So, how does a U.S. President, in office less than 10 months go about winning the coveted Nobel Peace Prize? Well, it's really quite simple, apparently, as President Barack Hussein Obama has become only the third sitting American President to win the international award. From the breaking AFP report:
Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
OSLO — US President Barack Obama sensationally won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday less than a year after he took office with the jury hailing his "extraordinary" diplomatic efforts on the international stage.
Obama was honoured "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," the head of the Norwegian Nobel Committee Thorbjoern Jagland said.
The committee attached "special importance to Obama's vision and work for a world without nuclear weapons" and said he had created "a new climate in international politics." Previous US winners
"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," it said.
Former Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari won the award in 2008.
So, how does such a new President grab such a huge award? Here's how:
1. Spend 10 months traveling the world discrediting your country to every group or organization that will listen.
2. Take the initiative to put the lives of 300 million of your countrymen at risk as you offer to dismantle all of the national security measures of your Land.
3. Reach out to and appease every possible terrorist organization in the world.
4. Preach the virtues of Marxism and Communism and signal the end of capitalism and personal liberties.
1. Spend 10 months traveling the world discrediting your country to every group or organization that will listen.
2. Take the initiative to put the lives of 300 million of your countrymen at risk as you offer to dismantle all of the national security measures of your Land.
3. Reach out to and appease every possible terrorist organization in the world.
4. Preach the virtues of Marxism and Communism and signal the end of capitalism and personal liberties.
Now, I don't really know what is the deal here, but this is the video of the announcement of Obama's win via the one YouTube I've been able to find, yet I just saw the same video clip on television and when Obama's name was announced, there were literally gasps in the audience ....how that isn't audible here, I don't know.
Up until this morning, Arafat and Obama had one thing in common. Today they have two.
- Arafat built a career in slaughtering innocents in Israel, Europe and the Middle East. Obama made a cornerstone in his early career as an Illinois Representative the right to slaughter the innocent unborn.
-This morning, they both have The Noble Peace Prize.
It was only a slight majority of those WHO voted. And as far as keeping abortion legal, in your case I am willing to go one step farther and make it retroactive.
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