Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ft. Hood: The Second Biggest Islamic Terror Attack Ever Conducted On American Soil

In my heart, in my soul ... this day will stay until I pass from this Earth. The rage I feel tonight in losing 12 American soldiers in an islamic terror attack in the heart of Texas in the middle of a U.S. Army base simply cannot be expressed, described or diminished.

We lost 12 soldiers today .... 12 soldiers died today IN America....12 soldiers died today without their guns.

Okay. First off, I could care less what any of you out there think of this post. If you don't like it, kiss my ass - go on over to CNN or Huffington Post for the analysis of why this attack happened on American soldiers on American soil. Here, at Holger Awakens you'll hear the truth and if you can't handle it, tough shit.

This was an islamic terror attack at Ft. Hood. The only islamic terror attack to EVER take more American lives on American soil were the 9/11 attacks on NYC and D.C. Think about that for a second. This was the second biggest islamic terror attack in America.

Carried out by a yellow bellied, chicken shit, rag headed, pedophile worshipping muslim. The assassin's name, this islamic terrorist's name is Nidal Malik Hasan. And no, I won't preface his name with his Army rank. And no, I won't dignify this scum with any reference to his academic training. This fucker, this minion of Satan is still alive folks - he's in custody and not dead. And it will be a miracle if this S.O.B. makes it to trial.

I've heard there reports tonight with all kinds of dancing around what really happened at Ft. Hood today. Well, I've had it. I've had it up to my neck. No more.

Remember this:

An Arkansas man was arrested Monday in connection with a shooting at a Little Rock military recruiting center that killed one soldier and wounded another, authorities said.

Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad -- a 24-year-old Little Rock resident formerly known as Carlos Bledsoe -- faces a first-degree murder charge and 15 counts of engaging in a terrorist act, Little Rock Police Chief Stuart Thomas said. The terrorist counts stem from the shots fired at an occupied building.

Another islamic terrorist attack on military personnel on American soil. Remember Ft. Dix? Camp Lejeune? Try and explain it all away...try to ignore the attack in Arkansas like Barack Hussein Obama did, but it ain't gonna be ignored here.

I mentioned I'm tired of the bullshit. Let me explain:

  • I've had it with the likes of CAIR getting away with legal actions against Americans in this land - that CAIR, a terrorist organization, occupies the same soil as me and other Americans

  • I've had it with the fact that this country of America is becoming lousy with muslims

  • I've had it with political correctness that implores me to accept arrogant muslim assholes in my neighborhood, my city, my state, my country

  • I've had it with someone referring to me as a islamophobe when I point out the only minority in this country that is plotting to destroy America are islamists and your so-called "moderate" muslims

  • I've had it with you morons in America who still call this violent political ideology, islam...a "religion"

  • I've had it with people calling me crazy for asking for the demolition of Mecca and Medina

  • I've had it with the fact that not only is America allowing muslims to get away without assimilating to our culture and society but we are allowing them to subvert our Land

  • And I've had it that there isn't a sweeping investigation of this attack at Fort Hood that rounds up every suspected islamic terrorist in this Land...from Seattle to Miami, from San Diego to Boston, from Lansing to San Antonio and brutalize these animals until they give up the jihadi strategy they all hold inside of them

I don't care if you are a muslim. I don't care if your neighbor is a muslim. I don't care if your coworker is a muslim. I want you, your neighbor and your coworker out of America. Now. The so-called "moderate" muslims have not only not spoken out against the terror, they have participated in the soft jihad. If you find a muslim in America who does not wish the overthrow of America then you have an apostate and one who doesn't follow the Qur'an.

It's way past time to rid this country of this plague. Of this vermin.

Someone give me one example.....ONE FUCKING EXAMPLE of any benefit America has EVER had from islamists being in our country. One. Give me one. I can give you 10,000 reasons why they have made life worse in America.

We have 12 dead soldiers who we need to put in the ground because of a jihadi. Nidal Malik Hasan. Nidal Malik Hasan killed 12 of our finest. 12 of our finest who didn't have their guns.

The nation grieves tonight but I guarrantee you that by tomorrow, the coverup of this...the whitewashing of this islamic terror attack will start. But not here. Tonight, I am stating that I want Hasan to become the first public execution in America in centuries. I want this fucking piece of shit executed in the center of Fort Hood with every possible American citizen allowed to watch. I want Hasan's family deported from this country immediately under charges of their participation in this attack. Those are the very first steps.

This is not going to happen again, ever again in America. And there is only one way to ensure that.

American soldiers lie dead tonight, their families racked with grief....why? Because the land of the free and the brave allowed in a people who are neither free nor brave....a people who have submitted their very souls to a pediophile maniac and a moon god statue the maniac dreamt up. 12 of our best and brightest lay still tonight because not enough of us have stood up and demanded that we rid the country of the islamic scum.

12 soldiers. Or as Nidal Malik Hasan would desribe them....12 Crusader Infidels. They are dead at the hands of islam. They died....without their guns.


Anonymous said...


Dubya Bee said...

And obama prioritized the attack below giving a shout-out to his peeps and babbling about a trivial conference.

It seemed to me to be a very deliberate signal that he will downplay this act of war.

For the Won, it's simply a police matter.

He's much more likely to use the incident to call for gun control than this WAR we are in.

Time to bring out the big HATE.

Anonymous said...

WHY didn't the military read the tea leaves? This wack job was spewing his anti American hate for all to hear. WHY was he left in place like a ticking time bomb????
THIS IS INSANE ON THE PART OF OUR MILITARY. Political correctness will be the end of us.

Henry Bowman said...

Amen Holger, Amen.......

Again I say........

God Save the United States....

Rose said...

Yeah. You're right. It's a tragedy.

Ex-Dissident said...

venting is one thing, what are you going to do that will actually have even a minimal chance to improve our country's security?

Findalis said...

Well said Holger.

Maggie Thornton said...

Muslims should not be in the U.S. Military. I know there are many (or some) who want to serve the country, but my position is: they cannot.

I am also heartsick, Holger

Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly. And my heart and prayers go to the families, relatives and friends of the innocents killed and wounded by this islamist beast.

Anonymous said...

Well said.

~Christie~ said...

Holger, you said it all...God bless you!!! My heart & prayers goes out to the friends & families of the soldiers killed & wounded by such a demonic act.

...silence is NOT an option!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Definitely capital punishment. If it were possible to ban Islam from the military (& country), we would be moving in the right direction.

paranoidpyro said...

You know what we need? A good old fashioned treason trial. And I'm completely serious. Pelosi and Reid need one, but they'll never have to worry about it. This scum-bag should be our first treasonous scum hung for all to see since the Rosenbergs. Let's make him an example, and start a sweep of the most high-profile treasonous scum in our society. See if we can't get a little law and order restored around here.

delftsman said...

I join you in decrying the loss of 12 of our best and brightest to scum like Nidal Malik Hasan.

Obamas response was indicative of his total ineptitude and just how far the rot of so-called multiculturalism has pervaded our nation.

We have always been a tolerant people, but that tolerance has it's limits, and the Islamofacists have far exceeded it.

C.A.I.R. needs to be treated as the terrorist organization it is and rooted out of existence.

Muslims should not be allowed to serve in our military forces,for if they are indeed devout Muslims, their religion is totally antithetical to our way of life.

I agree with paranoidpyro: try this piece of trash for treason, and if found guilty, execute him in a highly visible public manner.
(My personal preference would be hanging on the parade ground of Ft. Hood, with total media coverage.)