Sunday, August 9, 2009

Video: Sen. Tom Harkin's Iowa Healthcare Town Hall...People Are All For It, Right Harkin?


Kirly said...

The only townhalls in which people are getting upset are the ones in which the host (ie, the member of congress or the senator) are in support of the socalled healthcare reform.

I was at congressman Shadegg's (AZ) townhall yesttery. He's against the socalled healthcare reform and 99% of the approximately 400 in attendence agreed with him. No one was upset, no one screamed. It was exactly what a townhall should be. Three hours of mostly question and answer.

Henry Bowman said...

The pols have no idea about the sleeping giant who they have awakened.

Sharku said...

The Democrats should really heed the words of Admiral Yamamota, when he said, "I fear that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve"

Holger Awakens said...

Kirly, Henry, Sharku,

Great comments one and all. Picking up on Sharku's thoughts...the Democrats and all of the Left think this is all some sort of "fringe" movement...they are in for a rude awakening.

:Holger Danske

Anonymous said...

here is a different angle of the above confrontation. It starts a bit before, so you can understand the context of why this guy is so ticked