Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Video: U.S. Marine Awarded Silver Star for Heroism In Afghanistan


Maggie Thornton said...

I listen to these young men and wonder how Barack Obama thinks he will defeat the Taliban in Pakistan. And what will happen to our troops in Afghanistan if our military cannot counter Obama's perverted vision of the world?

I hear conservative pundits say they are impressed with his Afghanistan strategy. I think they have not been listening.

Thanks for providing these wonderful videos of American heroes.

Holger Awakens said...


It's always a treat for my readers to see your comments - thanks for stopping by.

:Holger Danske

Maggie Thornton said...

Holger, it is a treat for me to come here and read your analysis of the wars, especially of the specific "operations" you are discussing and get a feeling for what our troops are going through.

Likewise all the weird war zones, like Pakistan, and some of the "man-made disaster operatives," of whom you always have some inside info.

Honestly, what I read from you is understandable. I seldom find that elsewhere.

Holger Awakens said...

Awww Maggie,

Yer the best, you DO know that don't you? ;)

:Holger Danske