Awhile back I posted here at Holger Awakens why the Left had gone after Sarah Palin with such a vengeance. And now, we see the same rabid attacks from the Left against Congresswoman Michele Bachmann from Minnesota, although many attacks started against Bachmann way back in 2008 during her reelection campaign after she had openly questioned whether Barack Hussein Obama may be "anti-American." Well, here's a partial list of Left Wing Blogs that have recently run attack posts on Michele Bachmann:
The Huffington Post
Little Green Footballs
Dusty Trice
Along with that, from the MSM, we have seen Keith Olbermann of MSNBC call Bachmann the "worst person in America" and Chris Matthews called her the "Mata Hari of Minnesota" ...oh, and how about Bill Maher...let's see what old Bill said: "this Congresswoman in Minnesota is the only person dumber than Sarah Palin."
So, I ask you...why are all of these lefty blogs and MSN pundits so obsessed with Bachmann? Last time I checked, Michele Bachmann represented a Congressional district in Minnesota that covers a more rural area of the state with the biggest city in her district having about 100,000 people. Well, the reason the Left is taking on Bachmann is the same reason they have taken on Palin - she scares them.
What Bachmann represents to the Left in America is simply the garlic or daylight to a vampire...in other words, Bachmann carries the message that turns the knees of any Leftist/Progressive/Liberal to jelly and that message is that of core Conservatism. Bachmann speaks continually of small government, personal liberties, the U.S. Constitution and the American Dream. Every single one of her talking points, of her positions cannot be disputed or debated by the Leftists so they resort to the all-too-typical method of the Left...personal attack.
As many of you know, most Leftists in America are extremely insecure with themselves...they suffer from a self esteem level lower than a snail's belly. At the same time, they appear to have never really matured as most human beings. Thus, you will see the Left attack Bachmann (or Palin) with insults such as "kook", "right wing extremist", "dumb", and "lunatic." I think many of us can remember when, as children, we found ourselves in an emotional situation and we lost our little tempers and lashed out at a friend or classmate and called them "fat" or "stoopid." And now we see grown men and grown women doing the same...often on national television or in widely read blogosphere writings.
So, for Conservatives out there, if you wish to see which Conservative politicians are spot on with their arguments, I suggest you focus on which politicians the Lefties like Olbermann or Matthews or DailyKos or LGF or HuffPo are berating with these childish labels and tantrum-like assaults. Those are the Conservatives that are hitting the Left where it hurts.
So, the bottom line is that when you turn on the television here over the next few days and you see a Leftist media tool ranting about Michele Bachmann's threat to not fill out her census form, don't get all upset at him/her....you can just sit back and chuckle because you are seeing a Leftist in fear, a Leftist who knows that the Truth will kill them.
I'll leave you with this thought: Can you remember any real personal attacks on Senator John McCain during the Presidential Campaign by the Left? I personally, cannot. Because John McCain never threatened them with the Conservative message. I do remember the Left personally attacking a Conservative politician years ago...his name was Ronald Wilson Reagan and this is what Christopher Hitchens had to say about him:
"The famously genial grin turned into a rictus of senile fury: I was looking at a cruel and stupid lizard."
As I said, the personal attacks are proof we are winning. Congresswoman Bachmann, please keep pissing them off.
Wow, way to spend a lot of effort on a somebody in congress from Minnesota. But, since big bad Bush is gone, Letterman is feeling some Palin backlash, and Rush can only be brought up so many times before people stop caring, they have to sort of scatter-shot now and see what sticks to who...
Why? Because they hate... it's what they do.
They hate the ideas that form the core of our nation.
They hate the decent people and their judeo-christian ethics which empowers people to create greatness around them, and become the envy of every other peoples.
The hate the west and how successful it is in educating amd feeding people and giving the meaningful and productive lives.
They hate capitalism, becuase it creates losers. Well fed losers who don't have to work, yet live in luxury unimaginable to anyone from any previous generation (it must be said).
They hate technology, because it frees people from toil and disease, freeing them from trudgery of subsistence living, empowering them to greatness.
Throughout our history, generations of ameicans believed we were making a better world for our children, that they would have better lives than we did. Today, spoiled idiots are killing off the goose that lays the golden eggs: The idea that is america.
Why are they going after Congresswoman Michele Bachmann? Why are they going after the United States of Amewrica?
Exactly...Bachmann comes on their radar, no matter where she's from because they fear the message - just wait to see what the Dems pour into Bachmann's opponent's campaign coffer next year.
Great, great commentary, man! Absolutely spot on - thank you.
:Holger Danske
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