Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Video: Wounded Warriors Return To Iraq


Maggie Thornton said...

This leaves me in tears for their sacrifice and bravery. I pray for their future lives, that God will grant these men prosperity, women who continue to love them, children if they want them, and peace of mind.

Holger Awakens said...


What a wonderful tribute you've left here for these heroes of ours. G_d Bless You.

:Holger Danske

Maggie Thornton said...

We will have a whole generation of men wearing protheses, not to mention other challenges.

I think we should have gone in, bombed the hell out of everything. Found good people to put in to follow keep their Sharia Law, and bomb them again at the first of jihad against us or the Iraqi people. We should call all the shots when it comes to peace. We/they have given so much.

We wouldn't have killed any more than we already have, probably not even more citizens because they have killed their own so often.

Then we stay there until they get it. That's what we did in Germany.

I know I'm naive. It is just so sad.