Well, as most of you know, this isn't exactly my kind of post - you don't find Michael Jackson or Brittany Spears or Tiger Woods stories here, but this one...well I couldn't resist because first of all, I didn't even know that Jermaine Jackson had converted to Islam and quite frankly, the thought of Michael Jackson having had a concert tour entitled "Moonwalk For The Moongod" just is a bit much to wrap my mind around.
Anyway, here's the transcript of Jermaine Jackson's interview at Al-Arabiya TV on his attempts to convert Michael Jackson to islam from MEMRI:
Anyway, here's the transcript of Jermaine Jackson's interview at Al-Arabiya TV on his attempts to convert Michael Jackson to islam from MEMRI:
Jermaine Jackson in Al-Arabiya TV Interview : I Tried to Convert Michael to Islam; The U.S. 'Has a Bit of Dictatorship'
Jermaine Jackson: "[Michael Jackson] was so powerful in success. I just wish he would have embraced Islam. I tried very, very hard [to convert him], because I think that would have been his protection."
Interviewer: "So was Michael a Muslim at the time he died?"
Jermaine Jackson: "He was studying a lot. His whole protection, his security, were all Muslims. He was ready to make that journey.
"These major news media outlets are controlled by what is being said. So we look at this country as a democracy, but at the same time it has a bit of dictatorship. They are being told what to say, and 99% of the people believe this stuff.
"When we were brought as a people from Africa to the States – we were originally Muslims. It was this white slave message that put Christianity on us."
Interviewer: "After Michael read the books about Islam, what did he tell you?"
Jermaine Jackson: "Well, Michael... I really feel that Michael was looking for that divine feeling. I brought him a lot of books from Saudi Arabia, I brought him books from Bahrain. I brought him books from a lot of mosques in Bahrain. He read them all. I just wish that he would have made that announcement. Maybe he made it in his soul, but at the same time, we want to hear it – because that was my protection, and I felt that would have been his protection as well – Islam."
Interviewer: "He told you that one day you are going to hear it, or one day he will embrace [Islam], or convert? Did he tell you that?"
Jermaine Jackson: "Well, he showed us, by loving that region, and spending a lot of time in that part of the world, and having a lot of friends in that part of the world...
"I think if the Western world really looked at Islam for what it really is, and stopped trying to put this terrorist word with Muslims and Islam, the world could be a much better place – because this is the most pure religion ever."
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