All the news shows are talking about is the visit of Afghanistan's President and Pakistan's President to the White House...and how President Barack Obama is scrambling to unite all three countries in some strategy to stop the Taliban and al Qaeda from taking down Pakistan. Well, I haven't seen a single news outlet ask the question: WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN DOING FOR THREE MONTHS, MR. OBAMA?!!!
This is ridiculous and pure and simple negligence. Foreign policy midget Barack Obama waits until the Taliban are dug in 60 miles from Pakistan's capital and then decides that oh wow, we might want to look at doing something! I'm sorry folks, but this is complete bullshit. Most Americans were pretty convinced that Barack Obama was going to be a liability in the area of national defense and in efforts against terror but they still voted for him, and he certainly isn't disappointing those predictions.
Being President of the United States of America isn't about gettting millions to chant "Yes We Can" or strolling the lawn of the White House with your wife for photo ops. It's about LEADERSHIP, WORLD LEADERSHIP. This is America, Mr. Obama...we are the world's leader, the strongest nation in the history of this planet and although you want to treat America like some two bit European state...you better wake the hell up and start LEADING this nation. And quick.
p.s. if you hadn't noticed, I'm pissed. Here's the story about the 3 month too late meetings held today by the President In Name Only from Breitbart:
This is ridiculous and pure and simple negligence. Foreign policy midget Barack Obama waits until the Taliban are dug in 60 miles from Pakistan's capital and then decides that oh wow, we might want to look at doing something! I'm sorry folks, but this is complete bullshit. Most Americans were pretty convinced that Barack Obama was going to be a liability in the area of national defense and in efforts against terror but they still voted for him, and he certainly isn't disappointing those predictions.
Being President of the United States of America isn't about gettting millions to chant "Yes We Can" or strolling the lawn of the White House with your wife for photo ops. It's about LEADERSHIP, WORLD LEADERSHIP. This is America, Mr. Obama...we are the world's leader, the strongest nation in the history of this planet and although you want to treat America like some two bit European state...you better wake the hell up and start LEADING this nation. And quick.
p.s. if you hadn't noticed, I'm pissed. Here's the story about the 3 month too late meetings held today by the President In Name Only from Breitbart:
Analysis: Obama scrambles against militant threat
WASHINGTON (AP) - The fuse that could ignite an explosion of Islamic militancy in Afghanistan and Pakistan is burning so fast that the Obama administration is scrambling to keep pace.
As Pakistan's army finally opened a belated offensive against the advance of extremist Taliban fighters, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and his key security ministers huddled Wednesday with their Afghan and U.S. counterparts in all-day meetings in Washington.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai started the day on a solemn note, acknowledging Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's expressions of regret for the deaths of dozens of Afghan civilians killed during Monday's battle between U.S. forces and the Taliban.
President Barack Obama demanded the meetings as part of his complex, costly and far-reaching strategy for Afghanistan that now links success there with stability in neighboring Pakistan.
It's a huge undertaking in distant lands where fiercely independent people have a long history of outlasting foreign militaries and refusing to change their ways. The Washington sessions represent an early test of whether a U.S. president at the start of the 21st century has sufficient leverage and power to succeed where great empires have failed.
But the first of the two days of meetings, evinced—on the surface at least—none of the drama or urgency gripping both countries, especially the potential threat to Pakistan's weak government and fears its nuclear weapons could fall into militant hands.
Administration officials brought the promised carrots to the difficult task, assurances of significant additional aid for Pakistan and 21,000 additional U.S. troops for Afghanistan.
In return, the White House demanded that Karzai get serious about eradicating corruption and boosting a government criticized as ineffective. Zardari was questioned about his seemingly lackadaisical response to the Taliban sweep through the Swat Valley within 60 miles of Islamabad, the capital.
National Security Adviser James Jones said Zardari had "assured the president he was properly focused on it (the Taliban threat)," noting that was "very encouraging."
Most foreign policy analysts applaud Obama's new strategy—an acceptance that defeating Taliban militants and their al-Qaida allies is only possible if those groups are rejected by the broader populations in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
To that end, Obama's national security team wants to focus not only on military operations but on broader nation building to make life better for the beleaguered people in both nations.
