Monday, October 12, 2009

Video: CNN Fake Broadcast During First Gulf War

Imagine what the Ministry of Propaganda is showing you now?


Henry Bowman said...
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Henry Bowman said...

This could be a SNL or even better a Monty Python sketch.

If we really knew what was going on the "Tree of Liberty" would be awash in the blood of tyrants and patriots.

God Save the United States....

Boquisucio said...

I do remember those days almost 20 years ago. Everyone CNN and the Three Letter Soups, were having campy reports just like that.

I am not fully convinced that it was a staged set-up. I ascribe it to the uncertainties of the days (do you remember Scuds raining over Ryhad and Telaviv)?

ambisinistral said...

I don't think that clip is what you think it is. I distinctly remember that Charles Jaco buffoon from the CNN Gulf War coverage. In particular one news item...

He was interviewing an army officer and Jaco was obviously pretty spooked by the Scud attacks. In the middle of the interview he got a panicked look on his face, screamed "gas", dropped his microphone and spent a long time fumbling to put his gas mask on.

The whole time the Army officer was standing there watching him. With the gas mask donned, Graco looked back and forth between the camera and the officer. He then sheepishly took the gas mask off, bent over and picked up his microphone.

The Army officer then delivered the coup de grace, "Son, I think what you were smelling was exhaust from a bus."

Because it was so funny, I've told that story several times over the years.

That footage almost looks like a skit spoofing it.

One final thing, after the gas mask new item, I didn't see him covering the war for CNN again. I always figured they yanked him off the air in embarrassment, and i always wondered what became of him.