Belgium is on the verge of becoming the first country in Europe to ban the burka. The burka is the face veil that is required in many Islamic countries and has long been considered one of the tools of women's oppression under Islam and shariah law. The burka has come under attack as it prohibits the ability to identify the person who is wearing it. In Islam, women must be covered from head to toe from the prying eyes of men. In many Islamic countries, women are prohibited from going out in public unless they are completely covered up wearing a burka and hajib. Hopefully Belgium will not be the last European country to do ban the burka. I would not be at all surprised to see Muslim protests erupt over this and become violent. Just look what a few cartoons did to upset muslims a few years ago.
Belgium moves to become first European country to ban the burka., Belgium is on the verge of becoming the first European nation to ban the burka.
A parliamentary committee agreed yesterday to outlaw the wearing of face-covering veils in public. The full Parliament will vote later this month.
Under the proposals, women could face a week in prison or a fine for wearing a veil in public.
There are an estimated 650,000 Muslims in Belgium – 6 per cent of the population.
The text of the new law does not specifically mention burkas but makes it illegal for anyone to wear clothing ‘that covers all or most of the face’ in any public place.
Left-wing MP Denis Ducarme left no doubt the rules were targeting-Muslim extremists.
He said after the vote by the home affairs committee: ‘This sends a very strong signal to radical Islamists.’
The French- speaking liberals who have proposed the law argue that an inability to identify people presents a security risk and that the veil is a ‘walking prison’ for women.
Daniel Bacquelaine, the bill’s chief promoter, said the ban might also be used against potentially violent demonstrators who covered their faces.
He estimated that only a few hundred women in Belgium wore facial veils,
but said it was a rising trend.
The MP said Belgium did not wish to follow the ‘bad examples’ of Britain and the Netherlands, where he said many Muslims lived in separate communities.
The proposal is expected to become law as early as June as it has the support of all five parties in the coalition government. But opponents may appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.
There have been debates over banning the burka in France, Switzerland and Italy.
This week France’s highest administrative body said a full burka ban, which is supported by all political parties, could violate the French constitution and European law.
Brussels has been linked to Islamic extremist terror operations a number of times since September 11. In 2003, 18 men were convicted of involvement in a terror cell with links to Al Qaeda.
Cross posted from Patriot's Corner
he is said to dwell in the castle of Kronborg, his beard grown down to the floor, and to sleep there until some date when Denmark is in mortal danger, at which time he will rise up and deliver the nation
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Indonesian Islamic Organization Declares That Marrying a Six Year Old Girl Is Just Fine!

A guy couldn't make this shit up, if he tried...and just to prove it isn't made up, it's right here from the article at Family Security Matters which describes that an islamic organization in Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), has cleared the way for muslim men to marry girls as young as six years old.
Hold on to your chair, folks....from the article:
I don't know. Are these the "moderate" muslims that so many people want to point out are in the majority? I mean, a lot of Liberals and Communists are quick to say that only a small number of islamists are out blowing up buildings or other people and the rest, apparently like these slovenly pedophiles, are the moderate majority.
We have the following snapshots into Islam:
1. Islamic terrorists strike death upon the inhabitants of the Earth, every single day of every year of every decade of every century
2. Muslims subordinate, torture, kill and mutilate their women
3. And now, it's been approved for pre-pubescent girls to be made into sex toys and wives
I'm sorry, I can't wrap my head around this. I just can't. And this is the "religion" that seeks to take over America? This is the "religion" that is protected by hate crime legislation? My drawing of a cartoon depicting Mo as a dog is considered a hate crime but a 35 year old muslim male fucking a six year old girl is protected?
Insanity. A blight on the earth. Straight from Hell.
Hold on to your chair, folks....from the article:
One of the world’s largest Islamic organizations has issued a religious ruling stating that Muslims should feel free to marry prepubescent girls as young as six or seven. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) further ruled that Muslim men may have intimate relationships, including intercourse, with such young children “as long as they are able.”
I don't know. Are these the "moderate" muslims that so many people want to point out are in the majority? I mean, a lot of Liberals and Communists are quick to say that only a small number of islamists are out blowing up buildings or other people and the rest, apparently like these slovenly pedophiles, are the moderate majority.
We have the following snapshots into Islam:
1. Islamic terrorists strike death upon the inhabitants of the Earth, every single day of every year of every decade of every century
2. Muslims subordinate, torture, kill and mutilate their women
3. And now, it's been approved for pre-pubescent girls to be made into sex toys and wives
I'm sorry, I can't wrap my head around this. I just can't. And this is the "religion" that seeks to take over America? This is the "religion" that is protected by hate crime legislation? My drawing of a cartoon depicting Mo as a dog is considered a hate crime but a 35 year old muslim male fucking a six year old girl is protected?
Insanity. A blight on the earth. Straight from Hell.
Exclusive: Leading Islamic Organization in Indonesia Sanctions Pedophilia
One of the world’s largest Islamic organizations has issued a religious ruling stating that Muslims should feel free to marry prepubescent girls as young as six or seven. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) further ruled that Muslim men may have intimate relationships, including intercourse, with such young children “as long as they are able.”
The organization boasts a membership of 30 million throughout Indonesia, including Java, where President Barack Obama lived with his mother and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. Mr. Soetoro, who served as an army geologist and government relations consultant in Jakarta, reportedly remained a member of NU until his death of liver cancer in 1981.
Cholil Nafis, NU’s secretary of the committee for religious issues, made the announcement sanctioning pedophilia at the conclusion of the organization’s 32nd Congress. Sacred Islamic verses, Mr. Nafis said, do not stipulate a minimum age for a young girl to marry or a certain age for connubial sexual activity. “They can get married at any age, even girls who haven’t started menstruating,” he announced. “And they can have intimate relationships and intercourse, as long as they are able.”
Nafis also said Islamic law suggested only that marriages would be better after a woman had her first period. “As long as the objectives of the marriage are positive, it is allowed,” Mr. Cholil continued. “Mind you, we don’t encourage people just to get married to fulfill their desires, no.”
The edict drew immediate criticism from Komnas Perempuan (KP), the National Commission on Violence Against Women in Jakarta. KP Vice Chairwoman Masruchah said the edict violates the Law on Child Protection, which defines children as being younger than 18 years old. Girls can begin to have their periods as early as the age of 9, but their reproductive system is still fragile and they are “not ready to be a sexually active person,” Ms. Masruchah told the press.
Christian singled out for wearing crucifix to work in England
The persecution of Christians continues around the world. While no one was beaten, tortured or killed in this story, it just proves how Islam and Muslims get a 'free pass' when true religions are persecuted and trampled. What a minute, you say? Islam is not a 'true' religion? No, in my opinion, it is not. It is an ideology based on a foundation of perversion, persecution, intimidation and death. This is jihad carried out by those who Islam hopes to conquer. The very state that takes in Islam and Muslims ends up being the target of the global movement of Islam to be the one and only 'religion' ideology around the world. Enough is enough. I hope this woman is successful in lawsuit against her employer. If they did not hire Muslims or allow Islamic immigration then these problems would not occur. Just a thought...
Christian nurse says NHS 'persecuted' her faith and favours Muslims employees
Laura Roberts, Shirley Chaplin, who has worn her cross every day for 30 years, said she felt that Muslim members of staff were treated with greater understanding when it came to outward symbols of their religion.
The 54 year-old was banned from working on hospital wards by Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Trust after she failed to hide the cross she wore on a necklace chain. She is now suing her hospital employers.
"I feel upset and persecuted. My belief is genuine and I am here to bear witness to that." She claimed that Muslim staff were allowed to wear headscarves as a "commitment to their faith and it is just accepted as they way they are".
The grandmother stressed that she had "no particular dislike" of Muslims but said they were the only other religious diversity within the Trust and they were "not asked to give witness about their faith".
"I believe it is discrimination," Mrs Chaplin claimed.
The Trust said they made a number of attempts to reach a solution including wearing clip-on crucifix earrings.
Mrs Chaplin, a nurse since 1978, said: "I felt the Trust was trying to humiliate me" adding that a badge clipped on her uniform would have been a safer option than clip on earrings.
Mrs Chaplin said the crucifix which she was given as a Confirmation gift, 'stays on my body'.
When one member of the three-man tribunal panel asked Mrs Chaplin about the cost of the protracted case to her emotionally, financially and to her health, she replied: "They are persecuting my faith. I am not sure what point they are trying to make."
She told tribunal Judge John Hollow that the cross and chain were a traditional way of wearing the crucifix and a crucifix alone on a lapel would not be satisfactory.
She said: "I want my clinical role back. My desire is to carry on working on wards as a nurse which has been taken from my until you decide what my future will be." Mr Hollow said at 54 years of age she still had a lot of skills to offer.
Mrs Chaplin is backed in her battle by six bishops, who claim Christians are being persecuted in Britain.
The six bishops who back the nurse - and Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury – wrote to The Sunday Telegraph to offer their support.
They said: “It would seem that the NHS trust would rather lose the skills of an experienced nurse and divert scarce resources to fighting a legal case, instead of treating patients.
“This dedicated nurse… has worn the cross every day since confirmation as a sign of her Christian faith, a faith which led to her vocation in nursing.”
A spokesman for Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust said: "The Trust made its position clear at the beginning of the tribunal and it would be inappropriate to make a running commentary on some of the key issues before we have articulated our case at the hearing."
The tribunal continues.
Cross posted from Patriot's Corner
Christian nurse says NHS 'persecuted' her faith and favours Muslims employees
Laura Roberts, Shirley Chaplin, who has worn her cross every day for 30 years, said she felt that Muslim members of staff were treated with greater understanding when it came to outward symbols of their religion.
