A Navy admiral from the U.S. fleet is extremely concerned about the military buildup that is going on in China and one doesn't have to be a genius to be able to put two and two together....U.S. intentions to scale down military strength and spending leads to huge upswing in China's military buildup. See how that works? See what happens when a brand new President of the U.S.A. signals weakness? Afterall, we can't really expect a new President here to be concerned about the security of our nation, can we?
From the report at Breitbart:
No one out there has any issue with the world's largest Communist regime becoming the world's superpower, now do they?
From the report at Breitbart:
A U.S. Navy admiral expressed new concern Friday over China's military buildup and urged Beijing to be clearer about its intentions.I guess we should keep an eye on the career of this Navy admiral - something tells me that his position might just "change" after opening up about this, as it has become obvious that the Obama administration isn't too keen on anyone revealing their strategy of de-nutting America's military. But let's face it, the Chinese would be idiots if they didn't try to position themselves as the world's top power now, especially after America went ahead and elected a leader who is intent on removing the U.S.A. from that position - someone has to fill the void at the top and the Chinese appear to be stepping up to the plate.
With China's military growing at an "unprecedented rate"—spending was up almost 15 percent in the 2009 budget—the U.S. wants to ensure that expansion doesn't destabilize the region, Rear Adm. Kevin Donegan told reporters on a visit to the Chinese territory of Hong Kong.
"When we see a military growing at that rate, we're interested in transparency and the understanding of the uses of that military," said Donegan, commander of the USS George Washington aircraft carrier strike group, a key part of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.
No one out there has any issue with the world's largest Communist regime becoming the world's superpower, now do they?
US admiral concerned about China military buildup
HONG KONG (AP) - A U.S. Navy admiral expressed new concern Friday over China's military buildup and urged Beijing to be clearer about its intentions.
With China's military growing at an "unprecedented rate"—spending was up almost 15 percent in the 2009 budget—the U.S. wants to ensure that expansion doesn't destabilize the region, Rear Adm. Kevin Donegan told reporters on a visit to the Chinese territory of Hong Kong.
"When we see a military growing at that rate, we're interested in transparency and the understanding of the uses of that military," said Donegan, commander of the USS George Washington aircraft carrier strike group, a key part of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.
Donegan's comments come as a top Chinese general visits the United States on a mission to strengthen trust between the two militaries and dispel U.S. concerns about the growth of the People's Liberation Army.
Xu Caihou, the PLA's second-highest ranking officer, told President Barack Obama on Wednesday that ties between the two countries' militaries play "an important role in enhancing strategic mutual trust and deepening their pragmatic cooperation," according to Chinese media reports.
Donegan's remarks echo the concerns of other U.S. military leaders who say fast growth in China's military spending raises questions as to how Beijing plans on deploying its new power.
China has boosted spending by more than 10 percent annually for almost two decades, and the official figure of $71 billion this year is thought by many analysts to represent only a portion of total defense spending. It still amounts to only a fraction of U.S. defense spending.
China says much of the increase is used to improve salaries and living conditions for soldiers, but it has also been adding sophisticated new warships, submarines, fighter jets and other weapons systems to its arsenal. PLA leaders have also said they are considering building an aircraft carrier, but such a development is thought to be years, if not decades, away.
Donegan acknowledged the possibility of a Chinese aircraft carrier, but also said he was concerned with anti-access weapons. This class of weapons includes missiles and submarines that can threaten U.S. forces in the region and prevent them responding in the event of a crisis.
"I am absolutely concerned," Donegan said.
He went on to say, "When a navy is doing that, we just want to make sure it's transparent enough so those in the region understand what they're doing."
Ties between the two militaries have been repeatedly roiled by China's objections to U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, claimed by Beijing as its own territory, as well as Chinese efforts to disrupt Navy surveillance missions off its shores.
A series of confrontations involving vessels from the two navies has raised concerns over China's rising determination to defend what it sees as its territorial interests in the South China Sea, where the U.S. has long operated as the major international power.
Donegan said the Navy would continue to operate in international waters—something that could come in defiance of Beijing's claims it has the right to bar surveillance work inside its exclusive economic zone.
"We are going to continue to operate in the South China Sea and international waters and not in territorial seas of another country," he said.
The George Washington, considered the crown jewel of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, is currently visiting Hong Kong for the first time in its 17-year history.
The next century belongs to China and India and there is little we can do about it. I try to buy American when I can- but have you looked for an American made TV lately? Good luck. After 30 years of outsourcing America's manufacturing might to these two countries, and asking China to keep buying up our gov't bonds, to finance our debt, so we can keep buying up China's stuff, you are a little late on this one Holger. Neither Republicans or Democrats can or will do a damn thing about this. China could start selling our treasury bonds tomorrow and we'd be fucked. China won't do this because then who will buy up their goods?
You are right though- China could take back Taiwan tomorrow and there would be nothing the US or anyone else could do about it. Do you really think having McCain in office would change that?
Happy Halloween Holger! A spooky, foggy morning here in the deep dark South.
well... Im glad someone is concerned!!! I know in Australia, most Aussies think China is a trading partner.. :-| - http://anchalaska.com
Obama is a duchebag lefty
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