Okay, there's this article here from NPR that tries to shroud the fact that a large number of Somali immigrant youths have disappeared from Minneapolis, Minnesota and are now back in Somalia fighting on the side of al Qaeda in some sort of big mystery. The article keeps asking why these young people would leave? The FBI is trying to figure it out, the local adult Somali leaders and parents of these young Somali immirgrants are all scratching their heads and ignoring the reason: THEY ARE ISLAMIC TERRORISTS. Dress this pig up, put some lipstick on it, whatever you want to do but the fact of this big ass so-called "mystery" is as plain as the crescents on the Somali neighborhood buildings in Minneapolis - they are islamists, they have listened to the message of terror and they've left the U.S. for Somalia to kill people in the name of allah.
Here's some of the details from the story:
Day in and day out these Somali leaders in America shrug their shoulders and try to put on this facade that they just don't know what's going on - well, the fact of the matter is these islamist leaders are lying. Lying.
Here's some of the details from the story:
Twenty years ago, Somali refugees arrived in America and landed in what might seem like an unlikely place: Minneapolis. Today, the Twin Cities are home to the largest Somali community in America. And it is a community in turmoil.What a crock. Look at that last sentence: "they are anxious for the FBI to tell them who is taking their children." Oh for pete's sakes...boo hoo fucking hoo. Someone stole my baby away! Yeah right. These Somalis have landed in Minnesota and other areas of the U.S. and from day one they have done NOTHING to assimilate to American society - NOT ONE THING. In fact, they have worked hard for every special exception to their own culture that they could con out of the local and state authorities. Take a look at the crime statistics in the Somali community in Minneapolis and you will see a crime rate 100 times that of any other part of the population. These are terrorists, these are radical islamists who simply have found an excuse to join the fight back in Somalia and the whole jist of this article is that the FBI is needed to be tied up in some sort of investigation - well, the imams at the Somali mosques in Minneapolis are preparing these young men for terror in Somalia so you don't need the FBI to go ask them.
That's because in the past year and a half, several dozen young men from Minneapolis have boarded planes to Africa and are thought to have joined up with a terrorist group in Somalia.
At one point in the late 1990s, Roosevelt had the largest concentration of Somali students in America. One of them was a skinny 15-year-old named Shirwa Ahmed. He left Minneapolis for Somalia in 2007. He blew himself up in a suicide bombing last year. His remains are in an unmarked grave on the outskirts of town.
They wish they had kept a better eye on their kids and, instead of trying to get them to forget about Somalia, warned them about how dangerous it is there. Most of all, they are anxious for the FBI to tell them who is taking their children.
Day in and day out these Somali leaders in America shrug their shoulders and try to put on this facade that they just don't know what's going on - well, the fact of the matter is these islamist leaders are lying. Lying.
FBI Looks For Clues To Missing Somali Youths
Twenty years ago, Somali refugees arrived in America and landed in what might seem like an unlikely place: Minneapolis. Today, the Twin Cities are home to the largest Somali community in America. And it is a community in turmoil.
That's because in the past year and a half, several dozen young men from Minneapolis have boarded planes to Africa and are thought to have joined up with a terrorist group in Somalia.
When Somalis first arrived in Minneapolis in the 1990s, they were fresh from refugee camps, trying to escape a civil war in their own country. The Lutheran Church sponsored the first 1,000 families and sent them to Minnesota.
Hussein Samatar was an early arrival and can't imagine why some of the community's young men have decided to return to Somalia.
"We left that country fleeing from it, so we can't even understand how a child, a 17-year-old can go back and be willing to fight again," he says.
For Samatar, this question is not academic. His own nephew left six months ago.
"We know that he is in Somalia," he says. "I am aware of one very short phone call. He called his mom and said 'I am fine, I am in Somalia, I am not going to tell you where I am at, but I am fine.' That is what we know."
FBI investigators have uncovered a bit more than that. They say there are recruiters for a Somali terrorist group called al-Shabab in the United States.
The Somali communities in Boston, Cleveland, San Diego and Seattle are also missing young Somalis. But nowhere have the numbers been as high as they have been in the Twin Cities — where up to 27 young men have vanished. And that, of course, raises the question: Why here?
The FBI has looked for some answers at a local school: Theodore Roosevelt High School. It's a two-story brick building in the suburbs of Minneapolis nestled in a neighborhood of bungalows on a narrow strip of road.
Inside, the hallways echo with foreign languages, some smatterings of Spanish and French and Somali.
At one point in the late 1990s, Roosevelt had the largest concentration of Somali students in America. One of them was a skinny 15-year-old named Shirwa Ahmed. He left Minneapolis for Somalia in 2007. He blew himself up in a suicide bombing last year. His remains are in an unmarked grave on the outskirts of town.
New Somalis are arriving in Minneapolis all the time, and many begin their high school careers in what is essentially a Somali phonics class. A lot of the new Somali students are illiterate. So they basically sound out Somali words on the board — as first-graders might do in this country. As a result, in many ways, they have become isolated even in their own high school.
Michael Leiter, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center in Washington, said in a recent speech that the Somali experience is unusual in this country.
"Our Muslim community in the United States tends to be much more integrated, much better off financially, much more engaged in the U.S. political system, much less isolated in pockets than, say, in countries like the United Kingdom," he says. "And that's the good news.'
The bad news is that the isolation of the Somali community has made its members vulnerable to radical ideas.
"We have seen a very, very small percentage who have come to identify with extremists in Somalia, be they al-Shabab or potentially elements of al-Qaida," he says.
And in Minneapolis, that small percentage was convinced to go to Somalia and join the fight there. Parents in the Somali community, for their part, are soul-searching. They wish they had kept a better eye on their kids and, instead of trying to get them to forget about Somalia, warned them about how dangerous it is there. Most of all, they are anxious for the FBI to tell them who is taking their children.
Wonder if there's a way to make it even more attractive to head back to Somalia. Attractive enough that every Goddamned one of them would go back.
Do the letters GTFO mean anything?
"young men" are NOT children. They've made a choice freely to leave. let them. and don't let them back in either.
Hussein Samatar is the best liar and cheat I have ever encountered. He runs his own piracy company veiled in a dignified suit and tie as an investment banker in the heart of Little Mogadishu. His organization has been given the stamp of approval by local leaders. However his covert business is sheer piracy--hijacking the big ships and distributing the spoil.
Your posting states all Somali's are Islamists, but your tone implies that they are all "terrorists." Islam is not a terrorist organization. In fact, all the "Islamists" I know are peaceful, show more respect for humankind than most Minnesotans/Americans I know, and have better respect for the human body (abstaining from smoking and drinking) than our own culture. The terrorist "Islamists" just happen to be an extremely visible group of people who claim they follow the teachings of Islam, but over 99% of Muslims would not claim these people as their brothers and sisters of the faith.
However, I do agree that the young men leaving are doing so of their own volition. Maybe the community needs to focus more on how they can make their community stronger and how to educate and support their young.
To "Ride a Pale Horse" - your comments is so full of anger. Where do you think your ancestors came from? Germany? Europe? Do you think you are entitled for some reason to be an "American?" American culture has always been a melting pot of culture whether it be Irish, Italians, Germans or Scandinavians. It just so happens that after a couple of generations the European cultures in the US have become blurred. The new kids on the block are now the targets of your anger although your ancestors probably faced the same as they came to the United States. Please consider this before you spread your message of anger and hate. Would you wish this upon yourself? I don't think so.
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