Can Obama, Karzai and Zardari keep a lid on spiraling violence, sustain sufficient peace for his new policy to work?
The Taliban has significantly stepped up attacks on both sides of the forbidding, mountainous border that separates the South Asian neighbors.
Acknowledging that "the road ahead will be difficult," Obama said he has made a "lasting commitment" to not only defeat extremism in both countries but to salvage their shaky democracies.
"No matter what happens we will not be deterred," Obama said Wednesday with Zardari and Karzai standing at his side in the White House.
Earlier, as the summit began, Clinton called the gathering a "breakthrough meeting," telling reporters the sessions covered trade, water sharing, military training and anti-corruption drives among other issues.
"We are facing a common enemy, and we have, therefore, made common cause together," Clinton said at a ceremonial opening, also flanked by Karzai and Zardari in her department's ornate Benjamin Franklin Room.
While encouraged, the Obama team faces an extended and costly task in both countries. It has a solid plan for success, but there is no certainty the America people will sustain the patience needed, nor that the U.S. Treasury has sufficient dollars.
Look, the TOTUS is weak in foreign policy, and what the TOTUS is silent on, Obama is silent on
Weak is the operative word - you nailed it. A lamb...not the blind leading the blind, the lamb leading the proud and the brave.
:Holger Danske
Obama Epiphanes knows exactly what he's doing. Slow to react to foreign enemies - quick to destroy free speech and liberty here in American.
he voted 'pres ent' on this one.
not 'president', because the 'id'/birthcertificate are still missing.
Brent - his actions are 100% of the time against the interests of western civilization in general, and the United States in particular.
what a coincidence.
Don't forget - Bush & Co. were sure Bin Laden slipped into Pakistan and broke a promise by not following him there. Bush was a complete candyass when it came to Pakistan for the same reason everyone tiptoes around them - they have nukes. Sitting back in 2009 and theorizing about how much better the last administration would do is useless armchair quarterbacking in the worst way.
How is Obama destroying free speech and liberty? Ever heard of the Patriot Act? Habius Corpus has been gone for American citizens since 2002. Be careful how much power you give the executive branch- you never know who the next president will be. If Hillary had won we might both be in Guantanamo.
Sofa - The fact that you are one these "he's foreign born" people is classic. He won, get over it. You remind me of some liberal talking about the "uncounted Florida votes".
"100% against Western civ?" - Comedy gold.
Yeah - We should be bombing Swat, I'm by no means 100% in agreement with Obama. I don't think the majority of the people in Afghan/Pakistan support the Taliban, if I'm wrong then there is no military solution.
All war is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
- Sun Tzu
Of course our Commander in Chief is only attempting to deceive Americans.
Great comment and considering the current situation, very appropriate.
:Holger Danske
rita - I'm not "one of those people", I am one of the "other kind"! Rumour is, I'm not even one of "them", but really rather an "individual". Yeah, one of "those".
Stereotyping others into categories, lets you avoid that whole thinking thing, doesn't it?
No need to address a topic when you can call someone a name, right?
You're quite right Sofie - there is no reason to address the topic of Obama's US citizenship - how many times do we need to look at that state of Hawaii birth certificate? He has won, certified, no one is revolking his presidency - would you really rather have Joe Biden in office? Its a moot point, a done deal. There are a handful of people grasping at political straws over Obama's US citizenship. Yes you are an individual but you agree with them. I never called you a name - you're so sensitive.
The time for raising citizenship concerns was last May - I guess the idea never caught on since he won.
Sorry if you thought I was stereotyping - I try not to do that, I hate when people do that to me. People see me in an old Ford pickup with a gunrack and assume I'm some kind of redneck and I have to set them strait, this happens a couple of times a year.
If I didn't want to think I guess I'd spend all my time reading posts on some liberal blog - I like argueing politics - so I read this one. If I wanted to hear an echo I guess I'd be yelling down the old well in the woods out back.
I love how I'm an "asshole" because I disagree but by saying "those" people I'm name calling. Its a blog - don't be so sensitive.
I've spent time at the Lefty blogs and I understand completely why you are here. ; )
:Holger Danske
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