The 54 year-old was banned from working on hospital wards by Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Trust after she failed to hide the cross she wore on a necklace chain. She is now suing her hospital employers.
"I feel upset and persecuted. My belief is genuine and I am here to bear witness to that." She claimed that Muslim staff were allowed to wear headscarves as a "commitment to their faith and it is just accepted as they way they are".
The grandmother stressed that she had "no particular dislike" of Muslims but said they were the only other religious diversity within the Trust and they were "not asked to give witness about their faith".
"I believe it is discrimination," Mrs Chaplin claimed.
The Trust said they made a number of attempts to reach a solution including wearing clip-on crucifix earrings.
Mrs Chaplin, a nurse since 1978, said: "I felt the Trust was trying to humiliate me" adding that a badge clipped on her uniform would have been a safer option than clip on earrings.
Mrs Chaplin said the crucifix which she was given as a Confirmation gift, 'stays on my body'.
When one member of the three-man tribunal panel asked Mrs Chaplin about the cost of the protracted case to her emotionally, financially and to her health, she replied: "They are persecuting my faith. I am not sure what point they are trying to make."
She told tribunal Judge John Hollow that the cross and chain were a traditional way of wearing the crucifix and a crucifix alone on a lapel would not be satisfactory.
She said: "I want my clinical role back. My desire is to carry on working on wards as a nurse which has been taken from my until you decide what my future will be." Mr Hollow said at 54 years of age she still had a lot of skills to offer.
Mrs Chaplin is backed in her battle by six bishops, who claim Christians are being persecuted in Britain.
The six bishops who back the nurse - and Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury – wrote to The Sunday Telegraph to offer their support.
They said: “It would seem that the NHS trust would rather lose the skills of an experienced nurse and divert scarce resources to fighting a legal case, instead of treating patients.
“This dedicated nurse… has worn the cross every day since confirmation as a sign of her Christian faith, a faith which led to her vocation in nursing.”
A spokesman for Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust said: "The Trust made its position clear at the beginning of the tribunal and it would be inappropriate to make a running commentary on some of the key issues before we have articulated our case at the hearing."
The tribunal continues.
Cross posted from Patriot's Corner
Russia Hit By New Islamic Terror Attack In South, Two Suicide Car Bombers Strike

This is breaking stuff as I could only find three articles up on it. This is the report from Yahoo News. The Russians apparently have a war on their hands and major problems with the zombies of Mo.
New suicide blasts kill 12 in southern Russia
MAKHACHKALA, Russia – Two suicide bombers including one impersonating a police officer killed 12 people in southern Russia on Wednesday, two days after deadly suicide bombings blamed on the region's militants tore through the Moscow subway system.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Wednesday's blasts in the province of Dagestan may have been organized by the same militants who attacked the Moscow subway.
"I don't rule out that this is one and the same gang," Putin was quoted by Russian news agencies as saying at Cabinet meeting. The powerful former president previously vowed to "drag out of the sewer" the terrorists who carried out the Moscow attacks, which killed 39 and injured scores more.
Bombings and other attacks occur almost daily in Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia, provinces in Russia's North Caucasus region where government forces are struggling against a separatist Islamist insurgency.
The Moscow subway bombings were the first suicide attacks in the Russian capital in six years and shocked a country that had grown accustomed to such violence being confined to its restive southern corner. Those attacks followed a recent warning from an Islamic militant leader that the militants would bring their struggle to the heart of Russia.
On Wednesday, a suicide bomber detonated explosives when police tried to stop the bomber's car in the town of Kizlyar near Dagestan's border with Chechnya, Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev said in televised comments.
"Traffic police followed the car and almost caught up — at that time the blast hit," Nurgaliyev said.
As investigators and residents gathered around the scene of the blast, a second bomber wearing a police uniform approached and set off explosives, killing the town's police chief among others, Nurgaliyev said.
Nine police were among the dead from both blasts, and at least 23 other people were injured, authorities said. A school and police station nearby were also damaged.
Grainy cell phone video footage posted on the news portal showed the moment of the second blast, with officials wandering past a destroyed building before a loud clap rings out and smoke rises in the distance.
Police and security services are a frequent target in part because they represent the Kremlin — the militants' ideological enemy — but also because of their heavy-handed tactics. Police have been accused of involvement in many killings, kidnappings and beatings in the region, further alienating residents.
In January in Makhachkala, Dagestan's capital, a suicide bomber blew up an explosives-packed car at a police station, killing six officers, and in August, 24 died and more than 200 were injured when a man crashed a bomb-laden van into the police station in Nazran, Ingushetia.
The violence has continued despite Kremlin efforts to stem it. President Dmitry Medvedev, who recently said the militants had spread through the North Caucasus "like a cancerous tumor," this year appointed a deputy prime minister to oversee the troubled region and address the root causes of terrorism, including dire poverty and corruption.
Rebels from the North Caucasus were accused of masterminding the Moscow attack, but no claims of responsibility have been made. Speculation has been rife that the attacks were retaliation for the recent police killings of high-profile militants in the North Caucasus.
Monday's subway bombings, carried out by two women, were the first terrorist attacks in Moscow since 2004.
The first blast struck the Lubyanka station in central Moscow, beneath the headquarters of the Federal Security Service or FSB, the KGB's main successor agency. The FSB is a symbol of power under Putin, a former KGB officer who headed the agency before his election as president in 2000.
About 45 minutes later, a second blast hit the Park Kultury station on the same subway line, which is near the renowned Gorky Park. In both cases, the bombs were detonated as the trains pulled into the stations and the doors were opening.
Chechnyan terroists,
Islamic Terror,
U.S. Drones Hit Taliban Safe House In North Waziristan...It's Not So Safe Anymore, 6 Killed

Yesssss! A nice midweek predator drone strike by the U.S. in North Waziristan in NW Pakistan has hit a Taliban safe house and the end result is six fewer Taliban walking the Earth.
From the report at The Long War Journal:
The U.S. has been keeping up fairly consistently with an average of 3 predator drone attacks per week in NW Pakistan with North Waziristan being hit by far the most in the past two months. And as this article states, the Pakistani military continues to apply more pressure to the Taliban in Orakzai agency - I'm still waiting for the Pakistani military to announce a full operation for North Waziristan, much like they did in South Waziristan. A North Waziristan operation would be laid with pitfalls for government troops but at the same time, it still leads the pack for the landing area for Taliban.
From the report at The Long War Journal:
The US struck a Taliban safe house in the lawless tribal agency of North Waziristan as the Pakistani military continues to target the Taliban in nearby Arakzai.
At least three missiles were reported to have been fired from an unmanned Predator or Reaper on a compound known to house Taliban fighters in the village of Tapi, near Miramshah, the main town in North Waziristan.
"A US drone attack targeted a compound owned by Zamir Khan, a local tribesman, and used by militants," a Pakistani security official said, according to The News. "Two missiles were fired." A second unmanned strike aircraft fired a third missile into the compound shortly after the first attack, a Pakistani official said.
Six terrorists were reported killed in the two missile strikes, but no senior Taliban or al Qaeda fighters have been identified as being among those killed.
Tapi is a known haven for the Haqqani Network, the Taliban group that operates in eastern Afghanistan. The Haqqani Network has close ties to al Qaeda; Siraj Haqqani, the group's military commander, sits on al Qaeda's top shura, and the network trains and utilizes suicide bombers for attacks in Afghanistan.
The U.S. has been keeping up fairly consistently with an average of 3 predator drone attacks per week in NW Pakistan with North Waziristan being hit by far the most in the past two months. And as this article states, the Pakistani military continues to apply more pressure to the Taliban in Orakzai agency - I'm still waiting for the Pakistani military to announce a full operation for North Waziristan, much like they did in South Waziristan. A North Waziristan operation would be laid with pitfalls for government troops but at the same time, it still leads the pack for the landing area for Taliban.
US strikes kill 6 in North Waziristan
The US struck a Taliban safe house in the lawless tribal agency of North Waziristan as the Pakistani military continues to target the Taliban in nearby Arakzai.
At least three missiles were reported to have been fired from an unmanned Predator or Reaper on a compound known to house Taliban fighters in the village of Tapi, near Miramshah, the main town in North Waziristan.
"A US drone attack targeted a compound owned by Zamir Khan, a local tribesman, and used by militants," a Pakistani security official said, according to The News. "Two missiles were fired." A second unmanned strike aircraft fired a third missile into the compound shortly after the first attack, a Pakistani official said.
Six terrorists were reported killed in the two missile strikes, but no senior Taliban or al Qaeda fighters have been identified as being among those killed.
Tapi is a known haven for the Haqqani Network, the Taliban group that operates in eastern Afghanistan. The Haqqani Network has close ties to al Qaeda; Siraj Haqqani, the group's military commander, sits on al Qaeda's top shura, and the network trains and utilizes suicide bombers for attacks in Afghanistan.
The US last struck in Tapi on Feb. 17. That attack killed Sheikh Mansoor, a commander in al Qaeda's Lashkar al Zil, or Shadow Army. Mansoor was based in North Waziristan but carried out attacks against US and Afghan forces across the border in Afghanistan.
The latest US strike in Pakistan puts the March total at nine. Since the air campaign heated up in August of 2008, the US has averaged between five and seven strikes a month.
So far this year, the US has carried out 26 strikes in Pakistan; all of the strikes have taken place in North Waziristan. In 2009, the US carried out 53 strikes in Pakistan; and in 2008, the US carried out 36 strikes in the country. [For up-to-date charts on the US air campaign in Pakistan, see: Charting the data for US airstrikes in Pakistan, 2004 - 2010.]
