The article here at MEMRI holds all of the detailed information about how officials are dissecting some hidden clues into the date of the promised Al Qaeda attack on Germany but I have excerpted below the text of the translated threat. I do want to point out here though, one section of the threat:
"We would allow you the choice in specifying it, but we preferred to choose it for you with care and precision! How do you feel about Sunday? That is a good day, and is a holiday for you, as it is for others of your coreligionists.
"After we chose Thursday for London, and Tuesday for New York and Washington, and Tuesday for Madrid, here we choose Sunday for you.
That, folks, is terror 101. We have to remember that Germany has escaped a serious attack by al Qaeda up to this point, but after viewing this threat, one must wonder just how many Germans will be crossing off the Sundays as they go by without an attack....and what will happen if no attack takes place up until the final Sunday? How will life in Germany be affected on that day? Would you believe these asshats or not?
"We would allow you the choice in specifying it, but we preferred to choose it for you with care and precision! How do you feel about Sunday? That is a good day, and is a holiday for you, as it is for others of your coreligionists.
"After we chose Thursday for London, and Tuesday for New York and Washington, and Tuesday for Madrid, here we choose Sunday for you.
That, folks, is terror 101. We have to remember that Germany has escaped a serious attack by al Qaeda up to this point, but after viewing this threat, one must wonder just how many Germans will be crossing off the Sundays as they go by without an attack....and what will happen if no attack takes place up until the final Sunday? How will life in Germany be affected on that day? Would you believe these asshats or not?
New Threat Message Warns: Al-Qaeda Will Attack Germany on a Sunday in October
"To the Infidel Crusader Nation of Germany... Death Be Upon You"
"In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful.
"To the Muslims in Germany and outside it we say: peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you.
"To the infidel Crusader nation of Germany, we say: Before the elections Sheikh Osama, may Allah protect him, and the brother Abu Talha, [10] may Allah grant him success, said to you: peace be upon those who follow the guidance. [Now,] after the elections, we say: death be upon you! [11] Death be upon those who want war!
"Perhaps many among you Germans saw on your [TV] screens the black days that passed over London, Madrid, New York, and Washington.
"The entire world still remembers the black Tuesday in New York and Washington. Everyone remembers the black Tuesday in Madrid. Everyone remembers the black Thursday in London.
"To be sure, these arrogant peoples were not warned about these attacks, and [were not told] the days [on which they would occur], in contrast with you. You were extremely lucky that we did you a good deed [and gave you the choice], and you chose blood, body parts, and destruction. We specified the time period [in which the attacks will take place]; this is a kindness over which your brothers in Madrid and London will envy you.
"We will bestow on you a third [kindness] and specify the day [of the week]!
"We would allow you the choice in specifying it, but we preferred to choose it for you with care and precision! How do you feel about Sunday? That is a good day, and is a holiday for you, as it is for others of your coreligionists.
"After we chose Thursday for London, and Tuesday for New York and Washington, and Tuesday for Madrid, here we choose Sunday for you.
"Would it be good [for the attacks to be] on Sunday, October xx, 2009? Or Sunday, October xx, 2009? Or Sunday, October xx, 2009? [12]
"Sorry, we won't bestow on you the kindness of telling you a fourth time, but we have definitely specified it.
"There remains [the matter of] the city! Will Berlin wear the same garb as New York? Or will other cities win this honor, such as Bonn, Frankfurt, Hamburg, or perhaps: [-----------------]
"Angela Merkel, you certainly drank the victory toast! But we promise you that you will be drinking it again and again, but this time it will have a different taste and a different color, because the cup will be filled with the blood of your people, who elected you and chose war!
"Oh, by the way we heard that you are good at cooking, and that you cook regularly! Sunday is a good day for this hobby, is it not? How do you feel about making your dish that day 'shoulder of German citizen', or their head?
"We have a date on *******
"Important note to the helpers [of Al-Qaeda]: This is your day. Do not spurn anything that is of good. Take it and put it on the German forums and send it by email. Don't take the trouble of translating, they have many in their brigade and who work under their banner that are from among our countrymen [i.e. Arabs] - they will take care of translating it for their masters.
"The end.*.
Sunday is an interesting choice - damn near everything in Germany is closed on Sunday, you can even mow your lawn on Sunday in some places.
In my opinion here someone has gone in cycles
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