Monday, October 12, 2009

Hillary Clinton Caves In To The Obama Insanity - Kisses The Ass of the Taliban

Okay, I'm too pissed off about the whole Afghanistan War issue right now to be coherent so I'm just going to throw up these quotes from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who in my mind, has totally compromised a stance she used to have of being semi-tough on terror. The only thing I can say is that Obama must have some hellishly damning stuff on Hillary to keep her falling in line like this with his insane policies and positions. This article from Reuters deals with Hillary Clinton slamming Afghanistan President Karzai but I want to show you the last quote of the article:

Clinton said America's goal in the region was still "to achieve the goal of disrupting, dismantling and defeating al-Qaeda and its extremist allies" but that it was now adopting "a much more careful analysis of who actually is allied with al-Qaeda."
"Not everyone who calls himself a Taliban is necessarily a threat to the UK or to the United States... There well may be a number of people who currently are considered Taliban who are there because frankly they get paid to fight or because they see no alternative."
We have been fighting the Taliban since 2001 - for eight years we have fought this enemy in Afghanistan. We have seen hundreds of U.S. and NATO troops killed by these same Taliban. And the Obama administration and now, Hillary Clinton, wish to convince the American people that these pieces of shit, these terrorists, these bloodthirsty islamic jihadis....are NOT our enemy. The Taliban of Afghanistan have the blood of our troops all over their hands and Obama and Clinton want us to look past that. Fuck you Hillary. Fuck you Obama.

This would be like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, after the attack on Pearl Harbor and subsequent bloody battles at Midway and Iwo Jima, coming to the American people and saying: "the Japanese really aren't our enemy in all of this...the Nazis are. We must reevaluate our position against the Japanese and seek some common ground."

This is insanity. These are the positions of lunatics.

Clinton says Afghanistan's Karzai needs to change

LONDON (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai needs to do more to ensure stability in his country if he is declared the victor of a disputed election, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday.
Clinton, interviewed by BBC radio during a visit to Europe, was asked if she was proud to stand alongside Karzai as Afghanistan's president.
Clinton said Karzai had been "very helpful on many fronts" but made it clear that the United States, which has 68,000 troops in the country, expected more from him.
"We are very clear that if this election results in his being re-elected, there must be a new relationship between him and the people of Afghanistan, and between his government and governments like yours and mine which are supporting the efforts in Afghanistan to stabilize and secure the country," Clinton said.
"It is a more complex picture than sometimes emerges from snapshot views. But clearly we expect more, we're going to be working toward more," she added.
A final result from the first round of Afghanistan's August 20 presidential election is expected this week after being held up by an investigation into fraud.
Clinton said America's goal in the region was still "to achieve the goal of disrupting, dismantling and defeating al-Qaeda and its extremist allies" but that it was now adopting "a much more careful analysis of who actually is allied with al-Qaeda."
"Not everyone who calls himself a Taliban is necessarily a threat to the UK or to the United States... There well may be a number of people who currently are considered Taliban who are there because frankly they get paid to fight or because they see no alternative."


Sharku said...

Would these be the same Taliban who used the sports arena in Kabul for the public execution of women found to be unwilling to accept the status of a goat? Would it be the same Taliban who blows up schools, and kills teachers in front of their students ? Would it be the same Taliban who blow up the markets when they are filled with shoppers of all ages ? Would this be the same Taliban who aided and abetted the attacks on 9/11 ? Would this be the same Taliban that using the same tactics now in Pakistan ?

Or is this a different Taliban that I'm thinking of ? So confusing...

Rose said...

When Hillary accepted that position she showed herself to be a craven politician. Just like she did when she pulled in her fangs during the campaign. Position is more important to her than what is right.

ANY female on this planet who doesn't stand against the barbaric Taliban and their other Muslim counterparts has no right claiming they are pro-women's rights - and Hillary most of all, with her thousand cracks in the glass ceiling.

I'm disgusted, too.

Esquerita said...

Fuck the Taliban -

When did Hillary "pull in her fangs" - she was grasping and straws until the very end. She lost to the better candidate - as did McCain.

Would y'all rather have Hillz and all the Clinton baggage back in the Whitehouse than Obama? - Just curious. I think she's a paranoid nightmare with a LONG enemies list - like Nixon but worse.