At what point in time, is a majority of Americans going to band together, bring one voice up in resounding fervor and tell Barack Hussein Obama that we are SICK AND TIRED of his body slamming the United States of America in front of the rest of the world? Today, in France, President and apologist Obama reassured his European audience that America is indeed the bad guy they have thought we are...all in some little plan of Obama's to help the world like us again - at least that is probably what this guy is attempting. I ask you, am I the only one that is livid over this America-bashing by our very own President? Now, there is some true leftist spin on all of this at this article at the Montreal Gazette but it does lay out exactly what was said today:
President Obama...how many American lives were sacrificed in order to save those French people from the tyranny of Adolf Hitler? Was that arrogance on our part? Why don't you just finally man up and explain in detail just WHAT you see as the SPECIFIC American arrogance you constantly speak about? Further, why don't you go the extra mile and finally explain THE REAL REASON you hate this country of yours? I am a citizen of the greatest country on the face of the Earth - you obviously don't share that opinion and I'd like to know why. If you are going to insist on bashing America for the next 3.75 years, then the least you can do is cite specific examples of why you have taken this stance. And in case you are too dumb, naive or immature to understand it...there is a difference between being responsible to lead the world and arrogance. So the challenge is there....you want to embarrass the American people....then put up or shut up.
Oh, one last thing...if you truly think you can get every citizen of every country in every corner of this world to like America, you will end up getting the citizens of America you pledged to protect, killed.
Within mere hours of arriving in France on Friday for this weekend's NATO summit, U.S. President Barack Obama had not only expressed regret for past American "arrogance" toward Europe, he had also charmed his hosts by extolling the pleasures of sipping wine and watching the sunset in French cafes.So, look at those last two paragraphs and let me ask a question: why does Obama feel he has to set up his argument for anti-Americanism in Europe with this blatant lie that America has been arrogant? It would be like you being questioned by the police about a burglary that you didn't commit but although you have an air tight allibi, you feel the need to admit shoplifting 3 years earlier. It's bloody insane.
What's more, there was French President Nicolas Sarkozy, positively gushing with gratitude for a U.S. leader "who understands that the world does not boil down to simply American frontiers and borders."
"In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world," Obama said. "Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.
"But in Europe, there is an anti-Americanism that is at once casual, but can also be insidious. Instead of recognizing the good that America so often does in the world, there have been times where Europeans choose to blame America for much of what's bad."
President Obama...how many American lives were sacrificed in order to save those French people from the tyranny of Adolf Hitler? Was that arrogance on our part? Why don't you just finally man up and explain in detail just WHAT you see as the SPECIFIC American arrogance you constantly speak about? Further, why don't you go the extra mile and finally explain THE REAL REASON you hate this country of yours? I am a citizen of the greatest country on the face of the Earth - you obviously don't share that opinion and I'd like to know why. If you are going to insist on bashing America for the next 3.75 years, then the least you can do is cite specific examples of why you have taken this stance. And in case you are too dumb, naive or immature to understand it...there is a difference between being responsible to lead the world and arrogance. So the challenge is there....you want to embarrass the American people....then put up or shut up.
Oh, one last thing...if you truly think you can get every citizen of every country in every corner of this world to like America, you will end up getting the citizens of America you pledged to protect, killed.
Obama turns on charm in European offensive
WASHINGTON — Somewhere in America, the guy who invented "freedom fries" as a repudiation of the French must be turning over in his gravy.
Within mere hours of arriving in France on Friday for this weekend's NATO summit, U.S. President Barack Obama had not only expressed regret for past American "arrogance" toward Europe, he had also charmed his hosts by extolling the pleasures of sipping wine and watching the sunset in French cafes.
What's more, there was French President Nicolas Sarkozy, positively gushing with gratitude for a U.S. leader "who understands that the world does not boil down to simply American frontiers and borders."
It was a striking departure from the bad old days of America's recent transatlantic relations — when former U.S. defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld would denounce "old Europe" for opposing the Iraq war and George W. Bush could cause an international incident by giving German chancellor Angela Merkel an unwelcome neck massage.
But even as he expressed his willingness to show a measure of "humility" in America's approach to international relations, Obama is using his ongoing European charm offensive to deliver a tough-love message of his own.
Speaking to 4,000 French and German college students Friday at a town-hall meeting in Strasbourg, France, Obama said Europe had become too prone to casual anti-Americanism and needs to work just as hard to repair strained relations.
"In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world," Obama said. "Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.
"But in Europe, there is an anti-Americanism that is at once casual, but can also be insidious. Instead of recognizing the good that America so often does in the world, there have been times where Europeans choose to blame America for much of what's bad."
Obama's call for a return to more civil discourse among longtime allies was a prelude to his big request of the NATO summit: for member nations to send more troops and civilians to supplement the additional 22,000 U.S. soldiers being dispatched to the long-neglected war.
