Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Video: North Carolinians: This Is How Your Democrat Congressman Bob Etheridge Treats A U.S. Marine

I implore the people of North Carolina to make life miserable for this piece of commie shit, Congressman Bob Etheridge after this despicable display. I suggest this asshole be hounded every step he takes in North Carolina - you might just want to ask him when he served two years in the Army if he enjoyed people degrading his service to this country. My two bits is this Congressman Etheridge, that young man that "dared" call you on this vote puts his life on the line so you can sit your fat ass in that expensive leather chair in Washington, fuckhead, and for that the American people are MORE THAN WILLING to pay every penny of that young Marine's healthcare - as for you and your healthcare bill, Rep. Etheridge...well you can go to Hell.


Henry Bowman said...

Typical Democratic POS: Arrogant and Patronizing SOB......

I guess the Marine's life isn't worth much to a Dem pol........

God Save the United States......

....and thanks again Holger for posting this........

Kirly said...

the inaudible part... The Marine says "...the American people are waking up."