Unmanned US Predator and Reaper strike aircraft have been pounding Taliban and al Qaeda hideouts in North Waziristan over the past several months in an effort to kill senior terror leaders and disrupt the networks that threaten Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the West. [For more information, see LWJ report, "Senior al Qaeda and Taliban leaders killed in US airstrikes in Pakistan, 2004 - 2010."]
Most recently, on March 8, a US strike in a bazaar in Miramshah killed a top al Qaeda operative known as Sadam Hussein Al Hussami. Hussami was a protégé of Abu Khabab al Masri, al Qaeda's top bomb maker and WMD chief, who was killed in a US airstrike in July 2008. Hussami was a senior member of al Qaeda's external operations network, and was on a council that advised the suicide bomber who carried out the attack at Combat Outpost Chapman in Khost, Afghanistan. That attack killed seven CIA officials and a Jordanian intelligence officer. The slain intelligence operatives had been involved in gathering intelligence for the hunt for al Qaeda and Taliban leaders along the Afghan-Pakistani border.
In the neighboring tribal agency of Arakzai, the Pakistani military continues its air offensive against Taliban groups operating there. The military claimed that 35 Taliban fighters were killed in the latest round of helicopter strikes against Taliban bunkers and safe houses in the tribal agency.
Since the fighting began on March 21, the military has claimed that more than 150 Taliban fighters have been killed. Nonetheless, the Taliban have still massed for several attacks against the paramilitary Frontier Corps units operating in Arakzai.
Over the weekend, more than 100 Taliban fighters launched an assault on a Frontier Corps outpost and overran it, killing a lieutenant colonel and four troops. The military retook the outpost after a several-hour-long battle. A day later, the Taliban massed to attack another outpost, but the attack was repelled.
On several occasions over the past year, the Pakistani military has claimed to have restored order in regions in Arakzai, but the Taliban have retaken control after security forces have withdrawn.
The military has also launched limited operations in neighboring Khyber and Kurram. The Taliban still control large regions in these two tribal areas, and remain in full control of North Waziristan.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Muslim Woman, Angry About Husband Getting Wife #2, Is Sentenced To Death For Killing 57 In Rampage

Boy I tell ya, this islam is a fascinating ideology to cover sometimes. Granted, most days it's all about counting body parts and watching the pain and horror inflicted upon the world by this ideology of hate and insecurity but today, we got a glimpse into just how messed up it can get at a more human level.
Let me just set the stage - a Kuwaiti muslim woman, whose husband was holding a wedding party for him and new new wife, that's wife #2 (which of course is entirely legal and accepted in islam) decided she didn't want to be second fiddle to the camel jockey husband so she set fire to the wedding party tent that was set up for the bride and all of the women and children at the wedding. Well, the fire got a little too big, too fast and 57 women and children perished in the fire. And now, the woman that set the fire has been sentenced to death (there's no mention if it will be death by wedding party tent fire).
Here's some of the details from the article at the Telegraph:
It's my guess that the bride groom just didn't spend enough time discussing this with wife #1...LOL.
One other thing I'd like to add - isn't this typical of islamists? I mean, the woman is pissed off but instead of getting a gun and killing wife #2 or even husband #1, she goes "jihadi" and commits an act of terrorism where 57 people die! I tell ya, it's in the blood!
Let me just set the stage - a Kuwaiti muslim woman, whose husband was holding a wedding party for him and new new wife, that's wife #2 (which of course is entirely legal and accepted in islam) decided she didn't want to be second fiddle to the camel jockey husband so she set fire to the wedding party tent that was set up for the bride and all of the women and children at the wedding. Well, the fire got a little too big, too fast and 57 women and children perished in the fire. And now, the woman that set the fire has been sentenced to death (there's no mention if it will be death by wedding party tent fire).
Here's some of the details from the article at the Telegraph:
A Kuwaiti woman has been sentenced to death for starting a fire that killed 57 women and children at the wedding party of her husband who married another wife.
Judge Adel al-Sager read out the verdict against Nasra Yussef Mohammed al-Enezi, 23, at the court of first instance. The sentence will have to be upheld by the appeals court.
The woman was found guilty of "premeditated murder and starting a fire with the intent to kill."
She was initially believed to be the groom's former wife but defence lawyers said she was still his wife, as men are allowed to have more than one wife in this Muslim state.
It's my guess that the bride groom just didn't spend enough time discussing this with wife #1...LOL.
One other thing I'd like to add - isn't this typical of islamists? I mean, the woman is pissed off but instead of getting a gun and killing wife #2 or even husband #1, she goes "jihadi" and commits an act of terrorism where 57 people die! I tell ya, it's in the blood!
Scorned wife sentenced to death for killing 57 at husband's wedding
A Kuwaiti woman has been sentenced to death for starting a fire that killed 57 women and children at the wedding party of her husband who married another wife.
Judge Adel al-Sager read out the verdict against Nasra Yussef Mohammed al-Enezi, 23, at the court of first instance. The sentence will have to be upheld by the appeals court.
The woman was found guilty of "premeditated murder and starting a fire with the intent to kill."
The August 15 inferno engulfed the women-and-children-only tent in minutes and triggered a stampede.
Enezi had denied the charges. Her defence lawyers alleged at the time that Enezi was two months pregnant when arrested and was forced to have an abortion by a prison guard with the help of an Asian nurse.
Enezi was arrested on August 16, a day after 41 women and children died in the fire inside the wedding tent in Jahra, west of Kuwait City. The death toll later rose to 57.
She was initially believed to be the groom's former wife but defence lawyers said she was still his wife, as men are allowed to have more than one wife in this Muslim state.
Enezi and the man have two children, both of whom are mentally handicapped.
The Truth Behind The Battle of Wanat

Perhaps you have heard about the outrageous move by the U.S. Army to hand out official letters of reprimand to the three Army officers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team involved in the Battle of Wanat in Afghanistan in 2008. One of those officers, Capt. Matthew Myer can now add an official letter of reprimand to the Silver Cross he earned that day - ridiculous!
Well folks, let the truth of that day in Wanat be told. If you do anything today, go to the following link and listen to the Blog Talk Radio show that aired last night that dug into the truth of this battle. You will hear first hand accounts of the Battle of Wanat from SSG Ryan Pitts along with SGT Michael Denton - they are interviewed masterfully by Jim Hanson (Uncle Jimbo of BlackFive). I cannot implore you enough to listen to this broadcast from last night. I have excerpted a story on the letters of reprimand below from
A special thanks go to Yankeemom and Twana for putting on the BTR show.
A special thanks go to Yankeemom and Twana for putting on the BTR show.
Here's the link to the Blog Talk Radio show:
Silver Star Recipient Reprimanded for WanatThree Army officers who were members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team have received letters of reprimand for decisions made before the deadly Battle of Wanat, including one officer who received a Silver Star for his actions that day, according to a report by CBS News.
CBS News identifies Silver Star recipient Capt. Matthew Myer, a company commander -- and the senior officer on site for most of the battle -- as one of the officers to be reprimanded. ABC News identified the other two officers as Col. Bill Ostlund, a former battalion commander, and Col. "Chip" Preysler, the former brigade commander.
The men were reportedly reprimanded for failing to prepare adequate defenses in the days before the assault. ABC News quoted an unnamed military official as saying the reprimands are "essentially career-enders."
Nine brigade Soldiers were killed in the battle, which took place on July 13, 2008.
Fewer than 50 U.S. Soldiers, most of them members of Company C, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, were attacked while they were establishing a new base. The enemy force, which held the higher ground, was estimated to outnumber the Americans 4 to 1.
The American force -- aided by a contingent of Afghan Soldiers, American air support and additional troops from the battalion who rushed to the battle scene -- eventually fought off their attackers and inflicted heavy casualties.
Myer was one of more than a dozen Soldiers awarded a Silver Star for his actions that day. Even more Soldiers received Bronze Stars with Valor.
Ostlund, who was a lieutenant colonel at the time of the attack, is now deputy commander of the 75th Ranger Regiment. Preysler is currently based at the Pentagon.
Battle of Wanat,
US Army,
War in Afghanistan
The Islamic Terrorists' Newest Weapon: Female Suicide Bombers

With the bombing of the Moscow subways by two female suicide bombers, it's a good time to look at a great article from The Investigative Project on Terrorism that touches on the history of islamic terrorists using women as walking bombs and how this weapon looks to be one of the most effective in the future.
The Growing Threat from Female Suicide Bombers
Two women believed to be Chechen rebels blew themselves up in Moscow's metro during morning rush hour Monday, killing at least 35 people and injuring 100 more.
Law enforcement officials in Washington and New York beefed up security in their respective subway systems in response.
The attacks at Lubyanka and Park Kultyty stations come on the heels of a recent threat assessment issued by the Office of Intelligence and Operations Coordination at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency.
The Investigative Project has reviewed the sensitive, but unclassified, assessment, Female Suicide Bombers, which puts the attacks in Russia in the context of a broader threat. Referencing open source reporting, the primary finding of the threat assessment is that:
"al Qa'ida terror cells have trained a group of female suicide bombers to attack Western targets including airlines. These women may have a non Arab appearance and may be traveling on Western passports."
These "bombshells" are part of an evolving terrorist threat challenging U.S. law enforcement to reassess not only the physical and psychological characteristics of terrorists but also the methods available for concealing explosives.
As the report details, while the Moscow bombing is the most recent, it falls into a long line of attacks by female suicide bombers. "Since 1985, there have been in excess of 262 women suicide bombers," it says.
