Not many of the readers of this blog will recognize or remember who Andrei Sakharov was, or his widow Yelena Bonner. Or what they did for human rights and freedom in the Soviet Union. Many say that the Soviet Union would never had collapsed but for the tireless work of that remarkable couple.
In the field of human rights, Yelena Bonner is not only an expert, she is one of the leading authorities. She speaks with the voice of the oppressed, having lived through the horrors of Stalinism and Soviet repression. There are very few in the world that can truly speak with such moral authority. Recently she gave a speech at the three-day Oslo Freedom Forum, a gathering in response to the Durban II conference. Here is some of that speech:
…At the age of 14, I was left without my parents. My father was executed, my mother spent 18 years in prison and exile. My grandmother raised me and my younger brother. The poet Vladimir Kornilov, who suffered the same fate, wrote: ‘And it felt that in those years we had no mothers. We had grandmothers.’ There were hundreds of thousands of such children…It is time for the world to stop trying to appease the Arabs and listen to the truth. The true obstacle to peace in the region is not caused by Israel, but by the Arabs, who couldn't destroy Israel in battle and will attempt to destroy Israel through diplomatic means. And the world will let them. For it is acceptable to hate and despise the Jews. It is time for the world to listen to the voice of a woman who lived under some of the worst repression that humanity has imposed upon others. It is time to bring Gilad Shalit home.
…Read Sakharov’s Memoirs. It’s a pity his Diaries haven’t been translated; they were published in Russia in 2006. Apparently, the West isn’t interested now in Sakharov.
The West isn’t very interested in Russia either, a country that no longer has real elections, independent courts, or freedom of the press. Russia is a country where journalists, human rights activists, and migrants are killed regularly, almost daily. And extreme corruption flourishes of a kind and extent that never existed earlier in Russia or anywhere else. So what do the Western mass media discuss mainly? Gas and oil -- of which Russia has a lot. Energy is its only political trump card, and Russia uses it as an instrument of pressure and blackmail... Russia will remain the way it is now for decades, unless there is some violent upheaval.
…They say people are coming together -- but in reality, they are growing apart. And that isn’t because an economic depression suddenly burst forth, and swine flu to boot. [It] began on September 11, 2001. At first, anger and horror was provoked by the terrorists who knocked down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and by their accomplices in London, Madrid and other cities, and by the shahids, suicide bombers who blew themselves up at public spaces like discotheques and wedding parties, whose families were rewarded $25,000 each by Saddam Hussein.
Later, Bush was blamed for everything, and as always, the Jews -- that is, Israel… So it is about Israel and the Jews that I will speak... At one time, the Nobel Peace Prize was the highest moral award of our civilization. But after December 1994, when Yasser Arafat became one of the three new laureates, its ethical value was undermined. I haven’t always greeted each selection of the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Storting with joy, but that one shocked me. And to this day, I cannot understand and accept the fact that Andrei Sakharov and Yasir Arafat, now posthumously, share membership in the club of Nobel laureates.
In many of Sakharov’s publications… [he] wrote and spoke about Israel. I have a collection of citations of his writing on this topic. If it were published in Norway, then many Norwegians would be surprised at how sharply their contemporary view of Israel differs from the view of Sakharov. Here are several citations from Sakharov: …
“All wars that Israel has waged have been just, forced upon it by the irresponsibility of Arab leaders.” “With all the money that has been invested in the problem of Palestinians, it would have been possible long ago to resettle them and provide them with good lives in Arab countries.”
…Now, a new motif is fashionable (in fact it’s an old one): ‘Two states for two peoples.’ It sounds good. And there is no controversy in the peace-making Quartet, made up of the U.S., the UN, the EU, and Russia (some great peace-maker, with its Chechen war and its Abkhazian-Ossetian provocation). The Quartet, and the Arab countries, and the Palestinian leaders (both Hamas and Fatah) put additional demands to Israel. I will speak only of one demand: that Israel accept back the Palestinian refugees. And here a little history and demography are needed.
According to the UN’s official definition, refugees are considered those who fled from violence and wars, but not their descendants who are born in another land. At one time the Palestinian refugees and the Jewish refugees from Arab countries were about equal in number -- about 700-800,000. The newly-created state Israel took in Jews (about 600,000). They were officially recognized as refugees by the UN Resolution 242, but not provided with any UN assistance. Palestinians, however, are considered refugees not only in the first generation, but in the second, third, and now even in the fourth generation. According to the UN Works and Relief Agency’s report, , the number of registered Palestinian refugees has grown from 914,000 in 1950 to more than 4.6 million in 2008, and continues to rise due to natural population growth. All these people have the rights of Palestinian refugees and are eligible to receive humanitarian aid.
