I've read a number of blog posts and news stories about why Chicago lost their Olympics bid today, so I thought I would put forth my own: (photo courtesy of RidesAPaleHorse)
Reason #1: Perhaps the IOC decided that having 100 Olympics visitors being raped and murdered by Chicagoland thugs wouldn't set the right tone for the Games.
Reason #2: Perhaps the IOC was concerned that every visitor to the Olympics in Chicago would have to pay a tribute of $50 to the AFL-CIO every time they needed to cross a Chicago street.
Reason #3: Perhaps the world thinks that Oprah Winfrey is a bitch.
Reason #4: Perhaps Rio de Janeiro submitted evidence that Bill Ayers and his mudfence of a wife had already begun production of molotav cocktails and suitcase bombs.
Reason #5: Perhaps the IOC just doesn't appreciate a head of state coming to their deliberations to intimidate them.
Reason #6: Perhaps the fact that Michelle Obama acted like she had it in the bag, convinced Olympic officials that she needed to be dropped a level or two.
Reason #7: Perhaps all of the members of the IOC are racist (hahahahaha).
Reason #8: Perhaps the IOC just wanted to see news anchors at CNN and MSNBC fall apart at the seams.
Reason #9: Perhaps their are members of the IOC that feel a President of the United States of America owes more to the troops of his land who are engaged in a war than to the cronies he owes his Presidency to.
Reason #10: Perhaps the IOC envisioned every concession booth at the Olympic Games in Chicago being manned by members of ACORN.
Reason #1: Perhaps the IOC decided that having 100 Olympics visitors being raped and murdered by Chicagoland thugs wouldn't set the right tone for the Games.
Reason #2: Perhaps the IOC was concerned that every visitor to the Olympics in Chicago would have to pay a tribute of $50 to the AFL-CIO every time they needed to cross a Chicago street.
Reason #3: Perhaps the world thinks that Oprah Winfrey is a bitch.
Reason #4: Perhaps Rio de Janeiro submitted evidence that Bill Ayers and his mudfence of a wife had already begun production of molotav cocktails and suitcase bombs.
Reason #5: Perhaps the IOC just doesn't appreciate a head of state coming to their deliberations to intimidate them.
Reason #6: Perhaps the fact that Michelle Obama acted like she had it in the bag, convinced Olympic officials that she needed to be dropped a level or two.
Reason #7: Perhaps all of the members of the IOC are racist (hahahahaha).
Reason #8: Perhaps the IOC just wanted to see news anchors at CNN and MSNBC fall apart at the seams.
Reason #9: Perhaps their are members of the IOC that feel a President of the United States of America owes more to the troops of his land who are engaged in a war than to the cronies he owes his Presidency to.
Reason #10: Perhaps the IOC envisioned every concession booth at the Olympic Games in Chicago being manned by members of ACORN.
Bonus Reason: Perhaps a member of the IOC has a handicapped child who participates in the SPECIAL Olympics and that member has a good, long memory.
So, with all that conjectured, let's take a look at the sad faces of Chicagoans today and let me ask this question...how are these people going to react when they find out that they can no longer vote in this country, can no longer work where they want to, can no longer speak their minds?
So, with all that conjectured, let's take a look at the sad faces of Chicagoans today and let me ask this question...how are these people going to react when they find out that they can no longer vote in this country, can no longer work where they want to, can no longer speak their minds?
As a former Chicagoan of 53 years I can say for a fact that over 75% of the people who live IN the city did not want the Olympics. The crowd at the Daley Center (in the clip) were city patronage workers and suburbanites. The ones who are really crying are the "fat cats" of the Illinois Combine who lost all the public money they were going to take, steal and connive from the Olympic trough.
I now live out West, where there still is a little American spirt left.
God Save the United States......
First of all. Great post OE.
Henry, yes, this was all about money. Funneling as many tax dollars as possible to all the corrupt politicians, corrupt unions and corrupt corporations that call Chicago home.
Excellent insights here from a "native" - your contributions here at Holger are always appreciated.
Thanks. And you are right on - there are factions of Chicago that would have made out like bandits on this deal.
:Holger Danke
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