It's on folks...the feminization of America. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in France? Well, it may not be long before you get that feeling, for real. I mean, just for a minute, think about what it would be like in America knowing that we do not have the upperhand militarily in this world. And if that doesn't give you a chill down your spine, then you are an idiot. Not even 24 hours after Barack Obama decided to officially announce a campaign of appeasement and negotiation with the lying barbarians of Iran (officially giving them another six months to put the finishing touches on their nuclear weapons system), U.S. officials are now sitting down with the Russians to negotiate a reduction in nuclear arms. I think I have Obama's strategy down - if we show the Iranians that we are pussies and we will let them do whatever they want, they will like us and at the same time, if we destroy all of our nuclear weapons in exchange for the Russians destroying all of their nukes that don't work anymore, the Russians will like us too! Yay, huh? Here's the details from Breitbart:
I ask you this...do you remember when the Presidential election of 2008 was approaching and the polls were out there that showed that the majority of Americans felt that the U.S. would be safer under McCain than Obama? Well, apparently the people of America felt it was worth risking the necks of their children and their grandchildren for Obama's promise that the world out there would be willing to give us all a big bear hug and we could film a new Coke commercial. Well, those polls are proving out to be 100% dead on - not only is America going to find itself at the mercy of islamic terrorists again, it is going to find itself on a level plane or even at a disadvantage against third rate militaries like Russia and Iran.
I ask you this. Are you going to sit on your hands and let this President and this Congress turn this country of ours into a dependent country like France? The next time you hear people around you talk glowingly about Barack Obama, get in their face and ask them if it's okay with them that their children and their children's children are going to pay the price with their lives in freedom one day because of this man. Get in their face people!
Russian and U.S. negotiators launched talks Tuesday on a new agreement intended to reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.So, as the Democrats have been working towards a serious reduction in Defense spending in America...reminiscent of the Clinton era where we saw our military gutted and our armed forces' morale at an all time low, we are now beginning to negotiate away our strategic arms advantages in the world.
The two-day talks mark the start of work to draft a replacement to the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START I, which expires in December.
The negotiating teams are led by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller and chief of Russian Foreign Ministry's security and arms control department Anatoly Antonov.
Obama has sought to improve ties with Russia that plummeted to a post-Cold War low under his predecessor. He and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called for a quick start of arms control talks during their meeting in London last month.
Lavrov, who visited Washington earlier this month for talks with Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, has sounded optimistic about reaching agreement before the year's end, praising a "constructive approach" taken by the U.S.
But experts have voiced doubts that Russia and the United States could strike a quick deal, pointing at arguments over U.S. missile defense plans and other issues.
I ask you this...do you remember when the Presidential election of 2008 was approaching and the polls were out there that showed that the majority of Americans felt that the U.S. would be safer under McCain than Obama? Well, apparently the people of America felt it was worth risking the necks of their children and their grandchildren for Obama's promise that the world out there would be willing to give us all a big bear hug and we could film a new Coke commercial. Well, those polls are proving out to be 100% dead on - not only is America going to find itself at the mercy of islamic terrorists again, it is going to find itself on a level plane or even at a disadvantage against third rate militaries like Russia and Iran.
I ask you this. Are you going to sit on your hands and let this President and this Congress turn this country of ours into a dependent country like France? The next time you hear people around you talk glowingly about Barack Obama, get in their face and ask them if it's okay with them that their children and their children's children are going to pay the price with their lives in freedom one day because of this man. Get in their face people!
Russian, US diplomats start arms control talks
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said the negotiators must work out specific proposals to be considered by the nation's leaders when President Barack Obama visits Russia in early July.
Obama has sought to improve ties with Russia that plummeted to a post-Cold War low under his predecessor. He and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called for a quick start of arms control talks during their meeting in London last month.
Lavrov, who visited Washington earlier this month for talks with Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, has sounded optimistic about reaching agreement before the year's end, praising a "constructive approach" taken by the U.S.
But experts have voiced doubts that Russia and the United States could strike a quick deal, pointing at arguments over U.S. missile defense plans and other issues.
Russia fiercely opposed the plans of the former administration of George W. Bush for a battery of interceptor missiles in Poland and a related radar in the Czech Republic as a threat to its nuclear forces, rejecting U.S. arguments that they are needed to counter the Iranian missile threat.
Obama's administration has put the missile defense plan on hold, but Russia has called for scrapping it altogether and said that the issue must be linked with arms control talks.
And while Russia and the United States agree on the need for further cuts in their nuclear arsenals, they argue over which weapons should be subject to cuts.
START, signed by Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and President George H.W. Bush, called for each country to cut its nuclear warheads by at least one-quarter, to about 6,000.
A second deal—the so-called Treaty of Moscow—was signed in 2002 and called for cutting each country's nuclear arsenal further, to 1,700-2,200 warheads by 2012. The one-page document depended on the 700-page START for control and verification procedures.
The 2002 treaty only counted the warheads attached to weapons, so-called operationally deployed warheads. Russia insists that any new treaty should count warheads in storage as well, saying that the failure to do that could allow parties to quickly boost their arsenals by moving extra warheads from stockpiles. It also insists on reducing the number of missiles, bombers and submarines along with warheads, as START did.
Niccolo Machiavelli said that he would prefer to be both loved AND feared, but if he could only have one he would prefer to be feared.
I think he was as dead on then as he is now, and President O is a dead wrong now as he is showing to be in many other areas.
My friend in America asked his stockbroker what he was buying........the reply, canned goods and ammunition.
As a non American,but an observer of America I pass on this timely advise for what its worth.
Great job pyro - truer words haven't been spoken.
A terrific observation and you are right, people here ARE gathering the necessities and those armed, are arming more. Those not armed and smart, are arming. Those liberal and unarmed will find out why.
:Holger Awakens
Yet another way he's able to damage America...
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