I was surfing around and discovered that I'm the only blogger in America that hasn't come up with my take on just why Sarah Palin is resigning her office as Governor and what exactly are her plans. So, I certainly didn't want to be the only one, yanno?
And this will be brief cuz I didn't put much thought into it...haha. Anyway, let's look at one part of Palin's resignation announcement from the other day. She said:
Let's just say, like many others already have, that Sarah Palin indeed has her sites set on the Presidential nomination in 2012. So, if that is the case, at this point in time, let's take a quick look around the Republican party and consider some of the front runners for that nomination. I think a lot of the old guard is gone - we won't see McCain, Huckabee, Romney, Giuliani, Thompson, etc in the picture again. Okay, so the new potential nominees might look like: South Carolina Governor Sanford, Louisian Governor Bobby Jindal and Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty.
Okay, stay with me here...I'm getting to it. We can probably all agree that Sanford is toast. And many would say that Jindal's stock in the nomination fell abruptly after his televised response to Obama a number of months ago. That leaves, who many might consider the top candidate to get the nomination, Tim Pawlenty - Governor of Minnesota. Now, I ask you ...what did Pawlenty just do recently? Well, he announced that he WOULD NOT run for reelection to the office of Governor for the State of Minnesota. And most of the pundits believe Pawlenty is indeed positioning himself for the Presidential run and as I've just detailed, he may just be #1 at the moment. That is unless Sarah Palin is going to run and that would pit Palin versus Pawlenty.
By the way, one thing that Tim Pawlenty did NOT do was resign...he is going to serve out the rest of his term. Is that light bulb coming on over your head yet? :smirk: Yep, Sarah Palin's message in what I excerpted above was directed right at Pawlenty. Sarah Palin told the world that she could not ETHICALLY stay in her cushy Governor role and let the people of Alaska down while serving out that lame duck term. Go ahead, read it again:
I thought about how much fun some governors have as lame ducks... travel around the state, to the Lower 48 (maybe), overseas on international trade - as so many politicians do. And then I thought - that's what's wrong - many just accept that lame duck status, hit the road, draw the paycheck, and "milk it".
Governor Pawlenty, I believe you were just put on notice by the Sarahcuda.
And this will be brief cuz I didn't put much thought into it...haha. Anyway, let's look at one part of Palin's resignation announcement from the other day. She said:
And so as I thought about this announcement that I wouldn't run for re-election and what it means for Alaska, I thought about how much fun some governors have as lame ducks... travel around the state, to the Lower 48 (maybe), overseas on international trade - as so many politicians do. And then I thought - that's what's wrong - many just accept that lame duck status, hit the road, draw the paycheck, and "milk it". I'm not putting Alaska through that - I promised efficiencies and effectiveness! ? That's not how I am wired. I am not wired to operate under the same old "politics as usual." I promised that four years ago - and I meant it.So, why did that part of her announcement catch my eye? Well, here's where I deliver my opinion on what's up with Miss Sarah...what kind of a plan she really has.
Let's just say, like many others already have, that Sarah Palin indeed has her sites set on the Presidential nomination in 2012. So, if that is the case, at this point in time, let's take a quick look around the Republican party and consider some of the front runners for that nomination. I think a lot of the old guard is gone - we won't see McCain, Huckabee, Romney, Giuliani, Thompson, etc in the picture again. Okay, so the new potential nominees might look like: South Carolina Governor Sanford, Louisian Governor Bobby Jindal and Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty.
Okay, stay with me here...I'm getting to it. We can probably all agree that Sanford is toast. And many would say that Jindal's stock in the nomination fell abruptly after his televised response to Obama a number of months ago. That leaves, who many might consider the top candidate to get the nomination, Tim Pawlenty - Governor of Minnesota. Now, I ask you ...what did Pawlenty just do recently? Well, he announced that he WOULD NOT run for reelection to the office of Governor for the State of Minnesota. And most of the pundits believe Pawlenty is indeed positioning himself for the Presidential run and as I've just detailed, he may just be #1 at the moment. That is unless Sarah Palin is going to run and that would pit Palin versus Pawlenty.