The first known female suicide bomber may have been 16 year old Sana'a Youcef Mehaidli, a member of the secular Syrian Social Nationalist Party. On April 9, 1985, Mehaidli drove an explosive laden truck into an Israeli Defense Force convoy, killing two soldiers and injuring another two.
On May 21, 1991, Thenmozhi Rajaratnam a female militant with the Tamil Tigers, carried out a suicide bombing which resulted in the assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Of interest, the Tamil Tigers have used more female suicide bombers than any other militant group.
In July 1996, the Kurdistan Workers Party, utilizing a female suicide bomber, attacked a military parade marching through the eastern town of Tunceli, Turkey. As Turkish soldiers were walking by, an apparently pregnant woman stepped from the crowd, revealed that she was carrying a bomb and not a baby under her dress, and detonated it, killing nine and injuring 20 others.
Between 2000 and 2004, female Chechen rebels, known as "Black Widows" repeatedly attacked Russian military targets on subways, at concerts and on airlines. For example, two women, dressed head-to-toe in black, carried out an attack on an annual music festival in July 2003, killing 14 people. Both bombers tried to enter the concert but were denied entry, and instead detonated the explosives at the venue's entrance.
On May 1, 2008, a female suicide bomber from al Qaida in Iraq blew herself up at a wedding reception in Baghdad. The bomber, imitating pregnancy, detonated the explosives while members of the passing wedding party played music and danced.
A November 2008 attack in Baghdad which left five people dead and 17 wounded was carried out by a female suicide bomber outside the green zone in Baghdad. The attack occurred as people were waiting to go through a security checkpoint.
In February of 2010, a female suicide bomber walking among Shiite pilgrims in Baghdad detonated an explosive belt, killing at least 54 people and wounding more than 122. The bomber hid the explosives underneath an abaya, and detonated the bomb while waiting with other women to be searched by female security guards.
Reviewing these and other cases, the Office of Intelligence and Operations Coordination, identified the following commonalities among female suicide bombers:
The majority of female suicide bombers are young, primarily between the ages of 17 and 24, however, the overall range in age for female suicide bombers is from 15-64.
Female suicide bombers come from various educational, religious, social, and personal backgrounds.
Education places a role, with the "more educated" females such as lawyers, paramedics, or students accounting for the greatest percentage of suicide attacks.
Most tend to be of average economic status and are rarely impoverished.
Some may be "dishonored" through sexual indiscretion, or unable to produce children.
Some appear motivated by revenge or grief from losing husbands or children.
While their socioeconomic background and motivations may vary, one thing is clear. Terrorist groups have been more than happy to welcome female militants into the fold. Both Osama bin Laden and Egyptian radical cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi have endorsed the recruitment of women to attack U.S. and Western interests. Even Hamas, which initially forbade the use of female operatives, sponsored female suicide attacks, acknowledging females suicide bombers as fellow martyrs.
Female Terrorists Pose New Obstacles
With female suicide bombers becoming more and more common, it is important to realize that not only will females have different - or possibly greater - access to particular locations, but they will be able to conceal bombs in different ways. As the threat assessment explains:
"[T]he continued use of female suicide bombers indicates that terrorists judge this tactic as effective in increasing defenses and thwarting security measures, referring to the advantage that female suicide bombers have over male counterparts in their ability to conceal explosives as well as their capacity to approach their targets with less scrutiny."
Nowhere are these benefits clearer than in a recent story detailing how terrorists could use exploding breast implants to blow of airplanes.
In the past, terrorist groups primarily utilized many of the same mechanisms that were available for male suicide bombers. As the threat assessment demonstrates, explosive devices concealed on women in the past had the following characteristics:
A simple toggle or push button switch commonly used to complete the electronic circuit. If the individual was hesitant, the device could be triggered remotely allowing an experienced cadre to retain control until the desired detonation time.
Included shrapnel, such as nails, glass, fragments, marbles, or other small metal pieces. In many suicide attacks, the dispersal of fragments is the primary mechanism that causes death.
Closely attacked to the body by use of a vest or belt. Explosives have also been concealed in a backpack or pocket book.
But now, terrorist groups are taking advantage of the "benefits" of using women to carry explosives. A recent news account revealed that MI5 discovered that doctors have trained at Britain's leading hospitals and have returned to their own countries to fit individuals with surgical implants filled with explosives. Reportedly, al Qa'ida has already experimented with placing PETN in plastic bags and surgically implanting them in female's breasts to give the impression they have undergone breast augmentation.
Monday's attack in Moscow wasn't the first example of female suicide bombers, and as the threat assessment reveals, it is not likely to be the last. U.S. law enforcement officials recognize that the deadly tactic one day may make its way to America.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Surprise! Stealth jihad in American charter schools. No wait, it must be the Jews.
While many Americans will be surprised by reading the following article, many who tread here and other counter jihadist sites are not surprised at all. Please make a note of the following:” A secretive foreign network of Islamic radicals now operates dozens of charter schools -- which receive government money but are not required to adopt a state-approved curriculum -- on U.S. soil." Got that one? These Islamic based schools receive government funding (my tax money and yours!)to run Islamic schools based on Turkish doctrine. Wait, isn't Turkey a moderate, secular state? Not even close. Turkey has rapidly been moving towards becoming a complete Islamic state that will soon follow shariah law. I just posted a great article on how and why Turkey has NOT been our friend or ally for quite some time, no matter what the mullah obamaham and the hajib clad Clinton think or try to tell us how wonderful Turkey is. This is a classic example of stealth jihad. From American Thinker
Islamist Gülen Movement Runs U.S. Charter Schools
By Stephen Schwartz
A secretive foreign network of Islamic radicals now operates dozens of charter schools -- which receive government money but are not required to adopt a state-approved curriculum -- on U.S. soil. The inspirer of this conspiratorial effort is Fethullah Gülen, who directs a major Islamist movement in Turkey and the Turkish Diaspora but lives in the United States. He is number thirteen among the world's "50 most influential Muslims," according to one prominent listing.
Gülen has been criticized as the puppet master for the current Turkish government headed by the "soft Islamist" Justice and Development Party, known by its Turkish initials as the AKP, in its slow-motion showdown with the secularist Turkish military. But Gülen is also known in Muslim countries for his network of 500-700 Islamic schools around the world, according to differing sources favorable to his movement. A more critical view of Gülen's emphasis on education asserts that his international network of thousands of primary and secondary schools, universities, and student residences is a key element in solidifying an Islamist political agenda in Turkey.
But in startling news for Americans, the Gülen movement operates more than 85 primary and secondary schools on our soil. A roster of the Gülen schools and of the numerous foundations that support them has been released to the public by the patriotic group Act! for America. The Gülen schools are often designated as "science academies" and are concentrated in Texas, Ohio, and California -- with others scattered across the rest of the country.
Two states that host Gülen charter schools are Arizona and Utah. In the former, the Daisy Education Corporation (the Gülen movement loves friendly-sounding institutional names) operates three schools in Tucson: one serving kindergarten through the eighth grade, another designated as an elementary school, and a middle-high school, all under the rubric of the Sonoran Science Academy. In Phoenix, it runs a satellite kindergarten-to-10th-grade campus with the same name.
The appearance of Gülen charter schools in Tucson has produced critical attention in local media. The Tucson Weekly published a report at the end of 2009 noting that the Sonoran Science Academy in the southern Arizona town had been named "charter school of the year" by the Arizona Charter School Association. But writer Tim Vanderpool reported that according to one dismayed parent, who declined identification while pointing out the Gülen movement's history of intimidating critics, "the Sonoran Academy seems constantly to be bringing Turkish educators into the United States, and subjecting students to substitute teachers while the teachers await work visas."
Continue reading
Cross posted from Patriot's Corner
Islamist Gülen Movement Runs U.S. Charter Schools
By Stephen Schwartz
A secretive foreign network of Islamic radicals now operates dozens of charter schools -- which receive government money but are not required to adopt a state-approved curriculum -- on U.S. soil. The inspirer of this conspiratorial effort is Fethullah Gülen, who directs a major Islamist movement in Turkey and the Turkish Diaspora but lives in the United States. He is number thirteen among the world's "50 most influential Muslims," according to one prominent listing.
Gülen has been criticized as the puppet master for the current Turkish government headed by the "soft Islamist" Justice and Development Party, known by its Turkish initials as the AKP, in its slow-motion showdown with the secularist Turkish military. But Gülen is also known in Muslim countries for his network of 500-700 Islamic schools around the world, according to differing sources favorable to his movement. A more critical view of Gülen's emphasis on education asserts that his international network of thousands of primary and secondary schools, universities, and student residences is a key element in solidifying an Islamist political agenda in Turkey.
But in startling news for Americans, the Gülen movement operates more than 85 primary and secondary schools on our soil. A roster of the Gülen schools and of the numerous foundations that support them has been released to the public by the patriotic group Act! for America. The Gülen schools are often designated as "science academies" and are concentrated in Texas, Ohio, and California -- with others scattered across the rest of the country.
Two states that host Gülen charter schools are Arizona and Utah. In the former, the Daisy Education Corporation (the Gülen movement loves friendly-sounding institutional names) operates three schools in Tucson: one serving kindergarten through the eighth grade, another designated as an elementary school, and a middle-high school, all under the rubric of the Sonoran Science Academy. In Phoenix, it runs a satellite kindergarten-to-10th-grade campus with the same name.
The appearance of Gülen charter schools in Tucson has produced critical attention in local media. The Tucson Weekly published a report at the end of 2009 noting that the Sonoran Science Academy in the southern Arizona town had been named "charter school of the year" by the Arizona Charter School Association. But writer Tim Vanderpool reported that according to one dismayed parent, who declined identification while pointing out the Gülen movement's history of intimidating critics, "the Sonoran Academy seems constantly to be bringing Turkish educators into the United States, and subjecting students to substitute teachers while the teachers await work visas."
