Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Video: Democrat Socialist Running Against Michele Bachmann Calls Bachmann a "Devil In a Blue Dress"

By the way, for those unfamiliar, this Dem's name is Tarryl Clark - she was a paid political lobbyist before her stint in the Minnesota legislature. She doesn't like to talk about her career as a lobbyist. Feel free to identify her at every opportunity as a Lobbyist from here on out. :)


Anonymous said...

Michele Bachmann is bat-shit crazy. I thought Minnesotans were blessed with uncommon common sense, how does this dingbat get reelected?

Holger Awakens said...


I'll tell you what bat-shit crazy is - a state that elects a guy to the Senate whose only purpose in running was to go impeach Bush - but then he realized that Bush was gone before he got to D.C.

Or bat-shit crazy is a Tarryl Clark who has drained every Minnesotan of every spare dollar they have so she can move on to D.C. to ensure that ALL Americans see their last dime go to taxes.

Let's more piece of bat-shit about electing a man to Congress that works for Hamas and Nation of Islam?

Michele Bachmann speaks about people keeping more of their own money so they can make the decisions that best serve their families...the only bat-shit crazy here is you Honky, because you're so insecure in your own ability to survive in this "cruel, cruel world" that you're willing to let a millionaire politician in Washington D.C. decide when you need an MRI or whether you can eat that Big Mac.

:Holger Danske