Monday, April 26, 2010

Once Again, Monday Is Day of Death For Taliban In North Waziristan, U.S. Predator Strike Kills 5

Believe me, Monday is not my favorite day of the week but if there is a silver lining is the fact that it is apparently the favorite day for U.S. UAV operators to kill the shit out of Taliban and al Qaeda in North Waziristan and today was no exception as a predator drone strike this morning killed 5 Taliban jihadis. And this comes just two days after a wave of predator drones killed 7 Taliban/al Qaeda in North Waziristan.

Most of you know the drill after these two strikes...we'll have to wait a couple of days to find out if the strikes got any high level Taliban or al Qaeda leaders so be patient. One thing I found odd in the report excerpted below is a reference to "militants have cordoned off the area" - that, to me, is encourgaging in that it may point to the fact that someone of importance was taken out in this strike. Let's hope so.

Unfortunately, last week we saw a real lull in the number of UAV strikes in NW Pakistan so hopefully, this week we will see an upswing in the number of strikes and the number of dead Taliwhackers.

Story is from DAWN.

Five killed in North Waziristan drone strike

MIRAMSHAH: Three missiles fired by US drone aircraft struck a militant compound in Pakistan's North Waziristan region near the Afghan border on Monday, killing five militants, intelligence officials said.
The strike took place about 24 km (15 miles) east of Miramshah, the main town in North Waziristan, known as a hotbed of Taliban and al Qaeda militants, they said.

“We have got confirmed reports of five dead but the number could be higher,” said a Pakistani intelligence official in the region, who declined to be identified.

Another official said militants had cordoned off the area.

It was the second attack by pilotless US aircraft in the area in the past two days. Seven militants were killed in a similar strike on Saturday.

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