Okay, you might be thinking that it's a bit odd to be blogging about an election that ended nearly seven months ago but as many conservatives across this country struggle to find "themselves" or find their party or their movement or their cause, it seemed appropriate to point out again just WHY the Left of this country (and I include the MSM in the Left of this country) so viciously and relentlessly attacked Sarah Palin soon after she accepted the nomination of Vice President. I think it is important for everyone to think back about that time between Sarah Palin's VP confirmation and election day, November 8, 2008 and consider how many attacks were made on Sarah Palin and how many attacks were made on John McCain. I think you will agree that the attacks on Palin were about ten times (at least) those on McCain - one could even make the argument that John McCain was never really attacked.
So, just WHY did the Left go after Sarah Palin like a pack of wolves after a wounded fawn? One word holds your answer. FEAR. That's right ... Sarah Palin scared the ever-loving shit out of every serious Liberal marxist in this land. Why, you ask? Not because she was a woman, not because she was a governor, not because she was outside of the Washington's beltway...no, she scared them to death BECAUSE SHE UNABASHEDLY AND WITHOUT FEAR STATED THE BELIEFS, VALUES AND GOALS OF CONSERVATISM! That is why the Left attacked her. You see, only once before in the last 50 years has the Left in America seen an individual with the Republican tag stand up and pound away at Conservative talking points...point out Conservative values and tenets at every opportunity...voice the ideals of Conservatism without fear and that once before was when Ronald Reagan stood before them...and Reagan decimated them.
I have excerpted portions of Sarah Palin's speech at the Republican National Convention below. Look at these words. Look at what they mean. Ask yourself....did you hear this from John McCain? When HAVE you heard this from a Republican? And then ask yourself, do you still not understand why the Leftist marxists of the Democrat party and the media rushed to the scene to dismantle this woman's credibility and life? It's a simple point folks - it's not the person that strikes fear in the left, it's the message so stop looking for a new conservative leader, start looking for someone who is speaking the conservative message ...without fear. Here's the excerpts from Palin's speech found here at the BBC:
So, just WHY did the Left go after Sarah Palin like a pack of wolves after a wounded fawn? One word holds your answer. FEAR. That's right ... Sarah Palin scared the ever-loving shit out of every serious Liberal marxist in this land. Why, you ask? Not because she was a woman, not because she was a governor, not because she was outside of the Washington's beltway...no, she scared them to death BECAUSE SHE UNABASHEDLY AND WITHOUT FEAR STATED THE BELIEFS, VALUES AND GOALS OF CONSERVATISM! That is why the Left attacked her. You see, only once before in the last 50 years has the Left in America seen an individual with the Republican tag stand up and pound away at Conservative talking points...point out Conservative values and tenets at every opportunity...voice the ideals of Conservatism without fear and that once before was when Ronald Reagan stood before them...and Reagan decimated them.
I have excerpted portions of Sarah Palin's speech at the Republican National Convention below. Look at these words. Look at what they mean. Ask yourself....did you hear this from John McCain? When HAVE you heard this from a Republican? And then ask yourself, do you still not understand why the Leftist marxists of the Democrat party and the media rushed to the scene to dismantle this woman's credibility and life? It's a simple point folks - it's not the person that strikes fear in the left, it's the message so stop looking for a new conservative leader, start looking for someone who is speaking the conservative message ...without fear. Here's the excerpts from Palin's speech found here at the BBC:
- I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion - I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this country. Americans expect us to go to Washington for the right reasons, and not just to mingle with the right people.
Politics isn't just a game of clashing parties and competing interests.
The right reason is to challenge the status quo, to serve the common good, and to leave this nation better than we found it.
- And in short order we put the government of our state back on the side of the people.
- I came to office promising to control spending - by request if possible and by veto if necessary.
- Our state budget is under control. We have a surplus.
And I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending: nearly half a billion dollars in vetoes.
- While I was at it, I got rid of a few things in the governor's office that I didn't believe our citizens should have to pay for.
- Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights? Government is too big... he wants to grow it.
Congress spends too much... he promises more. Taxes are too high... he wants to raise them. His tax increases are the fine print in his economic plan, and let me be specific.
- How are you going to be better off if our opponent adds a massive tax burden to the American economy?
There are two questions left - why do they CONTINUE to attack her? Unmercifully and in the most disgusting manner?
And the other is how much better of we would be with her at the helm right now.
She would not be running this nation into the ground and taking over private business. Nor playing the dog who exposes his belly on the national stage.
I will support her, no matter what she chooses to do.
err, make that BETTER OFF!
Sorry Holger, but the correct answer was "All of the Above." Yes, they were scared shitless that she was a proud, unashamed conservative. But the fact that she was a woman, mother, wife, governor, success story (you know, the PERFECT feminist model.....if she wasn't an icky conservative), who was also a conservative was what made her a threat to their very power structure. And she STILL almost brought McCain a victory.