Continue reading
Cross posted from Patriot's Corner
Russia's Putin: We Will Destroy Those Responsible

I mentioned below in comments on the Moscow subway bombing aftermath video that I wouldn't want to be a muzzie in Moscow about this time - I should add that I wouldn't want to be anyone in Chechnya right now, either.
Russian leader Vladimir Putin today promised that those involved in the subway bombing "will be destroyed." From the article at DEBKA:
Russian leader Vladimir Putin today promised that those involved in the subway bombing "will be destroyed." From the article at DEBKA:
Putin: We will destroy those responsible for Moscow Metro bomb blasts
Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin promises the attackers responsible for setting off explosions at two Moscow subway stations early Monday, killing at least 37 people and injuring scores, "will be destroyed."
Two female suicide bombers hit the two central Moscow underground rail stations in coordinated attacks during the early Monday rush hour of March 29. The first exploded in the second car of the train at the Lubyanka station near the Kremlin and the Federal Security Services headquarters, killing 25 people on the train and the platform. Thirty minutes later, the second blast killed 12 at the Kultury Park station near the famous Gorky Park. The bombers are said to have triggered blasts of 2-3 kilos strapped to their bodies. North Caucasian al Qaeda affiliate, powerful among Islamist rebels, is believed responsible.Half a million people were in the stations when the blasts occurred. Russian security has shut down the Moscow subway system, one of the busiest in the world through which 5.5 million commuters travel daily. Terror alert was declared in central Moscow.Foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman sent the Russian government condolences on the loss of life in a terror attack on behalf of the Israeli government.
In Feb. 2004, a major attack on a train at Moscow Metro killed 39 people.
Has Anyone Else Noticed That Hillary Clinton Has Been A Complete Bitch, Lately?

Give me a break. Hillary Clinton, fresh off her desecration of America's relationship with Israel, has moved on to completely pissing off our neighbor to the North, Canada when today she bitched out the Canadians for leaving scandinavian countries off the list for an Arctic region conference.
From the article at Breitbart:
You know, Hillary, your little charade here is pretty transparent. Although I'd like to believe that your recent bouts of bitchiness on the world stage is due to the fact that your husband is back tomcatting around and due to the stress of that you've bloated up to a record high weight and thus you've decided to take your personal affairs mess and make the world pay for it, the real reason is this - you are punishing every conservative leader in the world. And I'm sure you've been given those marching orders by your boss, the King of Communism.
Hillary, you and your Marxist guru in the White House have decided that your goal is to get Netanyahu replaced in Israel - that will solve the problem of a hard-nosed conservative leader in the middle of Obama's plans to hand the Middle East over to terrorists and now, you've set your sites on Canada's Stephen Harper. Well, bitch, I'm not sure you are aware of who you are picking fights with. First off, Bibi Netanyahu gets to stare down an assassination attempt on his life every single fucking day so the wife of a former President isn't going to scare him much. And in case you forgot, Stephen Harper in Canada went toe to toe with the Liberal horde in Canada and the Canadian Leftist leader, blinked and limped off...resigning from the government.
I never thought I'd see the day that I'd be rooting for other countries to kick our Secretary of State's ass. But I am now. Stupid bitch.
From the article at Breitbart:
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton criticized Canada Monday for not inviting all those with legitimate interests in the Arctic to a meeting about the region.
In her prepared remarks for an Arctic Coastal state meeting, Clinton said she had been contacted by representatives of indigenous groups who were disappointed they were not invited and that Sweden, Finland and Iceland—the three Arctic States not represented—had similar concerns.
You know, Hillary, your little charade here is pretty transparent. Although I'd like to believe that your recent bouts of bitchiness on the world stage is due to the fact that your husband is back tomcatting around and due to the stress of that you've bloated up to a record high weight and thus you've decided to take your personal affairs mess and make the world pay for it, the real reason is this - you are punishing every conservative leader in the world. And I'm sure you've been given those marching orders by your boss, the King of Communism.
Hillary, you and your Marxist guru in the White House have decided that your goal is to get Netanyahu replaced in Israel - that will solve the problem of a hard-nosed conservative leader in the middle of Obama's plans to hand the Middle East over to terrorists and now, you've set your sites on Canada's Stephen Harper. Well, bitch, I'm not sure you are aware of who you are picking fights with. First off, Bibi Netanyahu gets to stare down an assassination attempt on his life every single fucking day so the wife of a former President isn't going to scare him much. And in case you forgot, Stephen Harper in Canada went toe to toe with the Liberal horde in Canada and the Canadian Leftist leader, blinked and limped off...resigning from the government.
I never thought I'd see the day that I'd be rooting for other countries to kick our Secretary of State's ass. But I am now. Stupid bitch.
Clinton rebukes Canada on Arctic meeting
CHELSEA, Quebec (AP) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton criticized Canada Monday for not inviting all those with legitimate interests in the Arctic to a meeting about the region.
In her prepared remarks for an Arctic Coastal state meeting, Clinton said she had been contacted by representatives of indigenous groups who were disappointed they were not invited and that Sweden, Finland and Iceland—the three Arctic States not represented—had similar concerns.
"Significant international discussions on Arctic issues should include those who have legitimate interests in the region. And I hope the Arctic will always showcase our ability to work together, not create new divisions," Clinton said.
In what appeared to be a further measure of her displeasure, Clinton did not attend the group news conference following the meeting.
Although the goal of the gathering was to improve Arctic cooperation, just the U.S., Canada, Russia, Denmark and Norway were invited.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has made the Arctic a priority since taking office in 2006, pledging to increase Canada's military presence in the Northwest Passage in case enough ice melts to make it a regular Atlantic-Pacific shipping lane. Canada says it owns the passage. The U.S. and others say it's international territory.
Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere on Monday urged countries to lower the tension and rhetoric around the Arctic in an in effort to promote greater cooperation.
Stoere, too, was not pleased that some countries were excluded.
"It's not a good thing that the three who are not here are unhappy about it," he told reporters.
Russia, Canada, the U.S., and Denmark all have claims before a U.N. commission to extend their undersea boundaries into ice-blocked areas, and Moscow dramatically staked its claim to the region by planting a flag on the ocean floor at the North Pole in 2007.
Climate change is altering the Arctic geography by melting ice and creating open waterways, and with them new access to a bonanza of minerals, petroleum and polar shipping routes.
The meeting is taking place before a summit of foreign ministers from the Group of Eight nations.
Hillary Clinton,
United States
Video: Raw Footage of Moscow Subway 1 Minute After Bombing
Pretty orderly and subdued crowd. I wouldn't want to be a muzzie in Moscow right now.
Next Year In Jerusalem!
By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle
Next Year In Jerusalem are the words that have ended each and every Passover sedar for the last 2000 years. It is in good times, a simple wish to have one sedar in ones life in the city of Jerusalem. In times of pogroms, and horror it was a prayer to The All Mighty, Blessed Be He, to redeem them to Israel, to Freedom as He did in the days of our bondage in Egypt.
To Barack Hussein Obama they are words that need to be changed:
Pharaoh Obama President Obama demanded that Israel turn over the Old City to the Arabs as a goodwill gesture. Benjamin Netanyahu sent a little gesture back. There is no way, no how, no even understanding that will ever mean the purposeful destruction of Jewish homes, schools, synagogues, and even the Kotel.
Yet Pharaoh will not listen. He has harden his heart towards Israel, he has forgotten the words he spoke to the Children of Israel at the AIPAC Conference in 2008:
Just the behavior one would expect from the disciple of Jeremiah Wright! And guess who was visiting recently:
Louis Farrakhan and family

I wonder what he asked Pharaoh for? To run the Death Camps?
Look his old neighbor who was just another guy on the block (Strange neighborhood. Housing a known domestic terrorist couple.) Yes Bill Ayers is back!
I thought he didn't know him very well.
And of course the Good Reverend is back:
Didn't Pharaoh break with Wright's church? I guess not!
I wonder if he promised him the looting of Jewish property for his own gain.
Tonight when Obama and his kapos will make a mockery of the sacred meal while Pharaoh is planning how to destroy the Jews of Israel.
Next Year In Jerusalem are the words that have ended each and every Passover sedar for the last 2000 years. It is in good times, a simple wish to have one sedar in ones life in the city of Jerusalem. In times of pogroms, and horror it was a prayer to The All Mighty, Blessed Be He, to redeem them to Israel, to Freedom as He did in the days of our bondage in Egypt.
To Barack Hussein Obama they are words that need to be changed:
March 23, 2010 By The Associated Press Shana Habbab (AP White House Correspondent)Last summer
(AP) — An unidentified Israeli official has confirmed that private discussions between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu included a strong request from the President that the upcoming Passover holiday not include the familiar refrain of “next year in Jerusalem”, citing the passage as provocative and unhelpful for future peace talks.
The Administration suggested replacing it with “next year in peace” or “next year in Israel”, but leaving the final wording up to both the Israelis and Palestinians.
Netanyahu is said to have balked at the request, indicating that the refrain dates back well before the UN Partition of 1947. The Prime Minister reportedly attempted to diffuse the situation by noting that the declaration lacks any political significance, adding that most people living outside of Israel just “say the words without having a real desire to live anywhere in Jerusalem.” He further explained that, “at most, they would like to come for the Passover holiday, but only staying at one of the hotels located in western part of the city.”
