Wow. If this doesn't send a signal of weakness to the islamic terrorists and thug islamic regimes across the world, nothing will. President Barack Hussein Obama has granted his first formal interview as POTUS to an Arab news outlet, Al-Arabiya and proceeded to not only apologize to the islamic world for America's past actions but also minimized the islamic threat to the world. Some of us thought Obama would be a bit more subtle in his efforts to surrender on the war on terror, some of us figured he'd wait about a year before his strategy to dhimmify America...looks like we were surprised again. Here's some of the details from Breitbart:
1. First of all, Mr. President, your JOB is to protect the American people, NOT run around to islamic leaders and assure them they are not at risk from our country.
2. The reason the U.S. dictates foreign policy is because we are a LEADER, not a spineless follower like you apparently have your heart set on becoming.
3. There isn't any mention of this in the article but I have seen the video of the interview that I posted here at Holger Awakens and in that interview, Obama refers to the Iranian push to attain nuclear weapons as "not helpful." Got that? - "not helpful" - boy, that outta send real shivers down the back of the Persians, huh? I'm sure they are on the brink of dismantling their weapons of mass destruction today what with that kind of powerful message from the new American President!
Let's face it, we have a President now who has not learned a single thing from history's lesson regarding radical islam. We have a President who is willing to forget 9/11 and thinks that since he has the speech-making prowess to woo 3 million ACORN volunteers, that he can make 3 billion islamists suddenly decide that they don't really want to kill us infidels.
I have no doubt in my mind that only an attack on America will set Obama's mind right on the islamic forces in this world, but the problem with that is this: how bad will our next attack be and also, will one attack be enough to knock some sense into this appeaser?
President Barack Obama on Tuesday chose an Arabic satellite TV network for his first formal television interview as president, delivering a message to the Muslim world that "Americans are not your enemy."My response? Well, here goes:
The interview underscored Obama's commitment to repair relations with the Muslim world that have suffered under the previous administration.
"My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy," Obama told the Saudi-owned, Dubai-based Al-Arabiya news channel.
"What I told him is start by listening, because all too often the United States starts by dictating," Obama told the interviewer.
1. First of all, Mr. President, your JOB is to protect the American people, NOT run around to islamic leaders and assure them they are not at risk from our country.
2. The reason the U.S. dictates foreign policy is because we are a LEADER, not a spineless follower like you apparently have your heart set on becoming.
3. There isn't any mention of this in the article but I have seen the video of the interview that I posted here at Holger Awakens and in that interview, Obama refers to the Iranian push to attain nuclear weapons as "not helpful." Got that? - "not helpful" - boy, that outta send real shivers down the back of the Persians, huh? I'm sure they are on the brink of dismantling their weapons of mass destruction today what with that kind of powerful message from the new American President!
Let's face it, we have a President now who has not learned a single thing from history's lesson regarding radical islam. We have a President who is willing to forget 9/11 and thinks that since he has the speech-making prowess to woo 3 million ACORN volunteers, that he can make 3 billion islamists suddenly decide that they don't really want to kill us infidels.
I have no doubt in my mind that only an attack on America will set Obama's mind right on the islamic forces in this world, but the problem with that is this: how bad will our next attack be and also, will one attack be enough to knock some sense into this appeaser?
Obama chooses Arab network for first TV interview
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday chose an Arabic satellite TV network for his first formal television interview as president, delivering a message to the Muslim world that "Americans are not your enemy."
The interview underscored Obama's commitment to repair relations with the Muslim world that have suffered under the previous administration.
The president expressed an intention to engage the Middle East immediately and his new envoy to the region, former Sen. George J. Mitchell, was expected to arrived in Egypt on Tuesday for a visit that will also take him to Israel, the West Bank, Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
"My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy," Obama told the Saudi-owned, Dubai-based Al-Arabiya news channel.
Obama said the U.S. had made mistakes in the past but "that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there's no reason why we can't restore that."
During his presidency, former President George W. Bush gave several interviews to Al-Arabiya but the wars he launched in Iraq and Afghanistan prompted a massive backlash against the U.S. in the Muslim world.
Obama called for a new partnership with the Muslim world "based on mutual respect and mutual interest." He talked about growing up in Indonesia, the Muslim world's most populous nation, and noted that he has Muslim relatives.
The new president said he felt it was important to "get engaged right away" in the Middle East and had directed Mitchell to talk to "all the major parties involved." His administration would craft an approach after that, he said in the interview.
"What I told him is start by listening, because all too often the United States starts by dictating," Obama told the interviewer.
The president reiterated the U.S. commitment to Israel as an ally and to its right to defend itself. But he suggested that both Israel and the Palestinians have hard choices to make.
"I do believe that the moment is ripe for both sides to realize that the path that they are on is one that is not going to result in prosperity and security for their people," he said, calling for a Palestinian state that is contiguous with internal freedom of movement and can trade with neighboring countries.
Obama also said that recent statements and messages issued by the al-Qaida terror network suggest they do not know how to deal with his new approach.
"They seem nervous," he told the interviewer. "What that tells me is that their ideas are bankrupt."
I hate to say it, but this nation is slipping back into that slumber it was in prior to 9-11. People have already forgotten that horrible day, and even worse than that, think that we actually did it! It will take another 9-11 to wake us back up, and I have a feeling the next one will make 9-11 look like an small IED.
Very well said, Jeff! I agree with you. We are once again, back asleep...and at the same time, we have a bunch of Americans in this country who NEVER DID feel any sting from 9/11 - we have Leftists here that WANT to see us destroyed.
And those Leftists need to be discovered, targeted and deported from this Land.
:Holger Danske
Obama was just addressing "His" people. You know, the ones from the same continent, and religion as himself.
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