By the way, one thing that Tim Pawlenty did NOT do was resign...he is going to serve out the rest of his term. Is that light bulb coming on over your head yet? :smirk: Yep, Sarah Palin's message in what I excerpted above was directed right at Pawlenty. Sarah Palin told the world that she could not ETHICALLY stay in her cushy Governor role and let the people of Alaska down while serving out that lame duck term. Go ahead, read it again:
I thought about how much fun some governors have as lame ducks... travel around the state, to the Lower 48 (maybe), overseas on international trade - as so many politicians do. And then I thought - that's what's wrong - many just accept that lame duck status, hit the road, draw the paycheck, and "milk it".
Governor Pawlenty, I believe you were just put on notice by the Sarahcuda.
Sara Palin is a quitter. She told the people of Alaska she would serve as governor for four years, then two and a half years in she decided she didn't want the job. Suppose she became president (LOL), if she decided not to run for a second term would she resign? What if she won a second term, she would then be a "lame duck" for four years, wouldd she quit? Her speech last Friday was as flaky as they come. Looser.
Maybe in 2016.
I guess in Palin's mind serving the full term you are elected to serve is "politics as usual".
But if she plans on running for president then yeah, she'd better start doing some homework. There are no shortage of people in both parties who will eat her lunch in a debate. Please nominate this woman- I can't wait for the "Queen Ester" crazies to come back out of the woodwork.
You're pretty funny, you know that? I mean,it was just a year ago that you and your clan of societal sponges were degrading Palin because she wasn't qualified since she was only Governor of Alaska. You poo pooed any relevance that Alaska had to the country and now, now...you are whining that she's gonna let Alaska down? LMFAO.
So let's recap why rita doesn't like Sarah and what she bases that on:
1. Palin's "stupid" - this is based on an edited interview with Katie Couric (we won't discuss right now that Obama thinks there are 57 states and he's refused to show the world his 1.38 GPA at Columbia)
2. Palin's a fundamentalist - yep, a Leftie blogger reported that Palin sees snakes as Satan's lizards. And we all know Leftie blogs are always spot on.
3. Palin's a poor debater - I'm guessing rita is referring to the debate Palin had against Joe Biden ...oh wait, isn't that the one that everyone on Earth gave handily to Palin except Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews and rita?
:Holger Danske
I never said she was not qualified - I just think shes a little foolish. Her speech last Friday made Dubya sound like William Jennings Bryan, no small feat.
If you want to rally around a whining quitter and pretend that resigning as governor is anything less than flaky and suspect - fine.
Keep trying to put a positive spin on this - its amusing.
I wouldn't know what any lefty blogger said about Palin - I like reading blogs that challenge what I think - not ones that echo. ;-)
That being said I just can't vote for a young Earth creationist.
You got some nerve calling Palin a "whiner" - for pete's sakes, even a Leftist like you has to admit the woman was put through hell by a paid off media.
I gotta wonder...how much whining would we see from Barack Obama and his wife if FOX News ran stories about the fact that Obama's two girls look absolutely nothing alike. Wouldn't that be an interesting angle to investigate? I wonder if the Obamas would agree to some DNA testing on that one?
Well, considering that Barack Obama came out whining from the gates in the campaign when he got asked a few questions about his wife's comments about never be proud of America, that would probably put him in a home.
:Holger Danske
I wrote this once before regarding Palin - In public life, especially politics you take a lot of heat - if you can't take the heat.....
Republicans have beaten Liberals in the whining dept. since November. I thought the Libs were bad after Florida in 2000 but sore looser has been taken to a whole new level this year.
I care nothing about whether or not any politicians kids are legitimate or not, or whether or not they look alike (I never noticed, they look like a great family to me). Strom Thurmond proved to be a great politician in spite of knocking up an underage housemaid.
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