Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Video: Can It Get Any Better? U.S. Marines and Tool


redseapedestriansupporter said...

Hi Holgar,maybe this is better,you would know better than I.I got rather excited when I read it can be bigger than watergate!Rather than try to explain I will direct you to the site I read it on.www.lazerbrody.typepad.com.Some background on the author,originally from the U.S,he moved to Israel,was in the IDF special forces,now an orthadox rabbi,with a big gentile following.I hope he is right,if you guys in the U.S can pick up this ball and run with it,WOW

Holger Awakens said...


great catch there! I had heard just a small snippet of this - it'll be a challenge, as just as the Iranians have shut off news reporting in Iran right now, the MSM in America has shut off any critical reporting of Obama. I don't know how this will come to the forefront...at least not now.

:Holger Danske

redseapedestrinsupporter said...

I am not familiar with the U.S political system,but maybe ask all you readers to view the lazerbrody site,or get them to get the local politicians to view the site.Maybe contact overseas news agencies with the info.Maybe your co-bloggers could read and spread the word.It appears to big to let go.Bigger than watergate the guy said!