Sunday, August 16, 2009

Did William Ayers Give Up On His Quest For Worldwide Communist Revolution?

This is a very extensive but excellent article here at Family Security Matters that you really should read in its entirety regarding the fact that William Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn have NEVER given up on their goal of worldwide communist revolution and the violence inbred in that movement. I am going to excerpt quite a bit of the article below but due to it's length, go to the link above to read the entire piece. But, there are three questions I have regarding Ayers and Dohrn:

1. If William Ayers is just a simple college professor and his radical terrorist views and actions were left in the past, then what was Ayers doing in Venezuela in 2005?

2. Why has the main stream media totally ignored the writings and activism of Ayers' and Dohrn's adopted son, Chesa Boudin?

3. Is it just a coincidence that there is a confirmed link between William Ayers and Hugo Chavez and Barack Hussein Obama and in the end, the new Unites States President suddenly warmed relations with Chavez?

Here are some of the excerpts from the article:

So it appears that Ayers’ trip to celebrate Chávez’s “Socialism of the 21st Century” was financed by someone or something other than the taxpayers who pay Ayers’ $126,000 annual salary at a public university. Did Chávez pick up the tab?

Ayers is formally known as a “Distinguished Professor” of Education and “University Scholar,” while Dohrn, a one-time booster of mass murderer Charles Manson, teaches law and discusses “human rights” issues at Northwestern University. But the Chávez regime that they are aiding and abetting is backed by terrorist Iran and directly implicated in the activities of the communist narco-terrorists in Colombia. Perhaps their continuing influence over Obama helps explain why the President has been so accommodating toward Chávez.

The new book Gringo by Red diaper baby Chesa Boudin, who was adopted by Ayers and Dohrn after his own parents went to prison for murder, includes some incriminating information about what the terrorist couple has been doing abroad.

Ayers and Dohrn have been called upon for their expertise. Boudin explains that “In May 2005, my parents, Bill and Bernardine, were invited down to Venezuela…” He doesn’t say by whom, but the context, because of his own work for the regime, suggests that the invitation – and probably the funding for the trip – came from Chávez. Boudin says that they “gave talks” to various audiences at “universities and cultural centers” and that “The groups they spoke to were primed with screenings of the Academy Award-nominated documentary The Weather Underground. I interpreted for them throughout the trip, including their public appearances.”

Interestingly, an official Venezuelan announcement of the event identified Ayers this way: “…William Ayers was leader of revolutionary and anti-imperialist group the Weather Underground which brought an armed struggle to the USA for more than 10 years from within the womb of the Empire… He teaches classes on urban reform of schools, problems of the capitalist school, and investigation. He authored and published more than 11 books, including a memoir titled Fugitive Days about the struggle against the government of the United States.”

All of this just goes to show, as if we needed any more evidence, that Bill Ayers never abandoned his commitment to international communist revolution. The big question is to what degree Obama shares his commitment. It is not reassuring to note that Chávez and Obama are working together these days to destroy the anti-communist government of Honduras.

1 comment:

paranoidpyro said...

Good God, Michelle is fugly as hell in that picture!