Monday, January 18, 2010

Video: Cairo? Tehran? Baghdad? Kabul? Nope. Try Dearborn, Michigan

1 comment:

~Christie~ said...

When I see footage like this & it's taking place on American soil, I can not help but invision a HUGE bomb dropping out of the sky...what a head count that would be huh??? Oh, I'm sooooo sorry, that would be wrong 'cause they have rights, right? The right to gather & chant their sick fuck chants to KILL anyone that's not of their belief...they're protectd & spit in our faces every chance they get. It's NOT about freedom of choice, religious beliefs, you name can it be about any of these when all these pieces of shit want is to KILL US ALL???

Holger, you've been blogging for over 2 years now & you've stated, "Until the powers to be in this world realize that the war on terror is a war on islamic jihad throughout the ENTIRE world, we won't see anything resembling an end to it all." I say, WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE...NOW!!!

Sorry for ranting here, but it just pisses me off that there are so many of these fuckfaces here in our country laughing at America...
hell laughing at the world, as they plot their next KILL all in the name of good old Alah...WTF???

GOD Bless America & Our Troops...
silence is NOT an option!