Friday, February 5, 2010

Photo of the Day: Disrespect

1 comment:

Henry Bowman said...

When I moved out West from Chicago 6 years ago I thought most Ill pols were behind me. People say to me "isn't it great the POTUS is from Illinois. Aren't you proud"?

To this I respond "to elect a pol from the Illinois Combine is anathema to me. There is no difference betwee dem or rep in Illinois. They are different sides of the same coin". (For anyone who wants to research this, most of the coverage of the "combine" is in the Chicago Tribune that once great newspaper which has lost its way on many topics).

None of these photos suprise me when I know where the POTUS learned his political lessons.

Daley, BHO, Quinn, Durbin, Burris, Emanuel, Axelrod, Rostenkowski, Kirk, Madigan, G.Ryan, J.Ryan, Blago and last but not least the Jackson (Jesse with the rest of the rats are all cut from the same cloth of corruption.

For anyone who believes I exaggerate, I underestimate their true evil.

Holger, I appologize for the rant but it has to be said.

God Bless the American and Allied Military.......

God Save the United States.......