Yet Pharaoh will not listen. He has harden his heart towards Israel, he has forgotten the words he spoke to the Children of Israel at the AIPAC Conference in 2008:
Let me be clear. Israel's security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable. The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive, and that allows them to prosper — but any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognized and defensible borders. Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.Oh how he lied! He lied when he said that he would prevent Iran from developing nukes:
Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton expressed concern Sunday that Washington was coming to terms with a nuclear Iran.Ah yes, the old stand-by: BLAME THE JEWS FOR EVERY PROBLEM!
“I very much worry the Obama administration is willing to accept a nuclear Iran, that's why there's this extraordinary pressure on Israel not to attack in Iran,” Bolton told Army Radio.
The former envoy claimed that this pressure was the focus of last week's meetings in Washington between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyhau and US officials, including President Barack Obama.
Bolton said that the Obama administration had embraced the view, prevalent in Europe, that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was the key to the resolution of all other conflicts throughout the Middle East, including the Iranian conflict.
Just the behavior one would expect from the disciple of Jeremiah Wright! And guess who was visiting recently:
Louis Farrakhan and family

I wonder what he asked Pharaoh for? To run the Death Camps?
Look his old neighbor who was just another guy on the block (Strange neighborhood. Housing a known domestic terrorist couple.) Yes Bill Ayers is back!
I thought he didn't know him very well.
And of course the Good Reverend is back:
Didn't Pharaoh break with Wright's church? I guess not!
I wonder if he promised him the looting of Jewish property for his own gain.
Tonight when Obama and his kapos will make a mockery of the sacred meal while Pharaoh is planning how to destroy the Jews of Israel.
Barack Hussein Obama,
US Foreign Policy
A Tale of Two Polls On the War In Afghanistan

I found this interesting and I know it won't be a shocker to any of you who, even intermittently, follow the main stream media. I was reviewing two separate polls done of the American people in regards to the War in Afghanistan and even though these polls were taken only 12 days apart, it is amazing to me how the two spin the results.
The first poll is from USA Today/Gallup and wanted to stress how unpopular the War in Afghanistan is.
The second poll is from The Washington Post/ABC News and this one seeked to make President Barack Hussein Obama seem as popular as it could.
Let's take a look at the first poll from USA Today/Gallup:
Now, let's see how the Washington Post/ABC News poll seeks to make Obama look good:
So, after viewing this, I hope more people can see exactly what the MSM did to President Bush in regards to the Iraq War during his presidency...and what they subsequently did to our troops fighting bravely in that war.
One other note...just yesterday I had the misfortune of sitting through the broadcast of The Chris Matthews Show and his little roundtable discussion with the MSM's top Leftist spin artists and after viewing about 20 minutes of that slop, I just shook my head and wondered how anyone with an IQ over 50 could consider it "journalism." The MSM has become nothing more than a Ministry of Propaganda and quite frankly, it's gone beyond even that. The MSM is literally a paid advertisement for the Liberal movement in America.
I'll leave you with a question. If NBC News had run just one in-depth expose' in 2008 of Barack Hussein Obama's "missing" Columbia University transcripts, if ABC News had done one segment on Obama's voting record on abortion, if CBS News had done just one report on Obama's Communist childhood mentor, and if MSNBC had reported on the true relationship between Barack Hussein Obama and Bill Ayers, would the results of the 2008 Presidential election have been different?
The first poll is from USA Today/Gallup and wanted to stress how unpopular the War in Afghanistan is.
The second poll is from The Washington Post/ABC News and this one seeked to make President Barack Hussein Obama seem as popular as it could.
Let's take a look at the first poll from USA Today/Gallup:
Poll: More view Afghan war as 'mistake'
American support for the war in Afghanistan has ebbed to a new low, as attacks on U.S. troops and their allies have hit record levels and commanders are pleading for reinforcements, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows.
In the poll taken Saturday and Sunday, 42% of respondents said the United States made "a mistake" in sending military forces to Afghanistan, up from 30% in February. That's the highest mark since the poll first asked the question in November 2001 when the U.S.-led invasion ousted the Taliban government that sheltered al-Qaeda terrorists responsible for the 9/11 terror attacks.
Now, let's see how the Washington Post/ABC News poll seeks to make Obama look good:
The president's ratings on Afghanistan
With Barack Obama making his first trip to Afghanistan as president, a Washington Post poll finds the issue to be one of his strongest. It stands as the only issue tested on which his handling merits majority approval and more strong approval than disapproval.
Afghanistan is also an issue where the president is buoyed by cross-party support, but dragged somewhat by less enthusiastic support in his base.
Overall, 53 percent of those polled approve of the way Obama is dealing with the situation in Afghanistan; 35 percent disapprove. Among independents, exactly half give the president positive marks, and 35 percent negative.
So, after viewing this, I hope more people can see exactly what the MSM did to President Bush in regards to the Iraq War during his presidency...and what they subsequently did to our troops fighting bravely in that war.
One other note...just yesterday I had the misfortune of sitting through the broadcast of The Chris Matthews Show and his little roundtable discussion with the MSM's top Leftist spin artists and after viewing about 20 minutes of that slop, I just shook my head and wondered how anyone with an IQ over 50 could consider it "journalism." The MSM has become nothing more than a Ministry of Propaganda and quite frankly, it's gone beyond even that. The MSM is literally a paid advertisement for the Liberal movement in America.
I'll leave you with a question. If NBC News had run just one in-depth expose' in 2008 of Barack Hussein Obama's "missing" Columbia University transcripts, if ABC News had done one segment on Obama's voting record on abortion, if CBS News had done just one report on Obama's Communist childhood mentor, and if MSNBC had reported on the true relationship between Barack Hussein Obama and Bill Ayers, would the results of the 2008 Presidential election have been different?
Marxist Obama Administration Unleashes The FBI On America's Militias

Okay, most of you, by now, have seen the "story" out that the FBI cracked down on an extremist fringe militia in Michigan yesterday. From the story at Yahoo News:
But here's the rub people...from the same article:
Get that? The fact of the matter is that the FBI swarmed militia members in not just two Michigan counties but in five U.S. states - Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana, and Illinois. If you read up a bit on this so-called "Hutaree" militia, there is no way in hell that this group spanned across five states.
What we are looking at here, people, is a focused first element of a strategy by the Marxist dictator of this land, one Barack Hussein Obama, to take out the most armed and prepared opposition to his takeover of America. Okay, I know I'm gonna be called a kook over this post but as most of you know, I don't give a rat's ass about any label put on me.
Do any of you think it's just a "coincidence" that a mere few days passes by after the MSM blitzes us all with headlines of right wing extremist threats against Congressmen and Congresswomen following the healthcare vote? Do any of you think it is a "coincidence" that these raids by the FBI came down in five states AT THE SAME EXACT TIME? And do any of you think it is a "coincidence" that these raids, these arrests of U.S. citizens came at the very moment that Barack Hussein Obama had surprisingly jetted off to an unplanned visit to Afghanistan?
Okay, prediction time. This is just the beginning people. First prediction is that once the dust settles here after these first raids, the FBI along with the Department of Justice, will reveal some very "disturbing" information that was gathered in the raids that implicates a wider plot of attacks in America by other militia groups. That should come out in the next few days.
Second prediction is that by the end of this week, there will be more raids, in more states - supposedly called for due to the intel gathered in the first wave of raids.
Third prediction will be that we will see a Red Alert sounded across the militia network of America within the next 10 to 14 days.
It is my firm belief that Barack Hussein Obama has plans for the most revolutionary legislative action at the Federal level that has ever been witnessed in this Country. And he must have this legislation passed by the November elections and yes, I am insinuating that some of this legislation will indeed affect the November election process.
For most of my regular readers, you will agree that I am no alarmist, I am no conspiracy theorist. But the hairs on the back of my neck are up over this act by the Federal government yesterday. This doesn't smell fishy - it smells like a rotting corpse.
One last thing - I will welcome 100 comments in two weeks from now poking fun at me for being the boy that called wolf - believe me, I will relish being called out...because if this all happens, it will signal the most dire situation this country has ever faced. I do so hope I am wrong.
The FBI said Sunday that agents conducted weekend raids in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio and arrested at least three people, and a militia leader in Michigan said the target of at least one of the raids was a Christian militia group.
But here's the rub people...from the same article:
FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said there had been activity in two southeast Michigan counties near the Ohio state line. She wouldn't say whether they were tied to the raids in the other states.
Get that? The fact of the matter is that the FBI swarmed militia members in not just two Michigan counties but in five U.S. states - Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana, and Illinois. If you read up a bit on this so-called "Hutaree" militia, there is no way in hell that this group spanned across five states.
What we are looking at here, people, is a focused first element of a strategy by the Marxist dictator of this land, one Barack Hussein Obama, to take out the most armed and prepared opposition to his takeover of America. Okay, I know I'm gonna be called a kook over this post but as most of you know, I don't give a rat's ass about any label put on me.
Do any of you think it's just a "coincidence" that a mere few days passes by after the MSM blitzes us all with headlines of right wing extremist threats against Congressmen and Congresswomen following the healthcare vote? Do any of you think it is a "coincidence" that these raids by the FBI came down in five states AT THE SAME EXACT TIME? And do any of you think it is a "coincidence" that these raids, these arrests of U.S. citizens came at the very moment that Barack Hussein Obama had surprisingly jetted off to an unplanned visit to Afghanistan?
Okay, prediction time. This is just the beginning people. First prediction is that once the dust settles here after these first raids, the FBI along with the Department of Justice, will reveal some very "disturbing" information that was gathered in the raids that implicates a wider plot of attacks in America by other militia groups. That should come out in the next few days.
Second prediction is that by the end of this week, there will be more raids, in more states - supposedly called for due to the intel gathered in the first wave of raids.
