Monday, April 6, 2009

Barack Obama: ' The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam '

Well, it's official...Barack Obama has taken George W. Bush's "Religion of Peace" a step forward and announced to the world that " The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam." This announcement came, of course, at his address today to the Turkish parliament. Well, Mr. President, there are a lot of us out here that are under the distinct impression that we have been at war with Islam for quite some time and our brothers in Europe have been at war with it for centuries. Here's some of the details of Obama's address here from Breitbart:

He devoted much of his speech to urging a greater bond between Americans and Muslims, portraying terrorist groups such as al Qaida as extremists who did not represent the vast majority of Muslims.

"Let me say this as clearly as I can," Obama said. "The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. In fact, our partnership with the Muslim world is critical ... in rolling back a fringe ideology that people of all faiths reject."
The U.S. president is trying to mend fences with a Muslim world that felt it had been blamed by America for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Al Jazeera and Al Arabiyia, two of the biggest Arabic satellite channels, carried Obama's speech live.

"America's relationship with the Muslim world cannot and will not be based on opposition to al Qaida," he said. "We seek broad engagement based upon mutual interests and mutual respect."
"We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country," Obama said.

What Obama is doing here is twofold: he is trying to pin all, ALL of the ill in this world on al Qaeda and secondly, he is doing his best to echo the words of an organization like CAIR - a message that islam is good, has a few bad apples, but is overall genuine and worth embracing.

Well, let me take both of those to task. First off, with the likes of Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Taliban, and Lashkar-e-Taiba in this world along with COUNTLESS other islamic terror groups in this world, how in the sam hell can Obama restrict his comments only to al Qaeda?! Further...perhaps President Obama would like to name ONE muslim organization in this world that is not linked to terror - Muslim Brotherhood? Ha!

Now, as far as the United States embracing islam and islamic countries since they are NOT the enemy. Well, perhaps a review of the Qur'an is in order and specifically the mention of a World Caliphate - you see, Mr. President...the United States is made up of, by a vast majority, infidels and thus we must be conquered in order for the islamists to attain their World Caliphate. Now, President Obama, perhaps you, your wife and your two girls are ready to submit to Islam and convert but I am not and I venture to guess that the vast majority of Americans will never willingly bow to allah via a prayer mat. Some of us will willingly die first. So, before you start promising that we will never be at war with Islam, perhaps you better check with us...the American to whether we think it's a good idea to subit the United States of America to the World Caliphate of islam.

Folks, we are being softened up for a new age of appeasement. An appeasement to islam that has left countries in ruin, lands red in blood and millions of souls crying out for help.

Obama declares US not at war with Islam

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Barack Obama, making his first visit to a Muslim nation as president, declared Monday the United States "is not and will never be at war with Islam."
Calling for a greater partnership with the Islamic world in an address to the Turkish parliament, Obama called the country an important U.S. ally in many areas, including the fight against terrorism. He devoted much of his speech to urging a greater bond between Americans and Muslims, portraying terrorist groups such as al Qaida as extremists who did not represent the vast majority of Muslims.

"Let me say this as clearly as I can," Obama said. "The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. In fact, our partnership with the Muslim world is critical ... in rolling back a fringe ideology that people of all faiths reject."
The U.S. president is trying to mend fences with a Muslim world that felt it had been blamed by America for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Al Jazeera and Al Arabiyia, two of the biggest Arabic satellite channels, carried Obama's speech live.
Obama said the partnership between the U.S. and the Muslim world is critical in rolling back what he called a fringe ideology that people of all faiths reject.
"America's relationship with the Muslim world cannot and will not be based on opposition to al Qaida," he said. "We seek broad engagement based upon mutual interests and mutual respect."
"We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country," Obama said.
Obama also said, to a round of applause, that the United States supports Turkey becoming a member of the European Union.


Sharku said...

"What Obama is doing here is twofold: he is trying to pin all, ALL of the ill in this world on al Qaeda"

now we all know it is a combination of al Qaeda and BUSH that has caused all these problems !!!

Im am shocked that he didnt include Bush as the main culprit for all of this. This man is going to be a root cause of millions of deaths in the coming years.. wait and see.

Holger Awakens said...


I'd have to agree with your last sentence. Horrific to think of it but impending, for sure.

:Holger Danske

Esquerita said...

It is unnecessary and useless to suggest we are fighting a war against the worlds 1.2 BILLION Muslims.

Since much of the oil that we use every day comes from the Middle East I take it you walk or ride a bike everywhere as to not give aid to our enemies. Why not try to organize a boycott of products from self described Islamic nations? See how far you get.

Its important that Obama shore up our Middle East alliances. We need the Arabs (oil and investments) more than Arabs need us at this point. Sad but true.

Esquerita said...

A war with Pakistan may well be necessary and may well cost millions of lives when you consider a nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan It will not be Obama's fault no matter how much you try to pin the blame on him.
There were 8 years between World Trade Center attacks - which probably means we are due for another. Maybe under Obama we will still have some shred of the constitution left after the next one. Give me liberty or give me death.

Sharku said...


No we are not at war with islam, but islam sure is at war with us, whether or not we acknowledge it. And my comment about the deaths of millions ment millions of Americans. No matter how you look at it, Obama is weakening our resolve and abilities. And your last statement is interesting, no one "Gives" you liberty, you must fight for it and fight to maintain it. And Obama is already shredding the Constitution as much as he can.

Holger Awakens said...


Thanks, and thanks for stopping by.

:Holger Danske