Again, I repeat...this is the leader of Iran who the Obama administration actually wants to sit down with and negotiate....this is the kind of man you wouldn't allow within 10 miles of your family yet our President seeks to sit down across the table from this vermin and talk about reconciliation. Unbelievable. Today, Iran's Grand Pubah, Ali Khamenei decided to try and scare all of the leaders of the West with his latest round of tough talk. Take a look at what this clown had to say from the article at Breitbart:
I mean, really, what in those statements can Obama find as a government trying to reconcile with the world? Only a fool wouldn't see that sitting down with these asshats would be a total calamity. At some point in time, Barack Hussein Obama is going to again try to make a case why we should sit down and appease the Iranians - his whole strategy is not about trying to rid Iran of nuclear technology for a weapon systems, it's not about trying to protect the U.S. and Israel from nuclear attack...oh no, Obama's strategy is for him to be seen as the first U.S. President to actually sit down with the Iranians...he wants to be see as the "Amazing Reconcilor" - and the Obamatrons of America will hail him so...while the rest of us watch our national security compromised.
So, I ask the question...are you comfortable with your President jeopardizing the lives of your family just so he can enter the Nobel Peace Prize sweepstakes?
"The leaders of arrogant countries, the nosy meddlers in the affairs of the Islamic republic, must know that no matter if the Iranian people have their own differences, when you enemies get involved, the people... will become a firm fist against you," he said in a televised speech.
"The Iranian nation warns the leaders of those countries trying to take advantage of the situation, beware! The Iranian nation will react."
I mean, really, what in those statements can Obama find as a government trying to reconcile with the world? Only a fool wouldn't see that sitting down with these asshats would be a total calamity. At some point in time, Barack Hussein Obama is going to again try to make a case why we should sit down and appease the Iranians - his whole strategy is not about trying to rid Iran of nuclear technology for a weapon systems, it's not about trying to protect the U.S. and Israel from nuclear attack...oh no, Obama's strategy is for him to be seen as the first U.S. President to actually sit down with the Iranians...he wants to be see as the "Amazing Reconcilor" - and the Obamatrons of America will hail him so...while the rest of us watch our national security compromised.
So, I ask the question...are you comfortable with your President jeopardizing the lives of your family just so he can enter the Nobel Peace Prize sweepstakes?
Iranian leader Khamenei warns 'meddling' West
Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned Western leaders on Monday of a "firm fist" in response to their "meddling" in Iran's domestic affairs.
"The leaders of arrogant countries, the nosy meddlers in the affairs of the Islamic republic, must know that no matter if the Iranian people have their own differences, when you enemies get involved, the people... will become a firm fist against you," he said in a televised speech.
"The Iranian nation warns the leaders of those countries trying to take advantage of the situation, beware! The Iranian nation will react."
Iranian leaders have accused the West, particularly Britain and the United States of seeking to destabilise the country in the aftermath of its disputed presidential election.
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