Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Video: The Dumbest Human Being Alive In America


Kirly said...

obama's stash comes from illegal aliens who work and pass the money to the government? omg. there are no words to describe the stupid!

Henry Bowman said...

....and the scariest thing is that she votes......

God Save US.............

Sharku said...

This is what our education dollars buys. Stupid is expensive.

berkeley bum said...

God bless Michael and all the conservative hosts who give these fools rope enough to expose themselves.

lessISbes said...

...and realize, folks, that these are the poor buffoons that this is administration is slanting the table toward. Once again, it is NOT about compassion, it is about creating a voting majority of the "beholding to the gov't (daddy)" to seize and hold power FOREVER. Someone suggested: then why don't we who work & pay simply leave & form our own county elsewhere? Why should we have to?...We formed & bought this one! TALK IT UP TO EVERYONE YOU COME INTO CONTACT WITH: WE MUST TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY THIS NOVEMBER...or it is OVER!