There's a new documentary film out called "Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S." that shows 35 terror training camps located around America in such cities as: Commerce, Georgia; Hancock, New York; and Red House, Virginia. This article over at OneNewsNow talks about how and why the U.S. government is handcuffed against shutting down these camps. Here's some from the article:
At the same time, we are going to see more and more of these camps set up as refuges for islamists in the years to come - they will use every protection under the sun afforded them by the American system in order for them to tear down that system.
A non-profit Christian organization dedicated to protecting the traditions of the American family and defending the nation against radical Islam has released a documentary that exposes 35 terrorist training compounds being operated on American soil.Here's what I don't get about these camps. Why is it we never hear of any "mischief " by locals at these camps? In other words, if you and about a dozen of your buddies live within a mile of one of these terror camps, wouldn't you be a bit inclined to go and check em out? Perhaps take a video camera? Maybe drive up to the place and try and give them some Bibles and see what the reaction is? Maybe I'm just a bit devious here but I would think that I would find some method of getting these groups into some hot water. I can't imagine it would be that hard to lure some of these wannabe jihadis out of their compound...and perhaps have a bit of a Saturday afternoon social with them.
On the evening of February 11, 2009, the Christian Action Network (CAN) held a special showing of Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S. at the Landmark Theater in Washington, DC. Ryan Mauro, a terrorism analyst for CAN, says the video exposes the terrorist training activities at 35 compounds in the U.S., run by a Pakistani national known as Sheik Muburak Ali Gilani. Compounds identified in the documentary are located near communities like Commerce, Georgia; Hancock, New York; and Red House, Virginia. "You see them setting off explosives, training how to kill guards, highjack cars, all forms of terrorist attacks," Mauro says of the film. "And he actually says on this video if you want training in these tactics [to] contact any of my Muslim in America compounds in the United States."
But Mauro says, incredibly, the U.S. government does not have the authority to shut the camps down. "The big problem here is that his group is not listed as a foreign terrorist organization by the State Department," he points out. "So the authorities don't have the legal authority to go and shut these places down."
At the same time, we are going to see more and more of these camps set up as refuges for islamists in the years to come - they will use every protection under the sun afforded them by the American system in order for them to tear down that system.
Gov't can't shut down terrorist training camps in U.S.
A non-profit Christian organization dedicated to protecting the traditions of the American family and defending the nation against radical Islam has released a documentary that exposes 35 terrorist training compounds being operated on American soil.
On the evening of February 11, 2009, the Christian Action Network (CAN) held a special showing of Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S. at the Landmark Theater in Washington, DC. Ryan Mauro, a terrorism analyst for CAN, says the video exposes the terrorist training activities at 35 compounds in the U.S., run by a Pakistani national known as Sheik Muburak Ali Gilani. Compounds identified in the documentary are located near communities like Commerce, Georgia; Hancock, New York; and Red House, Virginia. "You see them setting off explosives, training how to kill guards, highjack cars, all forms of terrorist attacks," Mauro says of the film. "And he actually says on this video if you want training in these tactics [to] contact any of my Muslim in America compounds in the United States."
But Mauro says, incredibly, the U.S. government does not have the authority to shut the camps down. "The big problem here is that his group is not listed as a foreign terrorist organization by the State Department," he points out. "So the authorities don't have the legal authority to go and shut these places down." Mauro adds that CAN wants citizens who see the film to lobby Congress to pass legislation that would allow authorities to at least investigate these domestic terrorist training camps. A trailer for the film can be viewed at CAN's website.
And I hear one of them is called DNC Headquarters. Home of the real enemy.
You'll get no argument from me on that one.
:Holger Danske
It's funny how the government will send all the resources at its disposal to raid the log cabin of someone who doesn't want to pay his taxes, or who simply wants to own a few more guns than everyone else, but if you want to plot and prepare for global war from within you can carry on as normal.
I used to think the US would be safe from the islamification that is spreading in the UK (and western Europe), but your recent election and this story highlights that you are heading in the same, sorry direction as us.
This sets off my bullshit detector. I live near Commerce, Ga. Where is this training camp? No address or directions listed in any of these stories. Its hilarious that anyone thinks the DNC is the real enemy. How? Bush already wiped his ass with the constitution and nationalized the banks. Islamification will never happen in America - we love our pork and booze too much. Women all covered up and in the kitchen, in America? Never happen. Look at what the Taliban wants - sound like any Democrats you know?
It looks like you've been too busy holed up in your place with a bad case of BDS for so long you wouldn't know if a terror camp was across the street from you.
As for terror not hitting the U.S. in the future..well, I'll remind you of that as your newly severed head rolls down mainstreet.
As for Taliban sounding like Democrats...well, I got a few videos of Harry Reid that if i wrapped his head in a rag you'd be hard pressed to...well, you know.
p.s. you're right, I doubt any Taliban would pull the shit that John Murtha did on his own.
:Holger Danske
Anonymous #2,
Thank you - you make an excellent case for the fact that the Left in America has been anything but a support for our efforts against terror - they have, as you say, been a source of inspiration to terrorists.
From Harry Reid's "we've lost" to Barack Obama running to open the prison gates at Gitmo, it's always been a message of appeasement and defeat from the Left.
:Holger Danske
So can anyone post directions to the one in Commerce, Ga. ? If so I'm there tomorrow - if not I call bullshit on this one.