The entire population of Israel is about 7.5 million, of which there are about 2.5 million ethnic Arabs who call themselves Palestinians. Imagine Israel then, if another five million Arabs flood into it; Arabs would substantially outnumber the Jewish population. Thus, created next to Israel will be a Palestinian state cleansed of Jews, because in addition to the demand that Palestinian refugees return to Israel, there is also the demand that Judea and Samaria are cleansed of Jews and turned over to Palestinians – while in Gaza today there is not a single Jew already.
The result is both strange and terrifying, not only because Israel will essentially be destroyed... Because the plan “two states for two peoples” is the creation of one state, ethnically cleansed of Jews, and a second one with the potential to do the same thing. A Judenrein Holy Land - the dream of Adolph Hitler come true at last. So think again, those who are still able, who has a fascist inside him today?
And another question that has been a thorn for me for a long time. It’s a question for my human rights colleagues. Why doesn’t the fate of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit trouble you in the same way as the fate of the Guantanamo prisoners?
You fought for and won the opportunity for the International Committee of the Red Cross, journalists, and lawyers to visit Guantanamo. You know prison conditions, the prisoners’ everyday routine, their food. You have met with prisoners subjected to torture. The result of your efforts has been a ban on torture and a law to close this prison. President Obama signed it in the first days of his coming to the White House…
But during the two years Shalit has been held by terrorists, the world human rights community has done nothing for his release. Why? He is a wounded soldier, and fully falls under the protection of the Geneva Conventions. The Conventions say clearly that hostage-taking is prohibited, that representatives of the Red Cross must be allowed to see prisoners of war, especially wounded prisoners, and there is much else written in the Geneva Conventions about Shalit’s rights.
The fact that representatives of the Quartet conduct negotiations with the people who are holding Shalit in an unknown location, in unknown conditions, vividly demonstrates their scorn of international rights documents and their total legal nihilism. Do human rights activists also fail to recall the fundamental international rights documents?
And yet I still think (and some will find this naïve) that the first tiny, but real step toward peace must become the release of Shalit. Release - and not his exchange for 1,000 or 1,500 prisoners who are in Israeli prisons serving court sentences for real crimes.
Returning to my question of why human rights activists are silent, I can find no answer except that Shalit is an Israeli soldier, Shalit is a Jew. So again, it is conscious or unconscious anti-Semitism. Again, it is fascism.
Thirty-four years have passed since the day when I came to this city to represent my husband, Andrei Sakharov, at the 1975 Nobel Prize ceremony. I was in love with Norway then. The reception I received filled me with joy. Today, I feel Alarm and Hope (the title Sakharov used for his 1977 essay written at the request of the Nobel Committee).
Alarm because of the anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli sentiment growing throughout Europe and even further afield. And yet, I hope that countries, their leaders, and people everywhere will recall and adopt Sakharov’s ethical credo: “In the end, the moral choice turns out to be also the most pragmatic choice."

100% right from which ever angle one looks at it.
So Saddam paid the Moroccan families that carried out the Madrid bombings $25,000? I don't believe it. Saddam was an asshole of the highest order,but he hated fundamentalist Islam - it was a threat to his power.
There will be a Palestinian state in the West Bank one day - it is a demographic certainty.
Esquerita you need to study some history. There is already a two state solution... Israel and Jordan. There was never a country of "palestine". Those so-called "palestinians" are Jordanian Arabs. Funny though, Jordon won't allow them in. And Egypt? Hell Egypt shot anyone who tried to get out of Gaza and into Egypt after the war.
The comment I meant to leave before I saw the misquided and misinformed Esquerita was simply this.... It is not acceptable to ME to hate and despise Israel and the Jewish people. I follow the commnands of The Bible. My God came to earth in human form as a JEW. Those who hate and despse Israel and the Jewish people should not call themselves Christian.
It is not anti-semetic to question the policies of the Israeli government.
