You know, deep down....Hillary Clinton is either hating her new role as Secretary of State right now or she is trying to get back at Bibi Netanyahu for some of his tough stances taken with her husband years ago, but the crux of the latest conflict between the U.S. and Israel is this - the Obama administration has told Israel it must stop all settlement construction (even that construction in present areas needed to accomodate growth) and the Israelis have now said they are going ahead with the construction.
Here are some of the details from Breitbart:
Okay, maybe I've missed it but what has Barack Obama asked of the Palestinians so far in the process? What concessions or act of faith has Obama asked of Abbas or anyone in the Palestinian Authority? Anyone? Anything?
Barack Obama takes over as President and his magical solution to the Middle East situation is to warn the Israelis that they better not take any action towards Iran's nuclear threat and now he is telling them that they have to cave in to the Palestinian demands of no settlement construction. In return, Obama has requested that the Palestinians.....ummm....hmmm....hold on a second.....(searching).....nope....nothing.
Perhaps we need a reminder of what Obama said about Israel before he got elected:
Well folks, just chalk that up to another lie that Obama stated in order to get elected President. Thankfully, the Israelis have decided that they don't need this inexperienced, terror-sympathizing rookie President on their side. I do find it interesting that in the first 120 days of his Presidency, Barack Obama has been tougher on Israel than North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Russia and Venezuela combined.
Here are some of the details from Breitbart:
Israel said Thursday it will press ahead with housing construction in West Bank settlements despite a surprisingly blunt U.S. demand that it stop all the building.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday the U.S. wants a halt to all settlement construction—including "natural growth." She was referring to Israel's insistence that new construction is necessary to accommodate the growth of families already living in existing settlements.
Clinton said Obama told Netanyahu last week when the two met at the White House that the U.S. sees stopping settlements as key to a peace deal that would see a Palestinian state created alongside Israel.
"He wants to see a stop to settlements—not some settlements, not outposts, not 'natural growth' exceptions," Clinton said. "We think it is in the best interests (of the peace process) that settlement expansion cease. That is our position. That is what we have communicated very clearly. ... And we intend to press that point."
Okay, maybe I've missed it but what has Barack Obama asked of the Palestinians so far in the process? What concessions or act of faith has Obama asked of Abbas or anyone in the Palestinian Authority? Anyone? Anything?
Barack Obama takes over as President and his magical solution to the Middle East situation is to warn the Israelis that they better not take any action towards Iran's nuclear threat and now he is telling them that they have to cave in to the Palestinian demands of no settlement construction. In return, Obama has requested that the Palestinians.....ummm....hmmm....hold on a second.....(searching).....nope....nothing.
Perhaps we need a reminder of what Obama said about Israel before he got elected:
"Israel's security is sacrosanct,"
Well folks, just chalk that up to another lie that Obama stated in order to get elected President. Thankfully, the Israelis have decided that they don't need this inexperienced, terror-sympathizing rookie President on their side. I do find it interesting that in the first 120 days of his Presidency, Barack Obama has been tougher on Israel than North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Russia and Venezuela combined.
Israel rebuffs US call for total settlement freeze
Government spokesman Mark Regev responded to the demand by saying "normal life in those communities must be allowed to continue." He confirmed that this meant some construction will continue in existing settlements.
The new conflict with Washington comes on the day President Barack Obama is meeting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the White House. Abbas has said the Palestinian demand for freezing settlements will be at the top of his agenda in the talks.
The new U.S. administration has been more explicit in its criticism of Israeli settlement policy than its predecessor. But Regev said the fate of existing settlements will be determined in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
The U.S. and much of the world consider the settlements an obstacle to peace because they are built on land the Palestinians claim for a future state. More than 280,000 Jewish settlers live among more than 2 million Palestinians in the West Bank.
Regev said Israel has pledged to build no new settlements and to remove unauthorized Jewish outposts in the West Bank.
Israel and the U.S. each have new leaders with strikingly different approaches to Israeli-Palestinian relations. Netanyahu refuses to endorse Palestinian independence, a notion supported by Obama, his predecessor and the previous Israeli government.
Clinton said Obama told Netanyahu last week when the two met at the White House that the U.S. sees stopping settlements as key to a peace deal that would see a Palestinian state created alongside Israel.
"He wants to see a stop to settlements—not some settlements, not outposts, not 'natural growth' exceptions," Clinton said. "We think it is in the best interests (of the peace process) that settlement expansion cease. That is our position. That is what we have communicated very clearly. ... And we intend to press that point."
The muslim in chief is forcing the situation, isolating Israel and signaling his fellow muslims that they have a green light. Israel stands alone, and is being forced into the corner by a surrounding and pressing pack of bullies. Sadly, everyone is being forced to fight or die.
The U.S. asks Israel to stop building settlements in the West Bank and they won't do it? How about stop the BILLIONS of our tax dollars that we send Israel every year?
Can you hear me now? good.
Israel should be just fine without handouts from the American government.
Gaza should also stop the rockets before getting any more aid.
A two state solution is the only way to preserve the integrity of a Jewish state. Otherwise there will be a situation where more non-Jews than Jews live in Israeli territory.
There already is a two state solution up and running, it's called Israel and Gaza. As far as the West Bank goes, I consider it Israel. It was land captured during an Invasion of Israel by Jordan. The West Bank never belonged to the "palistinians", immediately after the creation of Israel the land was annexed by Jordan in their first invasion of Israel in 47. If Israel gives up the West Bank it will become just another muslim shit hole, so the folks that live there would be much better off under Israeli rule.
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