"We got sidetracked by Iraq," Obama said. But now that America is redoubling its efforts to fight al-Qaida and the Taliban, Europe "should not simply expect the United States to shoulder that burden alone."
It's a measure of Obama's immense popularity in France and Germany — where opposition to further military commitments in Afghanistan runs high — that the president's appeal was greeted with loud applause, and not boos.
Watching y'all go apeshit when he wins re-election in 2012 is going to be hilarious. Have a good weekend - once again cracking a cold one and not thinking about any of this bullshit until Monday.
Well, just because last year Michelle was proud of America for the first time in her adult life doesn't mean that Barack is proud yet.
your blog is good good good......
Have a good weekend...don't take any wooden Euros, fool.
Good to see ya man! I don't think EITHER of those two are proud of America. The term i'd use for their view of America is "resentment."
Thank you! Hope to see you around here again and again. We just tell it the way it is here, if you agree...that's cool. If you don't, tough shit. LOL
:Holger Danske
Esquerita, obama sent me in to get your credit card for your $163,000.00 you owe for his budget. How would you like to pay?
Oh and he said thanks for your for your support for infanticide. He said we need eugenics more than babies. It would be a burden on obama if he could not choose his future citizens.
And he wants the names of your children and their children for rahm and michelles boot camp. He said he may need them for Afghanistan since no one is backing his surge. He said you won't mind. Any houses left behind will be used for GITMO terrorists and illegals until their return.
obama would also like you to give up your healthcare plan and go with the new deal plan. He needs the money from your premiums to pay for the 30 million illegals he will legalize just before his re-election. He said you were a trooper and would not mind any of it.
One last thing, your 401K is going into the Universal savings plan so we need your account numbers.
Now, I will take your credit card or cashiers check first.
Wow, Holger--you cannot be this angry, ignorant and filled with hate, can you? Really? Yours must be a truly miserable existence.
Be healed, Holger; it won't hurt to open up your small mind and hating heart. Be healed.
You know Donnie...
I am a little pissed off! LOL
But, you know, I don't have a corner on anger. Look at the nuclear anger in this written by a raging lunatic:
During his tenure as US Vice President, former Halliburton CEO Richard Cheney and long-time collaborator Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, oversaw the handing out of hundreds of billions—perhaps as much as a trillion—not mere millions, in tax dollars as no-bid contracts to Halliburton and its subsidiaries. Much of the work contracted for was performed horrifically poorly, fraudulently, or not performed at all. Also, illness, injury, and death resulted directly from Halliburton contractors’ malfeasance.
Now THAT is one miserable, angry dude, wouldn't you agree, Donnie?
:Holger Danske
How does Barrack Obama have any room to apologize for America? He's not even from this country. OOh that's right he presented a piece of paper that has a stamp on it that factcheck has confirmed to be authintec it must be real.. Surely its impossible for a man with millions of dollars and thousands of powerful and influential people at his disposal to make a fraud. Lets not forget what his dear ole Grandmother said before she passed away about him being born in Kenya. As for the war in Afghanastan, I though he was trying to rally peace in his campaign, not more war. What a hypocrite
Dr MacGowan from April 5, is the one who needs healing or wait a minute maybe that is awakening. It is simply amazing how people who never heard of Barack Hussien O'Bama until his DNC speech in 2004 are so enfatuated with him. Doctor you need awakening, the guy who appears to be the biggest dumbass in the U S bowed to the custodian of the 2 holy mosques. The leader of one nation does not bow to the leader of another.
Totally photoshopped, right?
Why do small-minded Americans continue to COMPLETELY miss the point? Our foreign policies have been awful. It's time we own up to it. Is it wrong to apologize for any transgretions? Does it make us weaker to apologize and admit that we made mistakes?
If you are starting a new foriegn policy, why not start by saying, "This is what we represent, not the old policies?" Why can't we work with people that do not have the same opinions as us? So for people who do not read, or choose to misinterpret, or wish that President Obama's policies fail (Rush Limbaugh), c'mon people. Look at the big picture.
regarding your arrogant comment about us saving the french - do ou know that three french resistance fighters died for every us pilot the french resistance rescued? learn some history, learn to respect what other's went through.
regarding your silly comment about us not being arrogant - rumsfeld referred to our allies as 'old europe' and said no on cares about their opinion.
obama's comments in europe were very very good - he acknowledged european anger at us - always good when you are trying to be friends - and then he said - hey, stop ignoring the good we do.
i was raised as a navy brat. i spent my childhood traveling around the world for this country. i lived in europe when they loved us and were grateful to us. bush was a sickening embarassment and it's good good good to acknowledge that.
if we navy brats know 'my country, love it or leave it' is immature faux patriotism. my country, love it and i'm responsible for making it ever better is what the mature, real patriot says.
This blog is crap! I can think of numerous occasions that the United States should be apologizing for. This so called "charming” will get you a lot farther than being arrogant; which will get you blown off the map.
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