With the current administration the most that will happen is nothing. The worthless democrats who control everything now will do nothing because they could not care less.
If it was up to me, I would pick a Saturday afternoon and clean each one by whatever means necessary. Unlike Obama I feel that sometimes we must risk our ideals in order to get things done that need to be done.
I am a Baptist from the South but have always supported Israel and the Jewish people. I fear that Obama will not be as supportive as past presidents have been. Always remember: Liberalism/democrats=America's Cancer!
Red Statesman,
Glad you stopped by - I agree with your summation. The Democrats in America should be embarrassed at their lack of any support of America's war on Terror. We will find out how vulnerable we can be in America under this "leader."
:Holger Danske
to anonymous who needs directions to commerce location, here you go. http://globalpolitician.com/22616-jamaat
Or would you prefer a google map? http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=Royston%2C%20GA&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
See you tommorrow?
Perhaps the aerial photos?
Now that I found your site I will probably be a frequnet visitor. I am interested in this and especially conversing with someone of your background and beliefs.
This is a hot issue for me and I have emailed many a government official of this new administration and of course I have received zero replies. I have always been a conservative Republican to the right side of the right. To me, a moderate Republican is nothing more than a democrat. I am hard lined and am more angered now than I have ever been in my life at where our nation is currently in politically.
It is a recipe for disaster across the board. At age 47, I have been beaten in the last election by race and stupid young voters who know nothing about our nation nor what makes a true leader. Hussein is not a leader; never has been never will be, especially while following Pelosi and her worthless liberal gang.
I will check in often and look forward to more of your blogs!
I love it - those who disagree with you "know nothing about the issues" - try again in four years. Please nominate Sara Palin, shes always good for a few laughs. I love seeing the American right reduced to cry baby losers.
I live in NY and was a couple of blocks away from the WTC on 9/11. I've since become a mother and I'm worried about my 2 year old son. Why is it that the media has completely ignored this story? Sean Hannity was the only one who reported it and it was 5 minutes before the end of his show. Can you help? What do we have to do (peacefully) to get serious media attention on this matter? I don't want to have to live through another 9/11, especially since we still live in NY, I now have a small son and they have a training camp 150 miles from Manhattan?
Very worried mom in NYC
Worried mom in nyc,
Thanks for stopping by and I understand completely your worry. You asked what you can do - well, for starters you can write your Congressmen and your Senators and tell them how you feel and that you want action. And then you contact your state rep and senator and do the same thing.
At the same time, educate yourself about Terror by hanging with those that share your fears and concerns...we do that here, they do it at Pat Dollard, Jihad Watch and many, many more.
Most important, know you aren't alone. Stop back and check in again with us here, ...and remember, there are lots of us who work each day to see that we are all safe.
:Holger Danske
Thank you for your advice. I've discovered many "jihad" and "terrorism" websites, which is how I came across yours. I'm definitely looking for other people who feel the same way I do because I feel pretty powerless right now - like a sitting duck.
I still don't understand how the media could be ignoring this story. There was a piece on FoxNews tonight - Special Report with Bret Baier. The story only covered a group of Somalis who "disappeared" in Minneapolis and is believed to be receiving training in Somalia and gov't officials are concerned that they will return to the US to launch attacks here. It really is only a small part of this story, but at least it's something. I'm going to continue watching. Somebody has to do something, somewhere.
Very worried mom in NYC
I have a copy of the CAN documentary. If you would like a copy let me know. I can legally get you a copy.
I am a 49 yr. old single mom and thought I was alone in this concern. I have written our Senators and Congressmen from TN and the White House. No reply. Why is this not on the watch list? Why is no one taking this seriously? There is one in Dover, TN. I am ready at any time to take vacation days and drop in on these killing bastar*$! Clearly it is going to take action, not letters to get this in the news. For those of us that live in the south there are several we can choose from. We have to get on the same page and act. I don't know why the residents of these towns are not screaming and hollering! I just found this site and am sooo glad there are others that feel as I do.
I can't find the camp in Red House, VA. Does anyone have a map or GPS coords for it. We need to be watchig these places and preparing for anything.
I don't know who these people are that leave messages saying it's BS or maybe these camps run their own damage control on the internet. I live near the one in michigan and I can assure you they are training in automatic weapons, high explosives, and what appears to be the takeover of vehicles whatever good that does a non-terrorist I'll never know. I have a 50x spotting scope and seen enough to make me want to leave the area for good so you believe whatever makes you sleep well at night.
I live in Dover TN and we now have two small camps, one that was there first, is of course within 30 minutes of one of the best and biggest 101st airborne and sepcial forces, and within 7 miles of TVA a large power plant (not nuclear) but if they were to cause problems there's the chance that we could loose power within the 3 state radius or however that works, and one of them in new York is next to a water plant,drinking water....and now they are taking away our automatic and semi automatic weapons? But the Muslims of America can keep theirs?...and our president is a Muslim...anyone other than me see any issues with all of this? Who's to say the school shootings weren't staged so that America would be damn near tossed into another civil war and they could take over? United we stand divided we fall.....
anyone else try to look at the links, cant seem to pull anything up on it? curious because i live in Michigan myself if anyone has any information
They live off the same highway I do, if I would have known this before moving here, I never would have. Maybe our coyotes will get them soon
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