It is very unusual for a former intelligence official to come forward and speak about current American policy. So when one did for Northeast Intelligence Network (NIN) I took notice.
An unnamed former highly-placed U.S.intelligence official has broken silence and says that America may soon be abandoning Israel in favor of the Arabs. “This is just the beginning”, he said, "Israel could be about to lose the support of the United States."
The source made these remarks in an exclusive interview with Douglas J. Hagmann, the director of the Northeast Intelligence Network (NIN), which is comprised of veteran licensed professional investigators, analysts, military affairs specialists and researchers. The group has combined their resources to provide accurate and well-sourced information via their website.
When questioned about the possible abandonment of Israel by America, Hagmann told Yonah, "The Obama administration is no friend to Israel, is no friend to the Jews in America and is no friend to democracy or freedom in America. …Just by his very appointments, we can see him filling positions of power with people who are anti-Semitic, who want to see Israel essentially dissolved as a nation, if not by diplomacy, then certainly by war."
In his report, the unnamed intelligence source told Hagmann, “I have every reason to believe, based on what I’ve seen at my level of [security] clearance especially over the last several years, that Israel will soon be completely on their own… or worse.” He explained this would happen “when our administration provides more support to Arab countries [with] financial and military aid, undercutting Israel’s defense efforts all while pushing Israel to succumb to the pressure of unreasonable demands designed to end with their political annihilation as a nation.”
Haggman told Yonah that this official broke silence because he had already retired from his highly placed position, and because of his knowledge of the NIN's (Northeast Intelligence Network) position as pro-Israel and the way it valued the relationship between Israel and America. Another reason, he said, was his own perception of the Biblical aspect of this scenario developing.
The intelligence officer explained that the turnover of American policy towards Israel could occur through a manner that he dubbed 'malicious intelligence," which Haggman defined as information that is taken from its raw form. It then is morphed into something else to promote different interests, "where intelligence and politics meet and often collide,” he said. A method “that has been molded and massaged to advance the agendas of a select few,” he elaborated.
In the case of the relationship between America and Israel, he noted, malicious intelligence is being used to turn over the U.S. to a more anti-Israel policy and forge ahead with a more pro-PA or pro-Islamist one.
Hagmann told Yonah in the radio interview, "A perfect example of this is when there was a shooting in Seattle a couple of years ago at a Jewish center. The police were ordered by the city officials and by the Federal Government, basically, to not protect the synagogues and other Jewish centers in Seattle, but to have protection details [instead] at the mosques in Seattle."
U.S. administrations have apparently been following a policy of abandoning Israel for several years, according to Hagmann's report. His interview with the intelligence official cited "the 2005 surrender of Gush Katif to the Palestinian Authority as one critical example of the slow dismantlement of Israel as a viable nation. Despite critical intelligence outlining in every possible manner imaginable that this would be a disastrous move leading to the events we are seeing today [rocket and missile fire on Israel], it was done anyway," he stated.
In the report that Hagmann posted on the NIN (Northeast Intelligence Network) he cited one of his sources explaining, “Now you can see where intelligence and politics meet and often collide,… " the Obama administration is being purposely filled with people who are truly anti-Israel, either because of their own financial interests or a larger globalist agenda that does not include Israel, or for that matter, the United States as a sovereign nation.
"Whatever the reason, the anti-Israel, pro-Islamist policy makers will be appointed or have already infiltrated nearly all levels of the U.S. government. These are the people who place anti-Semitic references in school textbooks, promote revisionist history regarding Islam, 9/11, and are the same people who allow or even promote the Islamic agendas in all aspects of Western society, especially the restrictions on speech against Islam.
"With regard to the latter, note that the United Nations is quite involved in forcing the restriction of “hate speech” and the implementation of global standards, some that have already been adapted by European nations,” noted the source.
Hagmann reports that "the Middle East will be the site of 'the coming war,' and Israel will be at its epicenter. If we survive as a nation, the U.S. will not be on the side of righteousness in this war, instead turning our back to - or our guns against - our only true friend in the Middle East - Israel," he said.
Before Obama was elected, I warned that he wasn't a friend of Israel or the Jewish people. He was raised by Muslim father who taught him to hate Jews. He sat at the feet of an avowed anti-Semite for 20 years who called for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. His wife was the one who introduced them. But we are not to believe that he is not one.
Right! I have a bridge to sell in Brooklyn.
Not only is he going to destroy Israel, but he will fulfill the goal of every Muslim in the world. The elimination of all Jews from the face of the Earth.
That would have made both his father and step-father very proud!
Keep up the great work!
This is the most over the top, insane thing I have seen posted here yet. Do you really believe that Obama is on a mission to kill all the Jews? Come on. It must drive the right nuts that Obama got the MAJORITY of the Jewish vote.
This former "intellegence officer" is off on some kind of end times nonsense. I would like to hope our foriegn policy is based on realpolitic and not on some kind of bible banger tangent. People have been saying "the end is near" for 2000 years and the world just keeps on turning through plagues, wars, everthing. The Bible I read tells me the "Gods Chosen People" deal was off after the Hebrews rejected his Son. Jesus came to save the world, not just the Jews.
I'm critical of Israel's landgrabs in the West Bank but I'm certainly not pro- Islamist. To suggest one must support Israel all the time or you are somehow pro- Islamist is foolish. It is just as foolish to cry "antisemetic" at everyone who questions the Israeli government. The Anglican Church is the official church of England but no one cries "anti-christian" when we question British policies. Religion is in the heart and mind, maybe in the kitchen, but not in any government policies or geographic location.
I don't support Hamas terrorism or IDF terrorism - a bomb is a bomb whether it is dropped from the sky on a crowded neighborhood or hidden in a vest and detinated on a bus. War IS terror. I do recognise that the Palistinans are living my nightmare - that someone could come take my family land and offer no other justification than "God promised us 5,000 years ago- you gotta go." Israeli policy in the West Bank is imminent domain on steriods. I can't imagine how I would act in that situation.
I'd love to see ALL my tax money stay in America until we can care for our infrastructure, veterans, childrens health, 2 wars, etc. Cut off both Israel AND the Arabs and put America first. The money I spend filling up my gas tank should be plenty for the Arabs and if the Israeli's are truly "God's chosen people" then they should be fine without my tax dollars. Its like I told the TV preacher - the God I believe in ain't beggin' for cash.
The Arab world exports Islamic terror. They also export lifeblood of the industrial world, we need to get along with some of them.
Once again done with politics until Monday. Time to plow and germinate the garden again. Have a good weekend y'all.
Findalis makes the point in this posting that Obama is no friend of the Jews and points to the anti-Israel background of appointees that he has named - certainly you aren't disputing that. As for Obama on a "mission to kill all the Jews" - Findalis didn't say that. Do you not believe that an appeasement and submission by Obama to a nuclear Iran could very possible ensure a nuclear strike on Israel that could kill tens of thousands?
:Holger Danske
I understood the he in "Not only is he going to destroy Israel, but he will fulfill the goal of every Muslim in the world. The elimination of all Jews from the face of the Earth." to mean Obama - who else was he referring too? All this hysteria over Obama's Dad is a little overblown too - his Dad left the family when he was very young. McCain had a crazy preacher too. Both men were probably in church for political appearances only - lets face it, neither are exactly "men of faith".
I just don't see anyone nuking Israel because they have LOTS of nukes - everyone knows that. Once a nation has nuclear weapons they are not invaded, or bombed - which is why most nations want them. Mutually assured destruction.
Yes Esquerita I do believe that given chance Obama would do just that. I also believe that it is ambition of 90% of blacks to do that.
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