Well, our favorite surrogate Iranian nuclear sympathizer at the U.N.'s IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei, is back at it - back trying to buy Iran another year or so of unfettered time to finish their nuclear warhead systems, that is. We have watched the head of the IAEA, for two years now, refuse to admit that Iran had intentions of building nukes and now that all of the evidence steamrolled his coverup attempts, he is finally admitting that it could happen....but hey, this time he's playing the time card to try and make sure it happens. Here's some of the details from the article at Reuters:
The fact of the matter is that ElBaradei has gone beyond being incompetent to being complicit with Iran's schemes and if I was Ambassador to the U.N. from America, I would be bringing forth a motion for his arrest under international law for his crimes.
I mean, this moron has the gall to lay out that there is "ample time" to halt Iran's progress?! My question is WHY? WHY would Iran all of a sudden decide to scrap these nuclear designs? Iran has weathered the financial sanctions the world has tried to impose on them. What else is there? Isolation? Hell, the Iranians thrive on isolation. Why would a country that is actively operating illegal terrorist organizations in Lebanon and Gaza be trusted to even want to sit down and discuss its nuclear ambitions.
Between the U.N. keeping this criminal in place at the IAEA and the folly of America's new President thinking he can sit down and reason with the Persians, the world better get used to the idea of Iranian nuclear weapons being used as blackmail in every international conflict for the rest of time.
Iran could gain the capability to make a nuclear weapon in 2-5 years but there is ample time to deal with the concern, the head of the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said in a televised interview.
Mohamed ElBaradei, director-general of the Vienna-based U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said that after stockpiling enriched uranium, Iran would face further technical and political hurdles should it seek to build nuclear arms.
"There is a concern, but don't hype the concern," ElBaradei, alluding mainly to U.S. and Israeli warnings, said in a CNN interview broadcast late Sunday. "There is ample time to engage (Iran) and reverse the concern and to move into more engagement rather than more isolation."
The fact of the matter is that ElBaradei has gone beyond being incompetent to being complicit with Iran's schemes and if I was Ambassador to the U.N. from America, I would be bringing forth a motion for his arrest under international law for his crimes.
I mean, this moron has the gall to lay out that there is "ample time" to halt Iran's progress?! My question is WHY? WHY would Iran all of a sudden decide to scrap these nuclear designs? Iran has weathered the financial sanctions the world has tried to impose on them. What else is there? Isolation? Hell, the Iranians thrive on isolation. Why would a country that is actively operating illegal terrorist organizations in Lebanon and Gaza be trusted to even want to sit down and discuss its nuclear ambitions.
Between the U.N. keeping this criminal in place at the IAEA and the folly of America's new President thinking he can sit down and reason with the Persians, the world better get used to the idea of Iranian nuclear weapons being used as blackmail in every international conflict for the rest of time.
Enough time to address Iran bomb concern: IAEA head
VIENNA (Reuters) - Iran could gain the capability to make a nuclear weapon in 2-5 years but there is ample time to deal with the concern, the head of the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said in a televised interview.
Mohamed ElBaradei, director-general of the Vienna-based U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said that after stockpiling enriched uranium, Iran would face further technical and political hurdles should it seek to build nuclear arms.
"There is a concern, but don't hype the concern," ElBaradei, alluding mainly to U.S. and Israeli warnings, said in a CNN interview broadcast late Sunday. "There is ample time to engage (Iran) and reverse the concern and to move into more engagement rather than more isolation."
ElBaradei said that for Iran to have weapons capacity, it would have to eject IAEA inspectors, leave the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), reconfigure production to refine uranium to the high degree needed for bomb fuel and fit the material into a warhead:
"Even if I go by the CIA and other U.S. intelligence, the estimations (are) that if even if they go through all these scenarios, we're still talking about two to five years from now."
Western powers believe Iran's declared program to refine uranium to the low level required for civilian nuclear energy is a front for gaining the means to reprocess it into highly enriched material for bombs at short notice.
Iran insists its nuclear ambitions are limited to the peaceful generation of electricity, and refuses to freeze a program that it says is its sovereign right under the NPT.
It is under IAEA investigation over alleged military dimensions to its nuclear work as well as U.N. sanctions imposed over past undeclared activity and a failure to prove its nuclear intentions are wholly peaceful.
The IAEA's last report on Iran in November said it planned to start installing another unit of 3,000 enrichment centrifuges in early 2009, adding to 3,800 machines already enriching uranium and another 2,200 being gradually introduced.
Some Western analysts believe Iran will have enriched enough uranium by later this year to make a bomb if it wishes. Iran says it will enrich uranium only to the low level needed for civilian power.
In an interview with the Washington Post, ElBaradei said Iran had seen that the ability to build an atom bomb in a short period would give it an insurance policy against attack.
"Obviously, they look for their own security, and they have seen that if you have nuclear weapons, or at least the technology, you are somehow protected from an attack," he told the Post's Sunday edition.
ElBaradei urged Iran anew to cooperate with the IAEA probe in order to build trust, but also blamed the impasse on the Bush administration, which declined to open a dialogue with Iran.
This asshat has also asked why we weren't worried about Japan building the bomb. Even though Japan has never publicly or even privatly stated that it wanted to wipe another nation off the face of the earth. Japan is only 89 days away from having them bomb starting the day they decide to build one. I have no fear of Japan ever building the bomb and if they did, I dont ever see them using it as first strike option. Iran on the other hand, wants one, wants to use one and will if given the opportunity. I dont see Obama doing anything at all to inhibit or prevent Iran from getting or using the bomb. The only ones in the world today that can prevent Iran from their dream is Israel.
I just read a small blurb on a LiveLeak report (non-video) that says that this POS, in an interview just the other day, would NOT state that Israel has a right to exist.
:Holger Danske
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