My bible tells me that the ONLY way to heaven is through the Lord Jesus Christ, if you do not believe that Jesus was the son of God you don't go to heaven - case closed. Its a tough pill to swallow I know. I disagree myself but that is what the New Testament says. The idea that Jews go to heaven too is a very loose and liberal interpretation of the Bible. The official line in Judaism is that ONLY Jews go to heaven - they don't believe in hell so Christians (and everyone else) just stay in the dirt I recon.
By the way Kirly - those who hate and despise ANY ethnic group should not call themselves Christian.
What do you suggest be done with the millions of Arabs in the West Bank and Israel? Should they simply walk away from property that has been in their families? Is it "Christian" to ask a Palestinian Christian family to give up their land?
Esquerita, please get your facts straight,Jews do not believe they are the only faith that gets to heaven, and their is a concept of hell for Jews.
As far as Jesus goes,he too was a Jew,in my personal opinion a spiritual one,who tried to teach his followers how to connect to the creator,and if one thinks about it,thats all one spiritual teacher can teach.
redsea and Kirly,
My little friend rita here detests the government of Israel. Usually, she doesn't wish to just put that out there and leave it at that...but will try to substantiate her hatred with seeming "arguments."
I think deep down she knows that the "palis" have no right to anything in the Middle East and that they are pigs and quite literally the lepers of the arab world, but alas, rita just can't get past that red she sees in a government in Israel that has protected its people for decades despite hundreds of plots to kill them all.
:Holger Danske
I detest the Israeli governments treatment of the people of the West Bank - taking land, then a security buffer, then a buffer for the buffer. "Your family has grown olives here for 500 years - too bad!" I just can't imagine that happening to me - I'd be more than a little pissed off, we just disagree.
I know 2 Jews. They are not especially devout but one of them went to Hebrew school. She told me that 1. There is no concept of hell in Judaism and 2. the official line is that Jews to to heaven, no one else does, heaven is for God's chosen people, Christians worship a false messiah and don't make the cut. She does not believe this but that is the doctrine. I've check up on this and from what I've read thats the truth. Now - as with MOST religions there is a divide between what is official and what most practitioners actually think.
Holgar,thanks for the clarification.I recently encountered a most interesting site(may have been a link from the excellent www.jihadwatcg.org)anyway its called www.mythsandfacts,org and it may be of interest to those looking for the truth about the Israel/middle east situation.
Ok - I just made a phone call, my other friend (not the one who went to Hebrew school) says that in his synagogue growing up he was taught that all people have a shot at heaven if they live right. My mistake. Two Jews from two different traditions, two different answers. I guess I should rely in the infallible source of truth that is the internet instead of just asking Jews I know.
I'd tend to agree - I just can't see how God creates the human race only to send most people the hell, it doesn't make since. I'm not going to argue the point. I'll cross those gates (or not) when I come to them. I doubt any of us has a clue as to the real nature of the universe.
I really am not sure quite why esquerita is so uptight about Jews and Israel.From the little interchange we have had their is an interesting lesson.Its better to find out the facts before perpetuating untruths.For the record G-D does not send folks to hell.The founder of your faith was a Jew,if you find out what he actually said,you will be guided to a relationship with G-D.Which is the purpose of creation.
RED - God doesn't send people to hell? Who printed your copy of the bible? Jerry Garcia? Sounds like a very feel good, watered down version of the of the real thing. In the tradition I was raised in God judges and sends people to hell all the time. To each his own I guess. I'm no biblical scholar - but I've read plenty of what Jesus said.
I'm up tight about religion in general, not just the Jews. I know Jesus was a Jew and was only concerned with Jews - Paul watered it down for the masses.
Holger - Are Palestinian Christians pigs and lepers too? Should they give up their land to make more room for settlements?
I just checked some facts with an old friend of about 40yrs who is a Christian lay preacher,he agrees G-D does not send people to hell,and in addition, Jesus was not just concerned with Jews(although he did live in Jewish neighbourhood)you recall the old story "the Eskimos were G-D's frozen people.Sorry to read of the tradition you were raised in it does not sound like a lot of joy,however as we mature into adults we should grow spiritually as well,not just cling to childish stories.True religion is a joy for mankind,false interpretation leads to misery,and eventually wanting to kill those who disagree with you.Back to square one.
In regards to your comment that God sends people to hell: our loving heavenly Father is "not willing that any should perish" (2 Peter 3:9). But neither will He force our obedience. He leaves the choice to us.
You might also want to read Psalm 119:130. God's Word is what will open eyes and cure spiritual blindness.
I hope that this gives you some guidance to the "truth".
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