Ladies and gentleman, I give you an American President that is on the brink of treason.
Barack Hussein Obama, is at a cornerstone in his Presidency and the word coming out of the new strategic discussions regarding the U.S. effort in the War in Afghanistan is nothing short of shocking. I truly believe that this President is dangerously close to violating his Constitutional oath sworn to protect the American people. Look at this section from the article at The Telegraph:
Barack Hussein Obama, is at a cornerstone in his Presidency and the word coming out of the new strategic discussions regarding the U.S. effort in the War in Afghanistan is nothing short of shocking. I truly believe that this President is dangerously close to violating his Constitutional oath sworn to protect the American people. Look at this section from the article at The Telegraph:
Mr Obama is holding a series of meetings with advisers and military commanders as he ponders America's options in Afghanistan. General Stanley McChrystal, the US commander of Nato forces in the country, wants another 40,000 American troops to pursue a new counter-insurgency strategy.
But the latest indications are that Mr Obama will probably turn him down. Any reinforcements are likely to be far below this figure. The emerging thinking in the White House seems to favour a lighter campaign aimed at defeating al-Qaeda rather than crushing the Taliban.
Insteaed, America might seek a settlement of sorts with the Taliban, giving them some involvement in Afghan politics. An official involved in the review told Associated Press that America would "not tolerate their return to power", but may not seek the total defeat of the Taliban. Some in Mr Obama's team believe that only a minority of the Taliban are aligned with al-Qaeda and share its goal of attacking the West. "They're not the same type of group," said Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary. "It's certainly not backed up by any of the intelligence."
I have gone from a stance here at Holger Awakens that this President is completely naive and flat out stupid to a new position that this man is intent on endangering the United States of America. As most of my regular readers can attest to, I have never been one to go down the conspiracy theory road. And this is no conspiracy theory of mine - it is based upon fact.
The fact is that all military commanders in the Afghanistan theater have been imploring the President with the same message yet Obama has decided upon his own strategy of dealing with the War in Afghanistan and that strategy of Obama's will decimate our troops, it will slowly but surely ensure that the Taliban gain more and more ground in Afghanistan and eventually, the American people will be in jeopardy of attack because of the actions of this sitting President.
What human being, in his right mind, would think that there could be some harmonious way of life in Afghanistan with the Taliban holding governmental offices and free to roam the countryside? WTF??!!! You can't tell me there isn't a single person in Washington, D.C. right now, grabbing the President by the elbow and saying "You realize the Taliban don't want a few political offices, don't you? You realize they want the entire country!" Of course there is - but this man, Barack Hussein Obama, who has shown nothing but compassion and leniency to the islamists of this world since he took office is doing all he can to ensure the safety, growth and power of the Taliban.
I know it is hard to wrap your mind around this but try. The Taliban are a islamic terror group that have murdered thousands , hell, tens of thousands of people including hundreds of American and NATO troops and Barack "Insane" Obama wants to GIVE THEM POLITICAL POWER IN AFGHANISTAN. Even the leftest of the Left Media in America has to call that treasonous.
I ask the question of you, President Barack Hussein Obama: Whose side are you on? America's or the Taliban's?
I ask the question of you, President Barack Hussein Obama: Whose side are you on? America's or the Taliban's?
Obama prepared to accept Taliban role in Afghan politics
Mr Obama is holding a series of meetings with advisers and military commanders as he ponders America's options in Afghanistan. General Stanley McChrystal, the US commander of Nato forces in the country, wants another 40,000 American troops to pursue a new counter-insurgency strategy.
But the latest indications are that Mr Obama will probably turn him down. Any reinforcements are likely to be far below this figure. The emerging thinking in the White House seems to favour a lighter campaign aimed at defeating al-Qaeda rather than crushing the Taliban.
Insteaed, America might seek a settlement of sorts with the Taliban, giving them some involvement in Afghan politics. An official involved in the review told Associated Press that America would "not tolerate their return to power", but may not seek the total defeat of the Taliban. Some in Mr Obama's team believe that only a minority of the Taliban are aligned with al-Qaeda and share its goal of attacking the West. "They're not the same type of group," said Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary. "It's certainly not backed up by any of the intelligence."
The White House has said that there are only about 100 al-Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, while there are thousands in Pakistan, including Osama bin Laden and his key allies.
The possible strategy could see a greater emphasis on special forces, pilotless drones and the Pakistani army that have brought some success against the terrorist organisation in Tribal Areas. But critics say that defeating al-Qaeda means beating the Taliban.
"The fact is, we all know if the Taliban comes back, al-Qaeda will come back," said John McCain, the Republican Senator, after a meeting at the White House earlier this week.
1 comment:
Whats next the Joker gonna make a Taliban a Czar?I am gonna say he has pushed far beyond Treason I would hope that maybe a Millitary coup would be better than this guy.
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