Misfit al Qaeda leader, Abu Yahya al Libi, has come out with a call for the Pakistani people and their islamic clerics to revolt against the Pakistani government and join an uprising that would, well, I guess it would usher in a utopian type of Pakistan with al Qaeda and the Taliban in charge? LOL. Here's some of the details from the story over at The Long War Journal:
I doubt that the Pakistani people are going to be too quick to follow the advice of a piece of shit like this al Qaeda leader but at the same time, this is probably going to set the stage for a number of radical islamic clerics in Pakistan to start stirring things up. Of course, after a Taliban takeover of Pakistan, those clerics will probably have it pretty soft but the masses are going to look forward to the kind of oppression that the Afghan people know all about.
As the fighting continues in the northwest, a senior al Qaeda leader has called for Pakistanis to fight the Pakistani Army and the government.
"Muslims in Pakistan, and especially their clerics, should prepare themselves and rise up to perform the duty ... of fighting the Pakistani army and the rest of the apparatus that are the pillars of their tyrannical state," said Abu Yahya al Libi, a senior al Qaeda spokesman and ideologue in a 29-page document release on the Internet.
Al Libi described the Pakistani government and military as tools of the West.
"The criminals in the Pakistani government and its army have not only been a cover for the occupying crusader infidels in Afghanistan, they have directly helped them in committing all their crimes in Afghanistan and elsewhere," Al Libi said, according to excerpts provided by Reuters.
Al Libi was the first al Qaeda leader to urge the Pakistani people and the Army to turn against then-President Pervez Musharraf's regime after the military stormed the radical Red Mosque in the heart of Islamabad. Zawahiri and bin Laden have repeated this call to rebellion several times since then.
I doubt that the Pakistani people are going to be too quick to follow the advice of a piece of shit like this al Qaeda leader but at the same time, this is probably going to set the stage for a number of radical islamic clerics in Pakistan to start stirring things up. Of course, after a Taliban takeover of Pakistan, those clerics will probably have it pretty soft but the masses are going to look forward to the kind of oppression that the Afghan people know all about.
Taliban storm paramilitary outpost in Dir
Al Qaeda leader calls for uprising
As the fighting continues in the northwest, a senior al Qaeda leader has called for Pakistanis to fight the Pakistani Army and the government.
"Muslims in Pakistan, and especially their clerics, should prepare themselves and rise up to perform the duty ... of fighting the Pakistani army and the rest of the apparatus that are the pillars of their tyrannical state," said Abu Yahya al Libi, a senior al Qaeda spokesman and ideologue in a 29-page document release on the Internet.
Al Libi described the Pakistani government and military as tools of the West.
"The criminals in the Pakistani government and its army have not only been a cover for the occupying crusader infidels in Afghanistan, they have directly helped them in committing all their crimes in Afghanistan and elsewhere," Al Libi said, according to excerpts provided by Reuters.
Al Libi was the first al Qaeda leader to urge the Pakistani people and the Army to turn against then-President Pervez Musharraf's regime after the military stormed the radical Red Mosque in the heart of Islamabad. Zawahiri and bin Laden have repeated this call to rebellion several times since then.
The US put a $5 million bounty out for al Libi at the end of March 2009. Al Libi was a military commander in Afghanistan until his capture by the US military during 2003. He rose to prominence in al Qaeda after he escaped from Bagram Prison in Afghanistan in the summer of 2005, along with senior al Qaeda operatives Abu Nasir al Qahtani, Abu Abdallah al Shami, and Omar Farouq. Al Libi is the only member of the notorious "Bagram Four" active in al Qaeda; the others have been killed or captured.
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