Sunday, January 17, 2010

If You Don't Think The CIA Is Pissed Off, Think Again...Predator Strikes Today Kill 20 Taliban and Al Qaeda in North Waziristan Area

Holy shit. The CIA is pulling all stops with yet ANOTHER predator drone airstrike on Taliban and al Qaeda targets in North Waziristan - in the same general area as the strike the other day that was supposed to get Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud, THREE predator drones were sent in to unload their hellfires onto another compound full of the bad guys and the wonderful news is that we got 20 of them. Twenty dead Taliban and al Qaeda times 72 virgins each is ...(reaching for calculator)....yup, 1,440 virgins needed.

From the article at DAWN - please note, I believe that DAWN got the headline of the article wrong when they state "South Waziristan" - but it may be right on the border of both provinces:

A US drone attack Sunday killed at least 20 militants in a restive Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan, where Pakistani Taliban chief escaped an attack four days ago, officials said.
The attack took place in Shaktoi area, 40 kilometres (25 miles) southeast of Miramshah, the main town in the rugged tribal region of North Waziristan, a senior military official told AFP.
“The target was a militant compound,” he said. “The toll has gone up and 20 militant deaths have been confirmed,” he added.
The toll may go up, another official said, adding that militants were carrying out rescue work at the demolished compound.
“The drones are apparently tracking and targeting Pakistani Taliban chief Hakeemullah Mehsud, whose presence is frequently reported in the area,” one official said. The unmanned US drone fired at least three missiles, he said.
I don't care how you look at this, the answer is that the CIA has an absolute laser on the location of Hakimullah Mehsud. It appears he escaped the attack on the 14th of January and only one day after he produces an audio tape to reveal he is still alive, the CIA strikes his new location. As I blogged about yesterday, that video that was released that showed the Jordanian al Qaeda/Taliban agent who suicide bombed the CIA personnel in Afghanistan sitting with Hakimullah Mehsud, has sealed the fate for the Taliban leader - the CIA is obviously disregarding everything to get this piece of shit. Ahhhh....nothing like the smell of vengeance in the air.

And as I blogged about yesterday, I cannot remember the last drone strike that we have seen in the NW area of Pakistan that failed to net a number of Taliban and al Qaeda dead bodies - the intel is that good.

If Mehsud escaped this strike this morning in the Shaktoi area, then my guess is he will be followed and hit at his next stopping spot. This fucker must think he is walking around with a fluorescent aura emitting from him - he can't hide, he can't run, he can't find safety anywhere. I have no doubt that Hakimullah Mehsud will be a cinder spot in North Waziristan by the end of the week and believe me, there will NOT be a rush for Taliban leaders to take his place like there was when Baitullah Mehsud got capped. Oh no, the fact of the matter is that Hakimullah Mehsud's successor will have CIA blood on his hands to and will get the same treatment.

Hakimullah Mehsud, the gates of Hell are singing out your name...they aren't opening for your entrance. It won't be long sucker.

At least 20 killed in drone strike in South Waziristan

MIRAMSHAH: A US drone attack Sunday killed at least 20 militants in a restive Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan, where Pakistani Taliban chief escaped an attack four days ago, officials said.
The attack took place in Shaktoi area, 40 kilometres (25 miles) southeast of Miramshah, the main town in the rugged tribal region of North Waziristan, a senior military official told AFP.
“The target was a militant compound,” he said. “The toll has gone up and 20 militant deaths have been confirmed,” he added.
The toll may go up, another official said, adding that militants were carrying out rescue work at the demolished compound.
“The drones are apparently tracking and targeting Pakistani Taliban chief Hakeemullah Mehsud, whose presence is frequently reported in the area,” one official said. The unmanned US drone fired at least three missiles, he said.
Pakistan's Taliban leader Hakeemullah Mehsud released a new audio recording on Saturday, saying he was alive and well after reports emerged that he was killed in a US bombing raid on Thursday.
“Today, on the 16th of January, I am saying it again - I am alive, I am OK, I am not injured... when the drone strike took place, I was not present in the area at that time,” Mehsud said.
“If the drone attacks continue, the TTP will not be responsible for any dangerous steps in future -- the government of Pakistan will be responsible,” Mehsud warned in Saturday's recording.
Earlier on Friday the Taliban released another audio recording allegedly of Mehsud denying he had been killed in Thursday's US bombing raid.
Sunday's attack was the tenth missile strike by an unmanned US spy plane so far this year, as the administration of US President Barack Obama puts Pakistan at the heart of its fight against Al-Qaeda and Islamist extremists.
The latest attack also brought to 46 the number of militants reported to have been killed in the three attacks since Thursday.
Missiles fired from an unmanned US aircraft killed at least 15 Islamist insurgents at a training camp in the lawless northwest tribal belt on Thursday, when security officials said Mehsud may have been among the dead.
The US drones kept up their bombardment Friday, with at least 11 militants killed in two separate attacks in the same region.
Mehsud assumed leadership of the TTP blamed for the deaths of thousands of people in attacks across Pakistan after his predecessor, Baitullah Mehsud, was killed in a US drone strike in August last year.
The TTP denied Baitullah Mehsud's death for weeks, apparently amid fierce infighting over his successor.
With Washington pressing Islamabad to tackle militants who use its soil to launch attacks in neighbouring Afghanistan, Pakistan's armed forces last year carried out multiple assaults on TTP strongholds across the tribal belt.
Despite the offensives, attacks blamed on the TTP show no sign of abating, with bombings increasingly hitting civilians. On January 1, more than 100 people were killed in a suicide blast at a volleyball game in a northwest town.
On January 9, the TTP chief appeared in video clip alongside a Jordanian who blew himself up on a US military base in Afghanistan last month, killing seven CIA agents and his Jordanian handler.
The bomber claimed the attack was to avenge the death of Baitullah Mehsud.
More than 700 people have been killed in about 80 US drone strikes in Pakistan since August 2008, with a surge in 2009 under US President Barack Obama.
The bombings fuel anti-American sentiment in Muslim Pakistan, and the TTP repeatedly vow to avenge the raids.

1 comment:

Sharku said...

We may or may not get him in the next few days Holger, but this asshat is sure running out of friends in the area.