Third prediction will be that we will see a Red Alert sounded across the militia network of America within the next 10 to 14 days.
It is my firm belief that Barack Hussein Obama has plans for the most revolutionary legislative action at the Federal level that has ever been witnessed in this Country. And he must have this legislation passed by the November elections and yes, I am insinuating that some of this legislation will indeed affect the November election process.
For most of my regular readers, you will agree that I am no alarmist, I am no conspiracy theorist. But the hairs on the back of my neck are up over this act by the Federal government yesterday. This doesn't smell fishy - it smells like a rotting corpse.
One last thing - I will welcome 100 comments in two weeks from now poking fun at me for being the boy that called wolf - believe me, I will relish being called out...because if this all happens, it will signal the most dire situation this country has ever faced. I do so hope I am wrong.
Official: Gun charges after FBI raids in Midwest
ADRIAN, Mich. – The FBI said Sunday that agents conducted weekend raids in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio and arrested at least three people, and a militia leader in Michigan said the target of at least one of the raids was a Christian militia group.
Federal warrants were sealed, but a federal law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity said some of those arrested face gun charges and officials are pursuing other suspects.
FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said there had been activity in two southeast Michigan counties near the Ohio state line. She wouldn't say whether they were tied to the raids in the other states.
FBI spokesman Scott Wilson in Cleveland said agents arrested two people Saturday after raids in two towns in Ohio. A third arrest was made in northeast Illinois on Sunday, a day after a raid took place just over the border in northwest Indiana.
George Ponce, 18, who works at a pizzeria next door to a home raided in Hammond, Ind., said he and a few co-workers stepped outside for a break Saturday night and saw a swarm of law enforcement.
"I heard a yell, 'Get back inside!' and saw a squad member pointing a rifle at us," Ponce said. "They told us the bomb squad was going in, sweeping the house looking for bombs."
He said another agent was in the bushes near the house, and law enforcement vehicles were "all over." He estimated that agents took more than two dozen guns from the house.
Michael Lackomar, a spokesman for the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia, said one of his team leaders got a frantic phone call Saturday evening from members of Hutaree, a Christian militia group, who said their property in southwest Michigan was being raided by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
"They said they were under attack by the ATF and wanted a place to hide," Lackomar said. "My team leader said, 'no thanks.' "
The team leader was cooperating with the FBI on Sunday, Lackomar said. He said SMVM wasn't affiliated with Hutaree, which states on its Web site to be "prepared to defend all those who belong to Christ and save those who aren't."
"We believe that one day, as prophecy says, there will be an Anti-Christ," the group's Web site said. "Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment.
An e-mail sent to the group by The Associated Press wasn't returned Sunday, and phone numbers for the group's leadership were not immediately available. Berchtold, the FBI spokeswoman in Michigan, said she couldn't confirm if the raids were connected to Hutaree.
Lackomar said none of the raids focused on his group. Lackomar said about eight to 10 members of Hutaree trained with SMVM twice in the past three years. SMVM holds monthly training sessions focusing on survival training and shooting practice, Lackomar said.
In Michigan, police swarmed a rural, wooded property around 7 p.m. Saturday outside Adrian, about 70 miles southwest of Detroit, said Evelyn Reitz, who lives about a half-mile away. She said several police cars, with lights flashing, were still there Sunday evening and 15 to 20 officers were stationed in the area.
Neighbor Jane Cattell said she came home from the movies Saturday night and a helicopter was circling above, its spotlight illuminating her house. She and her sister, Sarah Holtz, wouldn't say who lived in the home but said they knew them from riding their horses past their house.
"They're your average, nice neighbors," Holtz said.
There were rumors about ties to a militia, but Holtz she knew nothing of that from her interaction with them.
One of the raids in Ohio occurred at Bayshore Estates, a trailer park in Sandusky, a small city on Lake Erie between Toledo and Cleveland, park manager Terry Mills said. Authorities blocked off the street for about an hour Saturday night, he said.
"Needless to say, this has everyone talking," said Mills, 62. "We have a lot of retirees here who don't want all this commotion."
Mills said he didn't know the identity of the person arrested.
FBI agents in Ohio also made an arrest in Huron on Saturday night, Wilson said. No further information would be released until after they appeared in court Monday, he said.
Explosions rock Moscow subway. Over 40 dead, so far..
I was going to post something else but this just came in and I have been away for a few hours. China Confidential has a great report and looks a bit into the not so distant past in regard to Russia's battle with terrorism and Islamic terrorists.
Explosions rock Moscow subway, terrorism suspected.
Death toll in explosion at Moscow's central Lubyanka metro station rises to 25--TASS, quoting Emergency Ministry spokeswoman Irina Andrianova.
The huge blast occurred at 7:50 AM on Monday, during rush hour, when thousands of passengers were packed onto trains.
Andrianova says the dead include 14 people who were in the train's second car where the blast occurred and 11 people who were waiting on the platform of the station.
A second explosion happened at the Park Kultury station, about 40 minutes later, Russian news agency Tass reported.
Suicide Bombings Suspected
Interfax says the blasts may have been caused by suicide bombers.
The headquarters of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), the successor to the Soviet-era KGB, is located just above the Lubyanka station.
Today's explosions follow the Islamist bombing of the Nevsky Express passenger train last November, which killed 27 people and injured 90.
As China Confidential reported in December, the bombing of the Nevsky, a Moscow-Saint Petersburg luxury train that is popular with businesspeople and tourists, raised fears of a resurgence of Islamist terrorist attacks in Moscow and other major cities.
Russia was hit hard by Islamist terrorism in the 1990s and the early years of this decade, but the violence has largely been confined to the predominantly Muslim North Caucasus region since 2004.
Sixty people were injured in an attack on the Nevsky Express in August 2007. Fifteen people were injured in the 2005 bombing of a train headed to Moscow from Chechnya, and a suicide attack in the Moscow metro killed 41 and injured approximately 120 in 2004.
Here is more from the NYT:
Twin Subway Blasts Kill at Least 20 in Moscow
MOSCOW — Huge explosions during morning rush hour in two subway stations in central Moscow killed more than 20 people on Monday, officials said, raising fears of a renewal of terrorism here.
The causes of the blasts were not immediately clear, but the government said it suspected suicide bombers, Russian news agencies reported.
The subway system, one of the world’s most extensive, had been subjected to attacks related to the separatist war in Chechnya in the early part of the last decade.
Officials said the first explosion Monday occurred at 7:50 a.m. in the Lubyanka subway station, killing people both on the platform and aboard an incoming train. Numerous others were injured.
“The blast hit the second carriage of a metro train that stopped at Lubyanka,” Irina Andrianova, a spokeswoman for the emergency ministry, told Reuters.
About 40 minutes later, another explosion occurred in the second car of a train at the Park Kultury station, officials said. The number of casualties was not immediately known.
In September 2004, a suicide bomber killed at least 9 other people and wounded more than 50 outside the Rizhskaya subway. In February of that same year, a woman carrying a bomb destroyed another subway car, killing at least 41 people as the train moved between the Paveletskaya and the Avtozavodskaya stations at one of the busiest times of the day.
The Lubyanka station, where the first explosion occurred, takes its name from the infamous Lubyanka prison that also served as the former headquarters of the K.G.B., the Soviet-era secret police.
Cross Posted from Patriot's Corner
Explosions rock Moscow subway, terrorism suspected.
Death toll in explosion at Moscow's central Lubyanka metro station rises to 25--TASS, quoting Emergency Ministry spokeswoman Irina Andrianova.
The huge blast occurred at 7:50 AM on Monday, during rush hour, when thousands of passengers were packed onto trains.
Andrianova says the dead include 14 people who were in the train's second car where the blast occurred and 11 people who were waiting on the platform of the station.
A second explosion happened at the Park Kultury station, about 40 minutes later, Russian news agency Tass reported.
Suicide Bombings Suspected
Interfax says the blasts may have been caused by suicide bombers.
The headquarters of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), the successor to the Soviet-era KGB, is located just above the Lubyanka station.
Today's explosions follow the Islamist bombing of the Nevsky Express passenger train last November, which killed 27 people and injured 90.
As China Confidential reported in December, the bombing of the Nevsky, a Moscow-Saint Petersburg luxury train that is popular with businesspeople and tourists, raised fears of a resurgence of Islamist terrorist attacks in Moscow and other major cities.
Russia was hit hard by Islamist terrorism in the 1990s and the early years of this decade, but the violence has largely been confined to the predominantly Muslim North Caucasus region since 2004.
Sixty people were injured in an attack on the Nevsky Express in August 2007. Fifteen people were injured in the 2005 bombing of a train headed to Moscow from Chechnya, and a suicide attack in the Moscow metro killed 41 and injured approximately 120 in 2004.
Here is more from the NYT:
Twin Subway Blasts Kill at Least 20 in Moscow
MOSCOW — Huge explosions during morning rush hour in two subway stations in central Moscow killed more than 20 people on Monday, officials said, raising fears of a renewal of terrorism here.
The causes of the blasts were not immediately clear, but the government said it suspected suicide bombers, Russian news agencies reported.
The subway system, one of the world’s most extensive, had been subjected to attacks related to the separatist war in Chechnya in the early part of the last decade.
Officials said the first explosion Monday occurred at 7:50 a.m. in the Lubyanka subway station, killing people both on the platform and aboard an incoming train. Numerous others were injured.
“The blast hit the second carriage of a metro train that stopped at Lubyanka,” Irina Andrianova, a spokeswoman for the emergency ministry, told Reuters.
