Way to go United Auto Workers! Once again you have proven your leadership to be nothing short of brilliant. At the Magna parts plant in Syracuse, New York, the UAW took a vote that would make wage and benefit concessions in order to keep the plant open and save their jobs - this from the article over at Breitbart. The UAW workers proceeded to vote "No" to the new contract and the plant will be closed and all 1,400 workers will lose their jobs. Like I said, what a bunch of Einsteins.
Now, perhaps the Union here has some inside information that President Obama will open the plant back up after his Government buys the plant and begins to run it, but I don't think Magna operations are quite visible enough for that to happen....lol.
So, 1,400 union drones just voted to slit their throats - and now they can all shuffle along in the unemployment lines and make the kind of wages the rest of us make. Enjoy your newfound economic security, putzes! Oh and don't let it bother you that your Union bosses who told you to vote "No" are all on a plane for their new assisgnment at another location where they will enjoy the same pay, the same benefits, the same perks...that you paid for.
Now, perhaps the Union here has some inside information that President Obama will open the plant back up after his Government buys the plant and begins to run it, but I don't think Magna operations are quite visible enough for that to happen....lol.
So, 1,400 union drones just voted to slit their throats - and now they can all shuffle along in the unemployment lines and make the kind of wages the rest of us make. Enjoy your newfound economic security, putzes! Oh and don't let it bother you that your Union bosses who told you to vote "No" are all on a plane for their new assisgnment at another location where they will enjoy the same pay, the same benefits, the same perks...that you paid for.
Union rejects bid again to keep NY plant open
EAST SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) - Members of a United Auto Workers union have rejected a contract aimed at saving a suburban Syracuse plant from closing.
UAW Local 624 president Scott Stanton says 68 percent of the workers voting opposed the contract in a vote Saturday.
It's the third time workers have rejected contracts with concessions that could have kept the parent company, Magna International Inc., from shutting down the struggling New Process Gear plant.
A Magna spokeswoman wouldn't immediately comment.
After the second rejection, the Canadian company began closing the factory, which makes parts for trucks and sport utility vehicles. It employs 1,400 workers.
I'm sure this is somehow about principles. Not sure which principles require you to let your family starve rather than work for $1/hr less, but I'm sure there are some.
Holger, I think you said it all! - and so well. I feel nothing for these people. Most of us have had to work to hang onto good jobs, and either adjust to changes or find another place to work. Not the UAW. Each time I write about this, I notice that the commenters from the UAW are incredible arrogant.
I think back to the Air Traffic Controllers and the days of Ronald Wilson Reagan.
After months on unemployment they can then apply for welfare.
How nice!
I won't be buying a GM car again. I'll only buy made in the US cars. I do believe Toyota and Honda are made here.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. So sad, too bad.
This kind of "pure ignorance" with the economy as it stands today, surely blows a sane person's mind...OOFDAH! (my translation: Norwegian for "WOW" or better yet, "what the FUCK"?).
Thanks Maggie - the UAW is a blight on American capitalism - the selfishness of these people is astounding.
Findalis, so true - there are plenty of Americans going to work each day building Toyotas and Hondas and being paid well for it and happy to have their jobs.
:Holger Danske
Ahh but we may soon have the card check bill, and then the Toyotas and Hondas built here will soon be under the oppressive yoke of the UAW, and their costs will rocket. Until then the Government will introduce new regulations that will stifle the auto companies that still work for profit. Government Motors and UAWsler wont need to worry about costs and profit as they will have access to the government piggy bank.
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