Just a week ago, I blogged this article about how the NYT was setting the stage for President Barack Obama to back off his tough talk about the War in Afghanistan and for him to be silent for months and eventually start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. Now, Breitbart has an article up about the same thing, how Obama has suddenly become totally silent on his plans for more troops being moved into Afghanistan and about the U.S. efforts in this war in general. Here's some of the excerpts:
Did you catch that statement from "Liar Liar" Robert Gibbs? "There's not simply a military solution to that problem" is what the great fabricator Gibbs has said - talk about setting the table for some sort of feeble diplomacy effort and subsequent surrender by U.S. troops to the misfit Taliban. And believe me, if the U.S. pulls out, the NATO countries will follow suit so fast there will be a dust storm in Kabul from the exiting troops and vehicles.
This is serious shit, folks. What Obama holds in his hands here could very well be the fate of much of the world. If he surrenders in Afghanistan and NATO follows suit (hell, they are there only because of us, anyway), it will be heralded by the greatest victory in the history of islamic jihad - it will embolden every jihadist and terrorist group on the planet and it will certainly signal to the Iranians that the world is theirs to hold hostage with nuclear weapons.
I'm sick and tired of these Leftist asshats in Washington, D.C. getting up to a podium and stating that Afghanistan is a tough military action - no shit Sherlock! We fucking know that fools but the fact of the matter is that it CAN be won, just like Iraq was won in spite of your efforts to throw in the towel.
If Obama caves on Afghanistan, then we might as well just hunker down, and hope and pray the attacks on U.S. interests across the world take some time...because it will be open season on every embassy, every soldier and Marine and every ship of ours in the world.
Somehow, someway there has to be a rallying cry voiced to this new President that he needs to grow a pair and find his spine.
President Barack Obama, who pledged during his campaign to shift U.S. troops and resources from Iraq to Afghanistan, has done little since taking office to suggest he will significantly widen the grinding war against a resurgent Taliban.
On the contrary, Obama appears likely to streamline the U.S. focus with an eye to the worsening economy and the cautionary example of the Iraq war that sapped political support for President George W. Bush.
"There's not simply a military solution to that problem," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said last week, adding that Obama believes "that only through long-term and sustainable development can we ever hope to turn around what's going on there."
Less than two weeks into the new administration, Obama has not said much in public about what his top military adviser says is the largest challenge facing the armed forces. The president did say Afghanistan and Pakistan are the central front in the struggle against terrorism, a clue to the likely shift toward a targeted counterterrorism strategy.
Did you catch that statement from "Liar Liar" Robert Gibbs? "There's not simply a military solution to that problem" is what the great fabricator Gibbs has said - talk about setting the table for some sort of feeble diplomacy effort and subsequent surrender by U.S. troops to the misfit Taliban. And believe me, if the U.S. pulls out, the NATO countries will follow suit so fast there will be a dust storm in Kabul from the exiting troops and vehicles.
This is serious shit, folks. What Obama holds in his hands here could very well be the fate of much of the world. If he surrenders in Afghanistan and NATO follows suit (hell, they are there only because of us, anyway), it will be heralded by the greatest victory in the history of islamic jihad - it will embolden every jihadist and terrorist group on the planet and it will certainly signal to the Iranians that the world is theirs to hold hostage with nuclear weapons.
I'm sick and tired of these Leftist asshats in Washington, D.C. getting up to a podium and stating that Afghanistan is a tough military action - no shit Sherlock! We fucking know that fools but the fact of the matter is that it CAN be won, just like Iraq was won in spite of your efforts to throw in the towel.
If Obama caves on Afghanistan, then we might as well just hunker down, and hope and pray the attacks on U.S. interests across the world take some time...because it will be open season on every embassy, every soldier and Marine and every ship of ours in the world.
Somehow, someway there has to be a rallying cry voiced to this new President that he needs to grow a pair and find his spine.
Obama seems unlikely to widen war in Afghanistan
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama, who pledged during his campaign to shift U.S. troops and resources from Iraq to Afghanistan, has done little since taking office to suggest he will significantly widen the grinding war against a resurgent Taliban.
On the contrary, Obama appears likely to streamline the U.S. focus with an eye to the worsening economy and the cautionary example of the Iraq war that sapped political support for President George W. Bush.
"There's not simply a military solution to that problem," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said last week, adding that Obama believes "that only through long-term and sustainable development can we ever hope to turn around what's going on there."
Less than two weeks into the new administration, Obama has not said much in public about what his top military adviser says is the largest challenge facing the armed forces. The president did say Afghanistan and Pakistan are the central front in the struggle against terrorism, a clue to the likely shift toward a targeted counterterrorism strategy.
After Obama's first visit to the Pentagon as president, a senior defense official said the commander in chief surveyed top uniformed officers about the strain of fighting two wars and warned that the economic crisis will limit U.S. responses. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because Obama's meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff was private.
Obama said he wants to add troops to turn back the Taliban, but he has not gone beyond the approximately 30,000 additional forces already under consideration by the previous administration. Those troops will nearly double the U.S. presence in Afghanistan this year. But they amount to a finger in the dike while Obama recalibrates a chaotic mishmash of military and development objectives.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates last week warned of grandiose goals in Afghanistan, prescribing a single-minded strategy to prevent Afghanistan from being a terrorism launching pad.
"Afghanistan is the fourth or fifth poorest country in the world, and if we set ourselves the objective of creating some sort of Central Asian Valhalla over there, we will lose," Gates said, referring to a haven of purity in Norse mythology. "Nobody in the world has that kind of time, patience or money, to be honest."
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