Yep...once again, Barack Obama is experiencing a little egg on the face after another attempt to reason with the Iranians - Iranian thugmunchkin Ahmadinejad has announced a testing of a long range missile that would be capable of hitting Israel and southern Europe, just two days after Obama's announcement that the U.S. will reach out to Iran. Here's the brief story from Breitbart:
One last thing...I've noticed this with Obama in that he often will refer to how things have not worked in the past so that demands a new approach. Well, first of all, when you say "it hasn't worked" you have to be specific about what the definition of "working" is. The U.S. has shunned Iran pretty much since the late 70's and during that time Iran has faced isolation, an economy that teeters on disaster each year and a low degree of unrest amongst its people - hmmm....sounds like maybe it HAS worked to some degree. And it seems to me that was hasn't worked is when the U.S., under Bush, began to try and follow the European model of dealing with Iran. Obama reminds me of a child in this matter - he looks at Iran and U.S. relations and boils it down to ....we should be friendly, we should be playing with each other on the playground of life! Well, he will find out that playgrounds can be dangerous places, especially when the other "kid" is looking to run a knife edge across your throat.
Iran tests missile that could hit Israel, EuropeNow, a couple of things here - first off, this is all dependent upon us BELIEVING the little shit from Iran and that might take a lot - we've already determined that the Iranians lie nearly all of the time (but of course, that won't stop the U.S. from negotiating with them). And secondly, if you look at this article, it doesn't show a reporter's name for it, which is a bit unusual for an AP report...and I bring it up just because the article pivots on the "threat" of Obama's resorting to stiffer sanctions on Iran. Well, there is no way you would find that as the clear message from Obama the other day - that message was clearly one of appeasement, NOT any kind of threat.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Iran has test-fired a new advanced missile with a range of about 1,200 miles, far enough to strike Israel and southeastern Europe.
The solid-fuel Sajjil-2 surface-to-surface missile is a new version of the Sajjil missile, which Iran said it had successfully tested late last year with a similar range.
The announcement comes just two days after President Barack Obama declared a readiness to seek deeper international sanctions against Iran if it shunned U.S. attempts to open negotiations on its nuclear program. He said he expected a positive response to his diplomatic outreach by the end of the year.
One last thing...I've noticed this with Obama in that he often will refer to how things have not worked in the past so that demands a new approach. Well, first of all, when you say "it hasn't worked" you have to be specific about what the definition of "working" is. The U.S. has shunned Iran pretty much since the late 70's and during that time Iran has faced isolation, an economy that teeters on disaster each year and a low degree of unrest amongst its people - hmmm....sounds like maybe it HAS worked to some degree. And it seems to me that was hasn't worked is when the U.S., under Bush, began to try and follow the European model of dealing with Iran. Obama reminds me of a child in this matter - he looks at Iran and U.S. relations and boils it down to ....we should be friendly, we should be playing with each other on the playground of life! Well, he will find out that playgrounds can be dangerous places, especially when the other "kid" is looking to run a knife edge across your throat.
So now we have to wait for the marriage of this new rocket to a nuke and all will be good huh ? Something like 10,000 centrifudges working overtime to produce weapons grade material. Not to mention other possible wmd's (bio or chem) both of which are cheaper and easier to produce.
When a man swears many times to whatever he believes that is holy to kill you, the safest thing to do is put two in his chest and one in the head. Anything else is inviting disaster on you and yours.
Fear not,little Israel is the first target, and the will get in a preemptive strike so they can survive.Oh hang on their best friend does not want that to happen,so back to plan 1,two to the chest and one to the head it is,then sing G-D save America cos at that point no one else can.
Time for them to hold Europe hostage now....oh wait, they already do without having any nukes.
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