About 40 minutes later, another explosion occurred in the second car of a train at the Park Kultury station, officials said. The number of casualties was not immediately known.
In September 2004, a suicide bomber killed at least 9 other people and wounded more than 50 outside the Rizhskaya subway. In February of that same year, a woman carrying a bomb destroyed another subway car, killing at least 41 people as the train moved between the Paveletskaya and the Avtozavodskaya stations at one of the busiest times of the day.
The Lubyanka station, where the first explosion occurred, takes its name from the infamous Lubyanka prison that also served as the former headquarters of the K.G.B., the Soviet-era secret police.
Cross Posted from Patriot's Corner
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Islamization in Poland: battling a Saudi funded mega mosque
From a Muslim protestor AGAINST THIS MOSQUE IN POLAND: One of the protesters, a Muslim, wrote me this:
"I was the only muslim person against the construction of mosque. Indeed it was a big shock to them, as well as the supporters of mosque construction have described me as racist and fascist. Some described USA in terrorist country. There were two Arab women and an idiot Arab where they attacked me through bad words and despised me, and even that idiot Arab guy insulted me and has spat on me "Arab and muslim culture"; asked me who sent you?!
But police was around him. I was trying to be as much as possible quiet and polite, A journalist from USA did interview with me and some Polish as well. boards that I carried them did not showed by Polish media, because, maybe they described as very racist despite I was attacked by cameras a moment I showed them in the demonstration. Of course it were in attention by attendees. I asked the regulator to go together next week to meet the president of Warsaw and the Mayor in order to prevent the construction of the mosque or at least, minaret. Ditto I asked them to support Mr Wilders through writing the Dutch embassies where I will send them all address of Dutch Embassies I received from Mr Wilders. or someday we will do an demonstration near Dutch embassy in Warsaw.
Here is more on this disgusting mosque. It has to the biggest building around. That is dictated in the Koran. It is called intimidation, to result in submission to Islam and shariah law.
Muslim Brotherhood to construct new mosque in Warsaw
By Jan Wójcik
From EuorIslam, Officially it is claimed to be Muslim Cultural Center, but unofficially by opponents and supporters it is referred to as mosque because the plan includes a praying hall and even a minaret. But it is not the building itself that worries the citizens of Warsaw, but preaching that could be spread inside.
Polish posters protesting Islam and mega mosque
The investor of the mosque is Liga Muzulmañska w RP (Muslim League in Republic of Poland), a member of Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE), which is known as umbrella organization for Muslim Brotherhood organizations across the Europe.
LM does not hide its affiliation and on its pages often quotes not only FIOE official statements but also fatwas and teachings of Jusuf Al Qaradawi, widely known Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader. Although LM tries to keep PR of moderate Muslim faction some of its leaders already exposed their views. Ali Abi Issa, head of imam council, translated and disseminated hadiths where the killing of apostates and adulterers is justified in Muslim state. Samir Ismail the head of LM wrote article about FGM where he presents Muslim jurists' opinions justifying or allowing FGM to be in decision of parents.
The model of LM activity is also similar as model of other Muslim Brotherhood organizations from Europe. Through getting control over majority of mosques they start to claim that they represent majority of Muslims in the country, although only 5-10% regularly visits the mosque (UOIF in France, UCOII in Italy). In Poland LM has 180 active members, but yet claims that it is building the mosque for the population of over 10 000 Warsaw Muslims.
The construction has not been accepted unanimously by all members of local municipality. Some, like Tymoteusz Pruchnik and Edward Markowski (PiS) claim that municipality was misguided and the original proposal of LM was only cultural center, recently LM applied for permission for religious activity there. Additionally local politicians must be under pressure as mosque is widely support by Muslim embassies in Poland.
If construction works will go undisturbed, LM is going to open the mosque this autumn.
Here is more and this is evidence of the fast growing feras of Islam across Europe:
Dozens rally in Warsaw to protest plans for mosque
Etaiwannews, Dozens of people rallied Saturday in Warsaw to protest plans by the country's Muslim community to build a second mosque in the city.
Poland's Muslim population, though growing, is still tiny and such protests are unusual. The event offered evidence that anxieties gripping the rest of Europe are now also taking root in this former communist country, as well.
The emotional rally drew a small group of counter-protesters. Police forming a barrier between the two sides, which had gathered at the mosque's construction site in an outlying Warsaw neighborhood.
The anti-mosque protesters said they feared that radical Muslims would use the mosque to gain a foothold in Polish society. They were particularly disturbed by rumors that Saudi money is funding it _ a claim that could not be immediately confirmed.
"We oppose a mosque built with Saudi money when it's illegal to have a Bible or cross in Saudi Arabia," said Rafal Zak, a 31-year-old real estate agent.
The protesters chanted "Radical Islam, no thanks" and held up banners saying "Stop the Radicals" and "Political Islam is threat to Europe."
The counter-protesters carried banners reading "Warsaw is for everybody" and "Stop Islamophobia."
Poland's tiny Muslim population includes not only Tatars, an ethnic group that settled in Poland centuries ago, but also a growing number of students and businessmen from Arab countries. Several protesters said they valued the Tatars, who are moderate, integrated and hard to distinguish from other Poles, and oppose only extreme Islam.
Pamela at Atlas Shrugs has more here.
Cross posted from Patriot's Corner
"I was the only muslim person against the construction of mosque. Indeed it was a big shock to them, as well as the supporters of mosque construction have described me as racist and fascist. Some described USA in terrorist country. There were two Arab women and an idiot Arab where they attacked me through bad words and despised me, and even that idiot Arab guy insulted me and has spat on me "Arab and muslim culture"; asked me who sent you?!
But police was around him. I was trying to be as much as possible quiet and polite, A journalist from USA did interview with me and some Polish as well. boards that I carried them did not showed by Polish media, because, maybe they described as very racist despite I was attacked by cameras a moment I showed them in the demonstration. Of course it were in attention by attendees. I asked the regulator to go together next week to meet the president of Warsaw and the Mayor in order to prevent the construction of the mosque or at least, minaret. Ditto I asked them to support Mr Wilders through writing the Dutch embassies where I will send them all address of Dutch Embassies I received from Mr Wilders. or someday we will do an demonstration near Dutch embassy in Warsaw.
Here is more on this disgusting mosque. It has to the biggest building around. That is dictated in the Koran. It is called intimidation, to result in submission to Islam and shariah law.
Muslim Brotherhood to construct new mosque in Warsaw
By Jan Wójcik
From EuorIslam, Officially it is claimed to be Muslim Cultural Center, but unofficially by opponents and supporters it is referred to as mosque because the plan includes a praying hall and even a minaret. But it is not the building itself that worries the citizens of Warsaw, but preaching that could be spread inside.
Polish posters protesting Islam and mega mosque
The investor of the mosque is Liga Muzulmañska w RP (Muslim League in Republic of Poland), a member of Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE), which is known as umbrella organization for Muslim Brotherhood organizations across the Europe.
LM does not hide its affiliation and on its pages often quotes not only FIOE official statements but also fatwas and teachings of Jusuf Al Qaradawi, widely known Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader. Although LM tries to keep PR of moderate Muslim faction some of its leaders already exposed their views. Ali Abi Issa, head of imam council, translated and disseminated hadiths where the killing of apostates and adulterers is justified in Muslim state. Samir Ismail the head of LM wrote article about FGM where he presents Muslim jurists' opinions justifying or allowing FGM to be in decision of parents.
The model of LM activity is also similar as model of other Muslim Brotherhood organizations from Europe. Through getting control over majority of mosques they start to claim that they represent majority of Muslims in the country, although only 5-10% regularly visits the mosque (UOIF in France, UCOII in Italy). In Poland LM has 180 active members, but yet claims that it is building the mosque for the population of over 10 000 Warsaw Muslims.
The construction has not been accepted unanimously by all members of local municipality. Some, like Tymoteusz Pruchnik and Edward Markowski (PiS) claim that municipality was misguided and the original proposal of LM was only cultural center, recently LM applied for permission for religious activity there. Additionally local politicians must be under pressure as mosque is widely support by Muslim embassies in Poland.
If construction works will go undisturbed, LM is going to open the mosque this autumn.
Here is more and this is evidence of the fast growing feras of Islam across Europe:
Dozens rally in Warsaw to protest plans for mosque
Etaiwannews, Dozens of people rallied Saturday in Warsaw to protest plans by the country's Muslim community to build a second mosque in the city.
Poland's Muslim population, though growing, is still tiny and such protests are unusual. The event offered evidence that anxieties gripping the rest of Europe are now also taking root in this former communist country, as well.
The emotional rally drew a small group of counter-protesters. Police forming a barrier between the two sides, which had gathered at the mosque's construction site in an outlying Warsaw neighborhood.
The anti-mosque protesters said they feared that radical Muslims would use the mosque to gain a foothold in Polish society. They were particularly disturbed by rumors that Saudi money is funding it _ a claim that could not be immediately confirmed.
"We oppose a mosque built with Saudi money when it's illegal to have a Bible or cross in Saudi Arabia," said Rafal Zak, a 31-year-old real estate agent.
The protesters chanted "Radical Islam, no thanks" and held up banners saying "Stop the Radicals" and "Political Islam is threat to Europe."
The counter-protesters carried banners reading "Warsaw is for everybody" and "Stop Islamophobia."
Poland's tiny Muslim population includes not only Tatars, an ethnic group that settled in Poland centuries ago, but also a growing number of students and businessmen from Arab countries. Several protesters said they valued the Tatars, who are moderate, integrated and hard to distinguish from other Poles, and oppose only extreme Islam.
Pamela at Atlas Shrugs has more here.
Cross posted from Patriot's Corner
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