he is said to dwell in the castle of Kronborg, his beard grown down to the floor, and to sleep there until some date when Denmark is in mortal danger, at which time he will rise up and deliver the nation
Friday, March 20, 2009
Video: American Young Woman Goes Down Her Shopping List and Chooses Islam Over Christianity and Judaism
Check out her IQ, not very high I bet. Or maybe she is planning on a double affirmative action payout from the stimulous.
She's an American. She's young, she's stupid but there's plenty just like her waiting to fall for the religion of Satan.
As for America following Europe, unfortunately it is too true. There are plenty over here though that won't go down without one helluva fight and believe me, you folks in Britain are in for one horror show if it starts here.
I think Holger you touch on another looming threat, that if anything happens stateside it will happen in reaction in the UK in response - if it hasn't already started here anyway. Seeing what is happening in Sweden is just a taster of what will come. At least Norway may be showing a bit of enlightenment in this looming darkness.
Check out her IQ, not very high I bet. Or maybe she is planning on a double affirmative action payout from the stimulous.
Note to Joy:
Please reconsider wearing the full face cover. Eye slits only.
Thank you.
What is she, Kenyan? American? Jordanian? Maybe she should just stay in Jordan. Revoke her passport.
Jeez it upsets me to see how the great American nation is going rapidly the way of western Europe.
Federale...nice call.
Jeff, now THAT comment got me laughing! hahaha
She's an American. She's young, she's stupid but there's plenty just like her waiting to fall for the religion of Satan.
As for America following Europe, unfortunately it is too true. There are plenty over here though that won't go down without one helluva fight and believe me, you folks in Britain are in for one horror show if it starts here.
:Holger Danske
It amazes me why a western "liberated" woman would want to become worth less than a goat to a man.
I think Holger you touch on another looming threat, that if anything happens stateside it will happen in reaction in the UK in response - if it hasn't already started here anyway. Seeing what is happening in Sweden is just a taster of what will come. At least Norway may be showing a bit of enlightenment in this looming darkness.
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