Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pakistani Taliban Release Audio Tape, Claim It Is Proof That Hakimullah Mehsud Is Alive

After the latest U.S. predator strike in North Waziristan, the rumors flew from one that said the Pakistani Taliban leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, had been killed in the strike to others that he was severely injured - there were even some reports that doctors in Pakistan were working on the poor sap.

Well, in the story here at CNN, the Pakistani Taliban have released another audio tape that they claim is the voice of Mehsud, obviously alive and well:

The Taliban in Pakistan have released a second audiotape purportedly containing the voice of their leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, who sources say was wounded in a suspected drone strike this week.

"Let me say this briefly, that I, Hakimullah Mehsud, today, on the 16th of January, with central spokesman Azam Tariq and Umar Khittab, want to give this message to all mujahedeen: that by the grace of Allah, I, Hakimullah Mehsud, am alive and in good health. Neither have I been martyred in a drone attack nor injured," the voice says on Saturday's tape.

Now, if this truly is Hakimullah Mehsud on the tape, then there is one thing about his little tape that I'd like to focus on:

In the Friday tape, the speaker warns of what will happen if the drone strikes continue.
"I want to inform the Pakistani people that the drone attacks that take place in the tribal areas endanger the politics, well-being and sovereignty of Pakistan," the speaker says. "From today onward, for any dangerous step that the Pakistani Taliban will take in Pakistan, those responsible will be Pakistan's rulers, not the Taliban. This is because the Pakistani rulers want to spill the blood of the innocent [tribesmen] in exchange for dollars."

What that portrays a man who is scared shitless. This clown, Mehsud, has had his ass in the Pakistani military's crosshairs for three months and in the telescopic vision of the CIA and its predator drones for a couple of months. Throw in the fact that the latest strike that was to end Mehsud's life came just a little over a week after video came out that Mehsud had met with the Jordanian bomber of the CIA outpost in Khost and you can see that old Hakimullah Mehsud is living one nervous little life.

The fact of the matter is this - Mehsud has no where to run. It's obvious that the Pakistan Taliban is infiltrated with CIA operatives - the intel in the past six months has just been too good to assume that the predator drones are getting lucky with their targets. So Mehsud has moles in his organization and he's living in a Pakistani province that is nearly surrounded. Can anyone say "fish in a barrel?"

Perhaps this mutherfucker got away this time but I am willing to bet he's got some fresh stitches and believe me, this asshat isn't sleeping at night. As soon as he starts to nod off, he hears a distant roar of a drone's engine high above. This dude is living a life in hell, because Hakimullah Mehsud doesn't want to be martyred....hell no, he wants to live to be an old man and at the moment, he's not likely to make it to his next birthday.

Pakistani Taliban release 2nd tape, say voice is that of leader

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- The Taliban in Pakistan have released a second audiotape purportedly containing the voice of their leader, Hakimullah Mehsud, who sources say was wounded in a suspected drone strike this week.

The group also released an audiotape Friday, though CNN could not confirm that the voice on either tape belongs to Mehsud. It was unclear whether the first tape was recorded before or after Thursday's drone strike, but the voice on the second tape announced the date as Saturday.

"Let me say this briefly, that I, Hakimullah Mehsud, today, on the 16th of January, with central spokesman Azam Tariq and Umar Khittab, want to give this message to all mujahedeen: that by the grace of Allah, I, Hakimullah Mehsud, am alive and in good health. Neither have I been martyred in a drone attack nor injured," the voice says on Saturday's tape.

Tariq, a Taliban spokesman, denied Thursday and again Friday that Mehsud was hurt. Tariq said Mehsud had left the site of the attack -- a converted religious school -- before the missiles struck. He dismissed reports of an injury to Mehsud as propaganda.

However, other Taliban and intelligence sources said doctors were treating Mehsud for wounds he sustained in the drone strike.

Tariq delivered both audiotapes to local journalists.

On the tape released Friday, the voice says, "The media right now is also part of the war. The enemy through the media wants to demoralize the Taliban. At times they spread the propaganda in the media that 'We have martyred Hakimullah.' At other times they say, 'We have completed the operation in South Waziristan,' but this will never happen."

The drone strike hit a madrassa, or religious school, that local officials said had been converted into a militant training camp. Ten people were killed in the strike, Pakistani intelligence and local officials said.

In the Friday tape, the speaker warns of what will happen if the drone strikes continue.

"I want to inform the Pakistani people that the drone attacks that take place in the tribal areas endanger the politics, well-being and sovereignty of Pakistan," the speaker says. "From today onward, for any dangerous step that the Pakistani Taliban will take in Pakistan, those responsible will be Pakistan's rulers, not the Taliban. This is because the Pakistani rulers want to spill the blood of the innocent [tribesmen] in exchange for dollars."

The U.S. military routinely offers no comment on reported attacks by drones, or unmanned aircraft. The United States is the only country operating in the region known to have the ability to launch missiles from remote-controlled aircraft.

Last week, the Taliban released a video showing Mehsud sitting next to Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, the man who killed seven CIA employees and a Jordanian army captain at an eastern Afghan base December 30.

The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for that attack. It was carried out out to avenge the death of Mehsud's predecessor, Baitullah Mehsud, who died in a suspected U.S. drone strike last year, according to al Qaeda's commander of operations in Afghanistan, Mustafa Abu Yazid.

Baitullah Mehsud and Hakimullah Mehsud are from the same tribe, but not from the same family.

1 comment:

Ed Miller said...

Wonder if he made recordings to cover the next few months... he'll need them!