Okay, as most of you know...financial dealings are not my forte' - I do not especially dig the subject nor claim any expertise in it. But what I do know is when an evil entity is alive and well in America that seeks its destruction and just how it uses a puppet leader to do its bidding. I strongly encourage you all to read this article at Family Security Matters entitled, " Obama Endorses Soros Plan to Loot America", which details just how Obama has signed us all up for bankruptcy after his trip to the G20. Here are some of the excerpts from that article:
I'm no conspiracy nut or a fan of sitting down and dreaming up how fantasy schemes were hatched behind closed doors to ensure that Barack Obama was handed the Presidency. But I am smart enough to have witnessed the day when George Soros ended his allegiance to Hillary Clinton and put himself all in behind Barack Obama. And I have seen a series of moves made by the new President that fall into complete alignment with Soros' vision of a world economy that minimizes the role of the United States of America. And I do know that George Soros has no loyalty to America. Quite the opposite - George Soros is an enemy of our land and unfortunately, he is cashing in his vouchers for putting certain people into power in this country.
This is not “global cooperation,” as so many in the media described it, but a massive new expansion of the power and authority of international agencies and institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
By embracing the “global plan for recovery and reform,” which is how it was officially described, Obama explicitly endorsed International Monetary Fund (IMF) surveillance of the U.S. economy, creation of a global “Financial Stability Board,” the expanded use of a new global currency called Special Drawing Rights, a new global warming treaty, and costly fulfillment of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The Special Drawing Rights proposal, which is a vehicle for further U.S. foreign aid to the rest of the world, was the brainchild of billionaire George Soros, who told CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo that the G 20 conference was a “success.”
But viewed in another light, Obama has sold out the sovereignty of the United States and has laid the groundwork for the death of the U.S. dollar as the world’s dominant currency. While President Bush started this insidious process of holding G 20 meetings, Obama has taken the process much further down the road. It is truly unprecedented.
I'm no conspiracy nut or a fan of sitting down and dreaming up how fantasy schemes were hatched behind closed doors to ensure that Barack Obama was handed the Presidency. But I am smart enough to have witnessed the day when George Soros ended his allegiance to Hillary Clinton and put himself all in behind Barack Obama. And I have seen a series of moves made by the new President that fall into complete alignment with Soros' vision of a world economy that minimizes the role of the United States of America. And I do know that George Soros has no loyalty to America. Quite the opposite - George Soros is an enemy of our land and unfortunately, he is cashing in his vouchers for putting certain people into power in this country.
Obama Endorses Soros Plan to Loot America
Cliff Kincaid
At the G 20 summit in London, President Barack Obama won rave reviews from reporters, many of whom clamored like school kids for the chance to ask him a question at his news conference, but the official conference document proves that plans are being made for what can only be described as the further looting of American taxpayers in order to feed unaccountable and corrupt global entities.
In addition to financing Democrat Party politicians and left-wing organizations such as the ACLU, he has subsidized a wide array of liberal causes, ranging from abortion rights to gay rights to legalization of dangerous drugs. Even former members of the terrorist Weather Underground, such as Bernardine Dohrn and Linda Evans, have appeared at functions sponsored by his so-called Open Society Institute or accepted its grants.
Soros had backed Obama for president in 2008, saying that he had “the charisma and the vision to radically reorient America in the world.” His prediction seems to be eerily coming true.
In the final analysis, the grand total of money to be looted from American taxpayers as a result of Obama’s commitments at the G 20 conference could easily surpass trillions of dollars. In a major understatement, the official conference document calls it “unprecedented and concerted fiscal expansion.”
But while Obama endorsed the document and its recommendations, the Congress of the United States can still have some say over whether some of the commitments he made are put into law.
Consider the commitment to the UN MDGs, for example. The document includes the statement that “we reaffirm our historic commitment to meeting the Millennium Development Goals…” This is, in fact, a disguised attempt to make then-Senator Obama’s Global Poverty Act the law of the land through executive action. This measure alone has been estimated to cost $845 billion and it was never passed by Congress because of public opposition. In similar fashion, the current Congress can also resist compliance with the U.N. mandate.
“We will support, now and in the future, to candid, even-handed, and independent IMF surveillance of our economies and financial sectors, of the impact of our policies on others, and of risks facing the global economy,” the document states. There is no exception for the U.S. Hence, the IMF will now be in a position to officially monitor and pass judgment on U.S. economic policies. We have become like any other second- or third-rate power in need of global oversight and supervision.
The proposed “new Financial Stability Board (FSB)” will have a “strengthened mandate” and work with the IMF to “reshape our regulatory systems.” Among other things, its mission is to “assess vulnerabilities affecting the financial system, identify and oversee action needed to address them,” “promote co-ordination and information exchange among authorities responsible for financial stability,” and “monitor and advise on market developments and their implications for regulatory policy.”
The Financial Stability Board is the new name for a more powerful and expanded Financial Stability Forum, a body originally designed to “promote international financial stability through information exchange and international co-operation in financial supervision and surveillance.” Members of the group include the central banks of various nations, international financial institutions, and supervisors in important financialcenters.
1 comment:
The basic premiss that the leaders of the world financial system are bankrupting the country for their own profit is true, but this article is incorrect to associate Soros with the conspiracy. He is a powerful voice against it, and one with a proven understanding of the system. That's why he makes so much money.
Read his "Reforming Global Capitalism", he is an innovative thinker. We would have a much better chance if Obama would hire him as his top financial person.
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