen that will clear us out, but guess what, the old earth will survive that one too.