Just imagine how well she will do without the McCain anchor around her neck!!
To answer your first question...they continue to attack her because she still represents that message - the Left's tactic is basic: they are telling all conservative politicians that if you preach the gospel of conservative values and policies, we will hound you forever and make your life miserable.
As for your second question - we, at least, would not be in jeopardy, as U.S. citizens, of losing our rights and liberties as protected by the Constitution.
:Holger Danske
I don't often disagree with you but in this case I must - let's just say that Mitt Romney had won the GOP nomination instead of McCain. If Romney had stood up from the get-go and expounded the conservative message that Palin did, he would have been attacked in the SAME MANNER! You would have seen a hundred skeletons appear from Romney's past, you would have seen sixteen episodes of Nightline on the Mormon church...you would have seen interviews of dozens of Massachusetts citizens speaking ill of Romney's term as governor.
It's my contention that Palin's gender or status as a governor were not the reason for the attack - it was her message, that conservative message that is like throwing holy water on a demon.
:Holger Danske
I'd say she was attacked because she was the vice presidential nominee of the Republican party, and thats what happens in a campain, one party attacks the positions held by the other.
As for "Fear" - I was afraid she would be a terrible president in the event that McCain died. The reasons - 1. Like MOST Americans, I'm pro-choice when it comes to legal abortions. 2. She pushed abstinance only sex education in Alaska public schools, and yet could not keep her own teenage daughter from getting pregnant (did they ever get married?) 3. I read one interview where she hinted at being a young Earth creationinst - if you think the Earth is only 6,000 years old then you are a fool. 4. When in rural North Carolina she said, "Its good to be back in the pro- America part of America" as if to imply that those of us in the rural South are somehow more patriotic than people in NYC or Atlanta, this is absurd. Rural America and urban America are equal parts of this great nation. The majority of the county she was in when she made that statement voted for Obama so there you go. 5. She could not think of a specific magazine or newspaper she read when asked - ridiculous; after 8 years of a president who bragged that his friends were his most objective sources of information and he did not read the paper.
So glad Obama won - I know some of you think he's Muslim, so I'll quote protestant reformer Martin Luther -"Better ruled by a wise Turk than a foolish Christian."
I know a lot of "Conservative" people read this blog - please nominate this woman in 2012. I need to see more kooks come out of the woodwork talking about Queen Esther - too much (LOL).
Now your comments are quite offensive.
Fact 1) Sarah Palin had more experience in governing than any of the other 3 candidates. Yes Biden and Mccain had more years in government, but only as voices in the Senate, not sitting in the hot seat. Obama was only a Senator for 2 years and that whole time he was running for president.
Fact 2) Yes Her daughter got bitten by the trouser worm, it happens when kids are having sex. The fact that they didn't have her abort the baby is because they respect human life, something you obviously don't.
There are several methods of birth control out there that don't involve the destruction of a human life.
Fact 3) Obama did not win with the majority of the country, he simply won the majority of votes that were cast, and sadly because the republican party ran with McCain a good portion of conservative voters stayed home, and helped Obama to win.
Since your boy has been in office this country has spent 60% or our entire GDP on bailouts and rewards to unions. This kind of spending will ruin this country and lay a debt on our grandchildren that will sap the energy and drive that this nation has and will have for the next 40 years.
His future plans will complete the ruin.
If you want to live in a socialist country I am cool with that, pack your aristocratic shit and move to Europe. But please do not squander my grandchildren's future, and that is exactly what is occurring today.
We can not continue to borrow 150 billion a week and grow, as sooner or later that bill will become due. The housing bubble collapsed because of loans that people received that they could not pay back, we are now doing the same thing on a governmental scale, in just a few short years we will be forced to pay 1 trillion a year of our national budget on interest alone, that is 1 trillion every year that does not get spent on roads, schools or even paying the principle of the damned loan.
Very few presidents have actually won a majority of the nations population, Bush certainly did not. If you don't vote you don't count on election day. McCain won the primaries - you have only Republicans to blame for his nomination.
I said nothing about Palins experience - she's got plenty, I just disagree with her. I honestly have not thought about her since election day.
Being an aristocrat in Europe is wat too expensive, I love it here - I ain't leaving. But please, Sharku - I prefer the term "landed gentry", aristocrat is so "Old Europe".
I can name 1 president in recent history that won a decisive majority of the vote. Ronald Reagan. The next republican that runs on a solid conservative ie: limited government, strong defense, lower taxes we will see another landslide.
I want to thank everyone for the comments here - much appreciated. Esquerita, normally i'd have a few paragraphs to address you with but there's no way in Hell that I could respond better than Sharku has.
Shark, that's one of the best comments I've ever read on ANY blog EVER.
:Holger Danske
"But please, ... I prefer the term "landed gentry".
Translated from euro-speak into american: "marxist dumbass".
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