Sunday, April 18, 2010

Geithner Tells 'Meet The Press' That Economy Is Growing Faster Than Obama Expected!

Good news! It's over, baby! The recession is over! Barack Hussein Obama indeed IS the miracle worker! The American economy is growing like a patch of kudzu! In fact, we might just have to put the brakes on the economy because if it keeps growing at this pace, we might run out of labor here in America!

From Breitbart:

Geithner says economy growing faster than expected

WASHINGTON (AP) - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says the economy is growing faster than the Obama administration expected.
He tells NBC's "Meet the Press" that the country is on the way to sustained job creation. But he acknowledges that unemployment may remain high, close to 10 percent.
Geithner says there's more confidence in the business world, and he says the private sector is growing. He also says people are spending more.
He said he sees encouraging signs that should make Americans confident the country will emerge stronger.

1 comment:

Lysol said...

I wonder if Timmy forget to pay his taxes again?

So 17% real unemployment is a recovery? A national debt that costs every man, woman and child in America $40,000 is a recovery?

Oh, and his former employer Goldman Sucks just got nailed with a $1 billion dollar fraud charge(the first of many).

Yah, Timmy we believe you.