Isn't this just what the world needs? Iran, the world's biggest terror supporting nation, will celebrate its "National Nuclear Day" on Thursday and most expert believe that the gimp-in-chief, Ahmadinejad, to announce that the country has finalized its nuclear enrichment program. But hey, let's follow the United Nations plan and keep on hoping that the Iranians will just fall in line and not make those nasty nuclear weapons, okay? Here's the details from Reuters:
I've said it before here - if Israel were to make an attempt to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities and succeeded, the world would sigh a heavy sigh of relief. But doesn't that just show how spineless the rest of the world is? How can Western leaders look their people straight in the eyes and NOT tell them that they are willing to give total support to Israel in that endeavor? Is that simply the right thing to do?
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is expected to announce Iran has mastered the final stage of nuclear fuel production when the Islamic state celebrates its National Nuclear Day on Thursday.So let me put up a hypothetical case here regarding a nuclear Iran. Let's just say that one year from now, the Iranians have a high level meeting with Taliban leaders. The Taliban agree to ink a huge deal for Iranian oil and weapons (remember how much money is involved in the Afghan poppy trade) in exchange for Iran assisting the Taliban in ridding Afghanistan and Pakistan of Western troops. So, the agreement is signed and the Iranians threaten to launch two nuclear missileheads into Afghanistan - one into the nation's capital of Kabul and one into the largest U.S./NATO military complex in the country. Considering that Barack Obama is President of the United States and Gordon Brown is the Prime Minister of Great Britain at the time, what do you think would happen? Would the West pull out of Afghanistan and Pakistan? Will the U.S. even have nuclear capabilities available at that time?
"I will have good nuclear news for the respectful Iranian nation tomorrow (April 9)," Amadinejad said on Wednesday in a televised speech at the central city of Isfahan.
Analysts expect he will announce that Iran has completed the long process of uranium enrichment, enabling the country to produce its own fuel.
"A possible announcement will be production of natural uranium pellets for Iran's Arak heavy water reactor and also production of fuel rods and assembling rods into bundles," said an analyst, who asked not to be named. "It is the final stage in a long process to produce nuclear fuel."
I've said it before here - if Israel were to make an attempt to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities and succeeded, the world would sigh a heavy sigh of relief. But doesn't that just show how spineless the rest of the world is? How can Western leaders look their people straight in the eyes and NOT tell them that they are willing to give total support to Israel in that endeavor? Is that simply the right thing to do?
Iran set to say mastering final stage of enrichment
TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is expected to announce Iran has mastered the final stage of nuclear fuel production when the Islamic state celebrates its National Nuclear Day on Thursday.
"I will have good nuclear news for the respectful Iranian nation tomorrow (April 9)," Amadinejad said on Wednesday in a televised speech at the central city of Isfahan.
Analysts expect he will announce that Iran has completed the long process of uranium enrichment, enabling the country to produce its own fuel.
"A possible announcement will be production of natural uranium pellets for Iran's Arak heavy water reactor and also production of fuel rods and assembling rods into bundles," said an analyst, who asked not to be named. "It is the final stage in a long process to produce nuclear fuel."
The nuclear fuel cycle includes mining and milling of uranium ore, uranium enrichment, fabrication and use of nuclear fuel, reprocessing of used nuclear fuel, and disposal or management of radioactive waste or unreprocessed spent fuel.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in its February 19 report said it could not verify Iran's planned Arak heavy water reactor was being designed only for peaceful uses. Tehran says the complex will be geared to produce solely isotopes for medical care and agriculture.
Iran's Students News agency ISNA said Ahmadinejad would inaugurate a nuclear fuel fabrication facility in central Iran.
"This factory produces nuclear fuel pellets and rods," ISNA reported on Wednesday without giving a source.
Iran's nuclear chief Gholamreza Aghazadeh said in 2007 the Islamic state had produced and tested nuclear fuel pellets of enriched uranium.
Western powers fear Iran may configure the Arak reactor to derive plutonium from spent fuel rods as another possible source of bomb-grade fuel, besides its Natanz uranium enrichment plant, which is under daily IAEA surveillance.
Iran has long been working on its uranium enrichment capability to fuel its developing nuclear power program.
The U.N. Security Council has so far issued three sanctions resolution against Tehran for defying its demand to suspend the country's uranium enrichment activities, which could also be used to produce nuclear weapons.
Iran, the world's fourth largest oil exporter, says its nuclear program is only aimed at generating electricity.
U.S. President Barack Obama has pushed for a "new beginning" in bilateral ties, and could play a role in mending bridges after almost three decades of mistrust between Tehran and Washington.
Iran has responded cautiously to the overture, saying Washington must show real policy change toward Iran. "If you (Obama) say you are after change ... change your method, change your literature and your way," Ahmadinejad said.
Can we give them a gift, to show how much we love them?
(I'm thinking of Esq straddling a B83, like Slim Pickens in DR Strangelove.)
I got the rope to tie him there.
I don't lknow how many times I have to say this. The Taliban are a militant SUNNI Muslim faction. Irans people and government are 90% SHIA Muslims. The Taliban believe all Shia to be heretics. The Taliban/Al- Qaeda routinely kill Shia pilgrims and bomb Shia mosques, like the one in Pakistan a few days ago. The LAST thing Iran will do is start arming the Taliban or any faction of Al-Qaeda, they hate those groups as much as we do.
When I hear talk of Israel bombing Iran a couple of questions cross my mind-
How will Russia react? and What effect will the closing of the Straits of Hormuz/destruction of the major Saudi oil ports have on the world economy?
Israel will do what they deem nessesary but they should not expect the US to rush to their aid haven't we given them enough?
Everything that y'all are worried about in Iran is already happening in Pakistan. Let take care of that nightmare first - like we should have 6 years ago instead of taking a useless detour into Iraq.
Y'all are more than welcome to strap me to a bomb -if you can get past the barbed wire, the cows (that bull is a motherfucker), the dogs, and a hail of .44 and 16 gauge rounds. I ain't that tree hugger liberal your Daddy warned you about. My wife is a pretty good shot too. Better pack a lunch.
I tend to choose ballots over ropes when it comes to people I disagree with. See you in 2012 losers.
That was over the top dramatic, even for you...don't you think? I'm sure cooler heads would prevail and the person tied to it would be someone more high profile. LOL
:Holger Danske
Are you suggesting that in my compound of cowpies and catfish I'm less than a first rate symbol of the Liberal scourge that has swept this country?
Yeah - If you say I'm over the top then I must be over the top. 'Cause I've read some crazy comments on here.
Seriously - one thing I will never do is resort to name calling and personal attacks. I get along fine with plenty of right wingers. Hell, as liberal as my views on things are one of the people I love most in the world thinks MLK was a communist agitator/ rabble rouser. We skip out on church and go hunting and fishing together. Hows that for the "secularization of America" ;-)
When it comes to 2012, you'll be on your knees begging every person you can find to vote Conservative.
:Holger Danske
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