An organization of atheists, The Freedom From Religion Foundation, lost their court case in New Hampshire yesterday in which they wanted the words, "under G_d", stricken from the Pledge of Allegiance being recited in two school districts in New Hampshire and Vermont. The group had filed charges in 2007 saying that the use of those two words violated the Constitutional rights of the students.
Now, it's good that this decision was rendered but one can't ignore what this movement of atheists is and has been up to. This isn't about Constitutional rights. This isn't about separation of state and religion. This is about radical atheism...which is a cult of aggression. This is simply about control. We've seen the same thing with the Marxist agenda since Obama took the Presidency - the agenda of the Marxists is being forced upon the American people...slowly, but surely. These atheist insurgents are not about protecting their so-called rights, it is about TAKING AWAY the rights of all believers in faith in this country. Do not be fooled. These fanatics, these heathenistic fundamentalists want every church and synagogue in America leveled. They want worship driven out of America.
The story at Boston.com:
Now, it's good that this decision was rendered but one can't ignore what this movement of atheists is and has been up to. This isn't about Constitutional rights. This isn't about separation of state and religion. This is about radical atheism...which is a cult of aggression. This is simply about control. We've seen the same thing with the Marxist agenda since Obama took the Presidency - the agenda of the Marxists is being forced upon the American people...slowly, but surely. These atheist insurgents are not about protecting their so-called rights, it is about TAKING AWAY the rights of all believers in faith in this country. Do not be fooled. These fanatics, these heathenistic fundamentalists want every church and synagogue in America leveled. They want worship driven out of America.
The story at Boston.com:
Federal judge keeps "under God" in Hanover pledge
HANOVER, N.H.—A federal judge in New Hampshire says students in a two-state school district can still use the term "under God" when reciting the pledge of allegiance.
On Friday U.S. District Court Judge Steven McAuliffe dismissed claims filed in 2007 by district parents and The Freedom From Religion Foundation against the Hanover School District and the Dresden School District, located in New Hampshire and Vermont.
The groups claimed their children's constitutional rights were violated by exposing them daily to the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the phrase "under God."
Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation Annie-Laurie Gaylor tells the New Hampshire Union Leader her group will appeal.
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